garryliew resteemeddanieldoughty (64)in #steemhunt • 7 years agoAir 33 - Electric Bike Design for Urban MobilityAir 33 Electric Bike Design for Urban Mobility Screenshots Hunter's comment If you ever…garryliew (47)in #teammalaysia • 7 years ago泰囧之旅(第二集)哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。。。我又来了,又是Show off 的时间到了。。。这次的旅游让我体会到各方面为人父母的感觉和感受,也学习到如何和自己还有兄弟的小朋友沟通。…garryliew (47)in #teammalaysia • 7 years agoShow off time 我又来了大家好,好久不见了。。。自从台湾回家过后就没有Post 文了,今天来show off 一下给大家猜猜我这次在那里😀😀😀…garryliew resteemedsocky (72)in #steemit • 7 years agoHere is What YOU Can Do to Boost The Price of STEEM!Please join us to get STEEM & SBD on as many exchanges as possible. The number of exchanges that STEEM and SBD are…garryliew (47)in #teammalaysia • 7 years ago洗眼睛,洗眼睛大家好,小弟又来了。。。今天的任务就是(洗眼睛)😂😂😂😂…garryliew (47)in #teammalaysia • 7 years agoHeaven n paradise今天来给大家介绍一个环境非常好的一个地方,就是清境…garryliew (47)in #teammalaysia • 7 years ago吃啊。。。吃啊。。。吃啊。。。今天才第二天嘢。。。已经吃到不行了,这么办, 不吃又好像对不起自己,吃了又对不起肚子,还真烦了。。。😅😅😅…garryliew (47)in #teammalaysia • 7 years ago工作加旅行就在开始好久。。。好久。。。好久。。。没有飞了。。。今天6天5晚旅行加工作的旅途终于到来了。。。…garryliew (47)in #teammalaysia • 7 years ago把愤怒化为食欲最近出现很多牛头马面,蛇神鬼怪的人,严重影响到我的心情和情趣。所以今晚就来一个非一般的晚餐来搞赏自己。…garryliew (47)in #teammalaysia • 7 years agoAm back 我回来了大家好,好久不见了。。。最近比较忙与团体的工作,所以停顿了好几天。 Hiii everyone long time no see😀😀 finally am back to the track. Been busy for fee…garryliew resteemedronja1 (52)in #introduction • 7 years agoHappy Days for Steem and Crypto´sAs steem , bitcoin and other cryptos are seeing more sunlight, there is cause for joy hence the below dance step…garryliew resteemedbitrocker2020 (77)in #steemit • 7 years agoGonna talk about Steemit soonGonna talk about The Steem blockchain at a blockchain talk soon . 😁😁 Steepshot IPFS IOS Android Webgarryliew resteemedshirlylee (41)in #cn-malaysia • 7 years ago有人说子女的生日是母亲的受难日……十月怀胎,使一个肉眼都看不见受精卵发育成健康活泼的婴儿,这其间,妊娠反应,食欲不振,体形变化,体重增加,分娩阵痛,体形变臃肿了,容貌变难看了,还有心理上对未出生的孩子的种种担忧,作母亲的要忍受多少痛苦!…garryliew (47)in #teammalaysia • 7 years agoI wish am back to the futureToday is a special day for me n my wife, at 9years ago today we both officially become daddy n mummy. Is are wonderful…garryliew (47)in #teammalaysia • 7 years ago继续玩,不要停,玩就是我的工作沙巴亚庇第一家5星级酒店,香格里拉丹绒亚路。今天带着一班应该可以说是1000岁团从这里私人码头出发去海岛玩。…garryliew resteemedfollowbtcnews (67)in #steem • 7 years agoATTN: Posting Keys May be Compromised on Some Apps-UPDATE UPDATEIn the past couple hours we have noticed strange voting behaviors coming from lots of accounts and it seems some app…garryliew (47)in #teammalaysia • 7 years ago不要停,继续玩,继续买看到这几张就像跟大家分享分享一下我们这批阿牛出城记的丑事情😅😅😅如果给我这般兄弟看到我这篇文章他们肯定会杀死我。。。哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。。。开玩笑的啦🤣🤣🤣…garryliew resteemedjrcornel (84)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoGoldman Sachs To Open Bitcoin Trading OperationGoldman Sachs announced yesterday that they would be opening a bitcoin trading operation. This is a 180 degree turn…garryliew (47)in #teammalaysia • 7 years ago沙巴癌症患者中心筹款晚会这是一年一度的为癌症患者以及老人志愿福利筹款活动。这次是我人生第一次参加这么高贵典雅和上流社会人士,个行業的专科人士以及高层的政治人士一同享用晚餐。同时也请来了当时70 年代非常火红的歌星Boney M 一起来演奏和筹款.…garryliew (47)in #teammalaysia • 7 years ago公司一年一度的化妆晚会我们旅行社每一年都会举办一个化妆晚会,每年的主题都不一样,所以这次我们就来個不一样的主题东南西北鬼装。…