PURSUANCE PROJECT | Barrett Brown Reveals New Research Platform

in #news7 years ago (edited)

The World's First Comprehensive Framework For Process Democracy.


Yesterday Barrett Brown hosted an Ask Me Anything (AMA) on the Wikileaks subreddit. This was to publicize his new open source research platform, Pursuance Project. The proposed platform lets users collaboratively work together in a structured and safe and secure environment. Barrett describes the platform as a 'cohesive yet agile network of opposition to criminalize institutions' that aims to 'help activists and non-profits to cooperate more efficiently'. It works by allowing users to set up a central research hub called a 'pursuance' which you can add people and research material to via permissions. A pursuance hub is were you can outline your research briefs, ideas and presentations. This then gets published into the 'universe' which other users can then search, use and interact with.

The pursuance system is the world's first comprehensive framework for process democracy. That is, it allows individuals with no prior relationship to self-organize into robust, agile entities governed via a "proceduralism of agreement." These entities, called pursuances, in turn engage and collaborate among themselves to whatever extent they choose, leading ultimately to a vast and formidable ecosystem of opposition to institutionalized injustice.

The ideas and ethos behind the Pursuance Project are simple. Since the advent of the internet people have been able to instantly communicate freely with anyone, anywhere at anytime which has allowed then to quickly build up strong online friendships, networks, and identities. As we see with other online fringe research groups such as parts of 4chan and Reddit structured unity can be a very effective and powerful thing but they weren't designed for it and are heavily censored and monitored. With internet censorship becoming more restrictive by the day people will need a place like this to allow them to securely share and collaborate in research efforts. In an article posted to the Pursuance Projects website Barrett writes:

How the next few decades unfold will depend on who takes best advantage of this unlimited power to recruit and organize. This is now sufficiently apparent that large numbers of reasonable and capable people, given a viable opportunity, may be convinced to enter the arena.

Barrett Brown

Barrett Brown first gained notoriety in 2013 whilst working as a freelance writer for outlets like Vanity Fair and The Guardian. Before this he was involved with the online hacktivist group Anonymous who were assisting the Tunisian revolution. Shortly after Anonymous hacked and leaked 70,000 emails from Stratfor, a US intelligence contractor, which Anonymous accused of spying on them and their network. The hacked data-dump revealed a group calling themselves Team Themis made up of Palantir, HBGary Federal, and other firms. Barrett describes this group as having "black propaganda" capabilities that proposed disinformation, intimidation and hacking of activist groups such as Code Pink, Wikileaks and its supporters.

He was later arrested and charged with 11 accounts of of aggravated identity theft for copying and pasting a link from one IRC chat room to another which he believed at the time contained more e-mails, but in fact contained credit cards details. Barrett faced 22 years for that one link alone. The DOJ later dropped those and other charges, and he plead guilty to one count of internet threats, one of interference with a search warrant, and one of accessory after the fact. He was also ordered to pay over $800,000 in restitution to Stratfor. He was released November 29, 2016, and is now fully committed to the Pursuance System Project.

Anonymous' Barrett Brown Is Free—and Ready to Pick New Fights | Wired - 12/21/2016

Pursuance Project

The first inception of this idea came in 2009 when Barrett set up a website called Project PM. His 2012 blog post explains the initial concept.

In 2009, I began recruiting individuals with a variety of backgrounds for an experimental online group, the initial purpose being to conceive and put into play new dynamics by which to improve information flow on the internet, as well as to develop new methods of practical online collaboration.

Barrett calls this particular variety of 'process democracy' Pursuance and describes it as a server-based ecosystem of collaboration and self-governance in which all participants will have equal opportunity to create and join.

Pursuances structured entities best thought of as evolvable organizational charts, with a wide range of customization available, as well as the ability for individual pursuances to link up in various ways; indeed, the ultimate goal of this process, which will provide a superior means by which to organize collaborative activism, is to eventually give rise to a sort of technocratic super-organism capable of confronting criminalized institutions and ultimately rolling them back.

The Pursuance structure is described as being a 'vast three-dimensional space in which each participant is represented by a floating sphere'. Any sphere can create or join a pursuance. Once a pursuance is created it will be shown as a box connected to your sphere in the 'universe'. This box represents the source code or DNA of the pursuance. As your Pursuance grows you can add more spheres (people) to your box by granting them certain permissions. This is all tied together with a user dashboard and visualized space. For more technical detailed descriptions of how it works go here.

Finally as you've been reading this I expect you have been wondering if this platform has been built on Blockchain technology. Well unfortunately the answer is no at the moment as one of the devs explained in the Reddit AMA.


Reddit AMA

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I was commenting to @rebelskum about how DIN and Pursuance were very similar and it the best way. I think it will be very beneficial to have several platforms to work through and like you point out perhaps they can even integrate with each other. Really exciting times!


Ah nice youve already picked up on it.
Ill add it to the related posts. thanks

This is big, this could be what upends government as a whole. Anarchy will be run by decentralized machine systems

yes. This will be part of it for sure.

Thank you. Yes @rebelskum has done some great groundwork. As I was researching Pursuance I was thinking of RebelSkums project. It feels like it could be merged in some way.

" Barrett describes this group as having "black propaganda" capabilities that proposed disinformation, intimidation and hacking of activist groups such as Code Pink, Wikileaks and its supporters."

Can confirm this, have seen with own eyes. Private investigators/pinkertons/stratfor are active in a ton of public spaces, trying to entrap people, gather information on them. I believe my reddoot account was silo'd because I started speaking up about my experiences, which have definitely amplified in number and intensity this year.

There are now secret police in America, we wouldn't know anywhere near as much about them without Barrett. His writing is also excellent. If everyone had the same level of commitment to freedom, we wouldn't be where we are.

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