QueryPal Get instant, AI-powered answers from your company knowledge

in #techlast month


Get instant, AI-powered answers from your company knowledge


Hunter's comment

Reclaim hours in your workweek with QueryPal, an AI chat assistant for Slack. It automatically answers questions using company data from Google Drive, Notion, Jira, Confluence, and more. It's easily customizable and secure. Try it out for free!
Why we built this
Throughout my career at Google, eBay, PayPal, and VMware, I witnessed a pervasive problem: teams drowning in an endless cycle of repetitive questions 🌪️, both within their own teams as well as from other teams in the organization.

As a leader, I saw firsthand how this drained productivity, stifled innovation, and left employees feeling stuck in a Groundhog Day loop. 🔁

The problem
In today's fast-paced work environment, the most valuable resource is human attention. But when teams spend 20% of their time answering the same questions over and over, that precious attention is squandered.

Vital knowledge is scattered across chat threads, docs, and files, forcing employees into a never-ending game of information hide-and-seek. And both the askers and the answerers suffer.

How it works
QueryPal is the lifeline your team needs. Our AI chatbot integrates seamlessly with your communication channels, using advanced language understanding to identify and auto-answer repetitive questions — in seconds.




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