How to Make Elder Flower PancakessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #cooking7 years ago

Pancakes made with fresh flowers from the elderberry bush! I look forward to these pancakes every year! Sometimes I make them in the kitchen and other times when I'm out camping. Come into my post if you want to see how!

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These elder flowers are delicate. One by one, the individuals flowers wouldn't be worth eating. But all together, off their green stems, they are so good, in so many ways!

Whether you call them elderberry flowers, elder flowers, or elder blow, they all are great to eat! This post applies to the Common Elderberry of the eastern United States, the Blue Elder of the western US, and the Black Elderberry of Europe because that are so closely related that they were recently combined into the same species, Sambucus nigra.

1. Harvest the Elder Flowers

Elderberry bushes usually have lots of big flower clusters. So it doesn't take long to harvest enough flowerheads to use for a lot of different things. But it's important to harvest them at the right time. The flavor of the elderberry flowers does not come from the petals or nectar - it comes from the flowers' pollen! So it's important to harvest the flowerheads at the stage when the pollen is fresh, not before the flowerbuds open up and not after the pollen is gone.

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I like to use a lot of elder flowers fresh. A close look at the flowerhead shows it is made of lots and lots of individual flowers. But the green parts of elderberry plants are not good for anybody to eat, so I rub the flowers off the flowerhead. I do get a little bit of the green stems in there, but not enough to worry about. I also try to make sure the bugs and spiders escape.

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Stripping all the flowers from the flowerheads gives me time to wax philosophical. So there's some irony that gets served up with theses pancakes, and here it is: You can't buy these fresh elderberry flowers, but if you have access to an elderberry bush in the wild or tucked away in your landscape, you can pick all the flowers you want - for free!

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2. Make The Batter

This is a simple recipe, with just 3 ingredients other than the fresh elder flowers. And all these ingredients are things that are easy to come by on a car camping trip: eggs, flour -- and left-over beer! The fresh elder flowers keep well in the refrigerator for a couple days, so you can pick them one day and use them later. Some of the flowers get a little darker, but it doesn't matter.

I started with beating 2 eggs, adding 1 cup of flour, and then just balancing out the beer and elder flowers until I got the consistency I wanted for pancakes. I used about 2 cups of elder flowers. Don't skimp on them!

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You can use any pancake recipe that won't overpower the elder flowers. So, no buckwheat pancakes, no banana pancakes, and no pumpkin pie spice pancakes!

3. Cook the Pancakes

Now it's time to cook the pancakes! Just pour the batter onto a hot skillet - I like cast iron. It doesn't matter whether you make little pancakes or big pancakes.

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Just don't overpower the elder flower pancakes with a lot of complicated toppings. I'm just using simple maple syrup - real maple syrup! With homegrown black raspberries on the side. How does it taste? Really good! Elder flower pancakes taste a lot like pine pollen or cattail pollen. It's a clean, nutty flavor. Really special. I think anyone would like these pancakes!

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If you want to listen to my taste review or a narrated walk-through of making these great pancakes, this hot link will take you to my video on Making Elderberry Flower Pancakes.

Plant List

  • Elderberry: Sambucus nigra
  • Common Elderberry: Sambucus nigra subspp. candadensis
  • Blue Elder: Sambucus nigra subspp. cerulea
  • Black Elderberry: Sambucus nigra

What Do You Think?

I hope you get a chance to make some pancakes with fresh flowers from the black elderberry, the common elderberry, or the blue elder. It is so worth the effort! These three kinds of elderberry bushes are just out there growing on their own, anyway. The flowers just have to be harvested!

  • Do you use Elder flowers for anything?
  • Do you have any Elder bushes near you?
  • Would you try my Elder Flower Pancakes?
  • Which would you like to see next - How to identify and harvest elder flowers or how to make elder flower tea?

I write about foraging because I believe that we can all have lives that are richer, more secure, more grounded, and more interesting by getting to know the plants and the land around us – in our yards, our parks, and our wilderness.

I would like Steemit to be the premier site for Foraging on the Internet! If you have any thoughts about foraging, or experiences to share, write a post and be sure to use the Foraging tag. And check out the @foraging-trail to see curated quality posts about foraging. Happy Foraging!

** Haphazard Homestead **

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*** foraging, gardening, nature, simple living close to the land ***

All content is 100% Haphazard Homestead!
My YouTube channel: Haphazard Homestead


Waaah! Looks amazing - I'm going to try that!!! I've only made cordial and also wine from the flowers. Also cordial from the fruit. I can nearly taste your pancakes already - ha ha, yes, left over beer shouldn't be a problem on a car camping trip!

from your profile pic..are you a vegetarian?
love your comment on this post...good one!

Ha ha, no I'm not. Although nearly effectively am, I probably eat meat on average once a month. The world and everyone's health would be better for it if everyone cut down (and if I'll be honest I do just love vegetables so much and eating a lot of meat doesn't suit my organism). I'm doing a PhD about the wild food scene in Brazil so I spend lots of time munching on random weeds, that's why I've got leaves in my mouth in my profile pic.

ohh...great academic
I am planning to start my phd next year on strategic management but still sourcing for full scholarship options...
since you love up my natural remedy for ear problems
i will update many more related articles

Good luck to you - PhDs aren't for the faint-hearted!!!!!

you can say it again...Phd are for those ready to pass through the academic crucibles of which I am ready willing and able to take head on...and is the journey going..
any for fully funded scholarship in North America?

I was already exhausted from three years of study before starting mine so didn't start ont eh right foot - then my project chnaged after a year and my supervisor retired after a long period of sick leave - it has all been a general disaster!!! But muddling along with it in my own way!

i feel msc was a supervisor dragged me for soo long..but as you know...research work is not an all comers affair...
still waiting for your answer for any idea on fully funded scholarship for phd research in North America...

Cordial and wine are good uses for elder flowers and the berries, too, for sure! I could try harder to not have left over beer, but when I know I can use it for pancakes, I don't feel like I have to drink it all at once. Do you see any of the Sambucus where you are now? As a genus, it has a pretty wide distribution.

No, haven't come across Sambucus here. For me it's a real memory of childhood, playing with the elder berries. My dad also made wine at one stage, but as far as I can remember he forgot about it and when he came across the dusty demijohns years later it was vinegar.

Uh-oh. At least when wine turns to vinegar, it's good for cleaning the windows, even if it doesn't taste good, lol.


Never had these before but I WANT TOO!
Looks super delicious. Very impressed with this post.
Keep up the great work!

Thanks, @quinneaker. Elder bushes are great for permaculture, they are so troublefree and productive. And they are native to your region. So you could probably get a few starts for free. You just need 2 varieties for cross-pollination or there won't be any elderberries. I"m sure you could work wonders with the elder flowers!

Oh man!
Sure we could. We make so many Uber Dank High Vibe Dishes!

That's an understatement, lol! ;D

hahahahhhaaha SOOOO true... Have u seen a lot of our Uber Dank Spreads then???
I have NEVER seen anywhere that is even close to the feasts we have on the regs....What a life!

Oh yes, I've seen some nice spreads on the @gardenofeden posts. You all have some feasts, alright!

ahhahahahahahahaa yea and we make a lot of awesome stuff with wildcrafted medicinals too!

I've seen some of those posts over these past 10 months. They are nice! They would be good for the @health-trail!

This is great. Straight from the farm to the kitchen. The final product is beautiful.
Thanks for sharing @haphazard-hstead

.. do stay in touch.

Thanks -- glad you enjoyed my Elder flower pancakes! I hope you get to have some yourself!

Wow @haphazard-hstead, this is the first time i am discovering this amazing recipe! We don't have elderberry in Mauritius, well I have never seen any!
We normally import elderberry syrup/liquor then we use in our recipe!
Always learning so many things from you!
Thank you

So you know one of the good final products of the elderberry! Even if you don't have the shrubs as a native plant in your region, I'm glad you can appreciate this great plant!

That is a cool idea to use them! We have one bush in a garden (in Poland) and I remember there was lots of them growing around near the fields.
We use the flowers to make sweet syrup (its good for colds) and the fruits for juice. Delicious stuff!

There is one wild plant that you know well! I'm glad you have enjoyed both the flowers and the fruit. It's a great plant!

Yep, I do know this one :).
But I don't see it here in Portugal unfortunately.

We will find something that you have around you, that you can identify and harvest, lol! I am motivated! ; )

I heard that Sedums are edible. I have those on a balcony ;)

You have a great balcony garden! I've never tried sedums. There's always more plants to eat! I know Norman had some on a sandwich over on Tsu, lol. But I still haven't tried them. Do you have Black Locust trees (Robinia pseudoacacia) in your part of Portugal?

It is not big, but I have some nice plants there. And it keeps changing since I don't know exactly what will grow in this climate and in a pot.
Looks like I should have just cacti and succulents :p

Yes, I remember Norman showing the sandwich and he told me that sedum is edible. But I don;t know if every sedum. I have some that have those little spikey leaves and some that have those bigger "normal" leaves. I am not sure so I am afraid to try it.

I think we do... There are some huge trees around that in spring bloom with those hanging white flowers. I didn't see the leaves - they are a bit far from the road. But it could be that...
But it could be Acacia. It wouldn't be a different name for your tree?

I think I could easily eat this for breakfast! These are amazing looking with only three ingredients! How do you come up with these yummy recipes? I actually have these flowers readily available! I may throw caution to the wind and try them! :)

Thanks again! You are so amazing!

Upped and Steemed

Thanks for the resteem, @dswigle! If you do try these, I'd really like a taste review! And Elder Flower tea is pretty easy and delicious, too!

That's a pretty simple recipe - maybe I have too much leftover beer, lol. I seem to make a lot of pancakes with leftover beer -- like this Two Pound Post-Party Pancake of Regret Recovery. These elder flower pancakes are a lot lighter!

Beautiful and lovely flowers! I personally like pancake! Your flower pancake looks good and yummy!

Thanks, @tangmo! I think you would like these pancakes. There is nothing bitter about them at all! :D

You're welcome! Yes, I really think so! ;)

This is really amazing, I just posted photos I took yesterday on the beach and the Elderflower is one couple of them. However I had no idea what type of flower it was until I saw you e post. Thank you, I learned something again.........upvoted 🌸💖🌸

Thanks for letting me know about your post! I referenced it in my latest post about How to Identify, Harvest, and Store Elder Flowers. You got the identification right! They are pretty unmistakable. And they are worth getting to know!

My Grandma does all sorts off stuff with it! LIVE HEALTHY! :)

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Your grandma knows what's good! :D

Yes she does... just waiting she wakes up.. and ill jump to her house for some breakfast, yes sir!

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I hope someday I can visit you and we can make all kinds of food together.

There's always plenty to eat here, thanks to all these plants!

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