Tea Garden From Retirement

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFElast year (edited)

Innovation in life. Let's get started.

After 18 long years of service, I felt I needed to do something. But I could not think of what to do. start I did stone business. I saw that the business is very good but the problem is that this business requires a lot of capital without having to leave money for a long time. It is not possible to do this business with small capital. Yet two years later I did business.
I used the capital that was used in business. But the stones are not sold on time. No, it's acceptable
It was not possible to do this business. I concentrated on farming. There are many tea companies near my house. Gardened Joined them. After hearing my talk, I was in a hurry to go to the tea garden enthusiasm. Because they have a tea factory as well as a tea garden. is I can give tea leaves to their factory. I liked their talk. I am a tea garden Hearing this, an official of Salilan Company came to meet me near my garden . This activity gave me a detailed idea about tea gardens. For example, what is the amount per acre ?Tea seedlings will be required, how many feet distance from one plant to another plant, and water for the garden during the monsoon season. What will be the drainage system, how should the drainage system be done, etc? The officer told me more He said that tea plantations are usually on high hills or hills. In our area, tea cultivation is on flat land
Planting tea trees should be kept in mind.
My plan:
My parents died long ago. Now my father is my elder brother. I will plant a tea garden
I told my elder brother about the plan. Because I know the age of a tea tree is roughly 70 to 100
Lives for years. After the death of my parents, our land has not been divided till now.
In the future, if the land is divided by road, I should not face any loss, so the elder brother's permission was taken My elder brother, however, did not object but only warned that gardening is all about work and depending on others. If you have the will, you can do it.
Meeting with tea officer:
With my elder brother's permission, I went out to meet the official of the tea company. I will create a garden and I am very happy to do it. I first called the tea worker on his mobile phone. He said, sir
He asked me to come there to the garden of the company. I met sir with a motorcycle
I did. I told sir everything that I had with my elder brother. He is very happy to hear
That officer personally loves me very much.
1st step:
Sir wanted to see the land where I will plant tea seedlings. Land to sir on my motorcycle
After seeing the land, he looked around the whole land and told him to cultivate it very well.
will be And apply a sufficient amount of cow dung before cultivation. What is said is what is done. I am dung the next day I employed 4 people for fertilizing. Sir is happy to see my interest but people around me he started making various rude comments. I can't do these things, tea cultivation is for people like us no. Many people mock me and say, Brother, did you become the owner of a tea garden? When did the factory start working? Many people were laughing at me. I was a little upset. I am that again I met the official. He saw me and said what happened to you. Your mind is so much
why bad I told everything to those who spoke against me. He called me you won't be upset. There are some people in society, who do nothing themselves, and if someone else wants them to do something.
can't stand You forget everything and bring tea seedlings tomorrow. You will see their face and talk
won't come out I came from there. But my mind was not good at all. I'm upset. My wife came to see what happened to you today, why do you look so black? Me I told him everything that had happened. Hearing all this, he laughed to himself for a long time. I am very angry. I was angry when I left the room, he held my hand and sat next to me. And started telling me, well, now tell me who you have satirized their homes and what they do. I would say their home is in the area and they are something like that does not hear this, he said, "Look who said what."
Go ahead and see the day you succeed then they will be your fame and what will happen to you the memories will shame them.
2nd step:
I liked my wife's words very much, as she said, I went to buy tea seedlings the next day. Also with Seedling, and NGS, I came The tea official was with me. He said to let the seedlings rest for a few days. For four or five days then we will plant the saplings. The seedlings should be watered in the morning and afternoon for these four or five days. As he said I took care of Chara.
Happy moment:
Today I am going to announce my dream tea garden. The day was Friday. Friday prayer in the mosque . After reading, I came to the tea plantation with some people. With my elder brother and the imam of the mosque I took Mr, I have already called the tea officer on the mobile phone. Everyone there is first he asked me to plant the sapling saying, Bismillah. I put it. Then everyone smiled. Of that time
I can't express my happiness in words.
A few days after planting, my mental state completely broke. I saw my favorite tea garden
It seems to be happening. The trees are drying up. The leaves are falling in a storm. I met the tea officer without further Delay I took him with me to my garden. He asked me to water irrigation as soon as possible. I hired people to irrigate that afternoon. I irrigated for three consecutive days. And with an irrigation pump, how much irrigation can be given? I need a lot of money and I don't have much money. I fell into despair I went. Seeing my condition, my wife tried to give me a lot of courage. Various famous people's life stories began to be heard. My mind can't be comforted by anything, I feel like I'm going crazy condition God's special mercy rained after two days at night. I couldn't sleep anymore. In when morning When will I go to see my tea garden? I got up very early in the morning and went to see the garden took The trees in my garden are playing in the morning breeze. It has been a good month without rain the trees have become weak again. I don't know what to do. A close friend of mine saw my mentality and came forward to help me. He said don't worry, you two people take the blackberry from the pond must be raised We two friends immediately arranged people. Picked up scraps from the pond and that's it. As soon as possible, I spread the litter in the garden.
The wait is over:
I realized in my own work that no effort goes in vain. By the grace of Allah, I have many gardens now Good. I can now extract tea leaves regularly. After forty and forty-five days I am a leaf in the garden no By the grace of Allah, my garden is much better than other gardens. You pray for me
And yes you are welcome to visit the tea plantations in the plains.

This is my achievement 1 verified link:

 last year 

It's great to hear that you have a plan to utilize your family's land by planting a tea garden. It's important to have open communication with your elder brother about the plan and work together to find a fair and equitable way to divide the land. Planting a tea garden is a long-term investment and can provide sustainable income for years to come. Best of luck with your project!

Thanks 🙏

 last year 

Thank you for your valuable comment. My elder brother is my biggest guardian for me. He is a guide for me. Inshallah, I hope to do better things in the future. Please support me like this. And again Thank you so much

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