Time of Magic and the Choice (An Original Short Story)

in #story8 years ago

As suggested to me in a previous post I made regarding this first ebook I wrote, I am posting it directly into steemit. However my original post offers a pdf download and a paypal donation link :)

Hope everyone enjoys the story and please leave comments and questions! I love to hear from you all regarding all I post. -FitMama <3

Upon awaking on the cool crisp morning of October 31, all hallows eve, she spied something moving in the corner of her room. It was still dark being a fall morning, summer had long gone, but the shadows definitely shifted. Instead of cowering in her bed she jumped up quick and ran to switch on the bedroom light. Nothing, not even an indication something had been there in the first place. She sighed with relief and went on with her morning ritual, and then out to the kitchen for a hot coffee.

Searching the newest posts on her favourite blogging site, she spied articles about the corrupt governments, the move to global takeover of the United Nations. Many articles were that of people sharing their thoughts and dreams, inspiring all who read them. She appreciated the materials and also adding to the content as well. This world is going to hell, she thought. This holiday morning many posts were about the real history of Halloween, sacrifices and witchcraft. These were the articles she wanted to read but she didn't have much time to get into them this morning. There were things she needed to do today as she has plans to go out later on with her girlfriends. Her boyfriend would be joining them as well but he will be working on this night, it was frustrating to her, but it is what it is. She can't live her life based on what other people are doing, her life is her own.

Drina is an ambitious woman who doesn't like it when things don't go the way she would like them to; stubborn with high expectations for her own life. If she loved someone it is with depth and passion and is the same if she feels the opposite. Throughout her life she has had sensitivities to others emotions, psychic moments and felt a deep power and strength inside. What it all meant she didn't have a clue, but it was always there simmering beneath the surface. She picked up her cell phone and texted her friend Shannon, it was time to run out for some last minute accessories. A stupid idea really as Halloween is the worst day to go to the Halloween store, but after the busy and frustrating week she had just endured, a crowded store couldn't dim her excitement for a much needed night out. As she got up from the stool set beneath the breakfast bar, she thought she saw something move out of the corner of her eye. Off to the right of where she was standing, a movement among the shadows of the blinds coming off of the back door. Giving her head a shake, she pushed the stool back in, took her mug to the kitchen sink and rinsed it. Grabbing her coat, purse and keys, she set off for the Spirit of Halloween store.

"Honestly, next year we shouldn't leave this to the last minute." Shannon said to Drina as they ducked and swerved through the sea of people. The store was filled with screaming children and arguing adults. Young girls looking for the smallest costumes they could find. When did Halloween become a tramp parade thought Drina, but as she thought about it, Shannon said out loud, "When did Halloween become about wearing the least amount of clothing?” They both laughed and finally came across the accessories isle, it carried the bits and pieces they needed to complete their costumes. Shannon decided to be a wolf, well sort of a wolf. She doesn't ever wear a full costume, mainly accessories and a black outfit. Drina had decided on Maleficent from the newest version of Sleeping Beauty. Although she didn't agree with the new version of the movie. The message in it is about turning a villain into the hero. This concept didn't sit well with her, but she loved the costume. Drina was sifting through the different type of horns searching for just the right ones when she let out a gasp.
"Hey! What was that about?" Shannon asked laughing, "One of the horns jump out at you?"
"No, no nothing really." Drina replied, "Honestly, it was nothing just spooked by the Halloween creepy stuff all over the place, maybe a prankster." She continued half laughing. What Drina didn't speak about were the eyes that looked right into hers from the other side of the accessories rack. They were not normal eyes, faded and transparent but staring right back into her eyes. Giving her head shake, she thought it's probably someone playing around with the contacts available for costumes. After fighting through the crowd and waiting an unfathomable amount of time in the line up to get their stuff, they decided on lunch.
"So back in the store there, I really think someone was just pranking me." Drina started to talk about what happened earlier, she was feeling uneasy still.
"It must have been a good prank," Shannon laughed, "you really freaked out, even if it was just for a second." This time Shannon looked a bit worried but still smiled.
"Yes, but I believe someone was just trying out their costume a little early, no big deal, but…" Drina trailed off.
"Yes, but what?" Shannon asked.
"You will probably think I am crazy." Drina replied.
"I already think you are crazy." Shannon retorted
"Ha ha very funny, but seriously, this morning I could have sworn I saw a shadow move in the corner of my bedroom but when I flipped on the light, nothing. Then as I was finished drinking coffee in my kitchen, again I saw movement in the shadows of my blinds on the floor." Drina had paled as she spoke about what she remembered.
"I think a good night of dancing and some shots may be what you need." Shannon smiled. But she felt a bit worried for her friend. More worried than she would share.

At home, Drina was laying out her costume when her phone rang. She looked to see who it was and it was someone she can never say no to.
"Hello." she answered her phone with a big smile.
"What's up crazy?" Branin said to her. It always made her laugh because it was a private joke between the two of them. Their relationship wasn't the most ideal situation but because of their feelings, they made it work. Sometimes it did drive her crazy.
"Are you still going out tonight? Have time to come see me before you go meet your friends?" He asked her.
"I always have time for you, and I will be in my costume so you can see it since I won't be spending Halloween with you."
"Hey, I know it's hard but I have to work, need the money right now." Branin sympathized.
"Yeah I understand." Drina was frustrated, but she wasn't going to let it ruin her night. they spoke a little bit longer about his day and about hers, although she left out the things she saw not wanting him to think she was actually crazy.

Drina was putting the final touches of her makeup on and admiring herself in the mirror when something weird began to happen. The mirror seems to shift before her eyes, moving like ripples of water. Then the eyes appeared in front of her, definitely not a Halloween prank. She couldn't move, her feet felt glued to the floor and she watched the eyes become a face, then a head, and in the next moment a hooded figure climbed out of the mirror. Finally, her feet moved from the spot she seemed to be cemented to, and she took off for the front door, but the figure stood before her blocking her path.
"What do you want?" Drina asked. The figure had a cloak over their head. Head titled to the side, it looked at her deeply in her eyes. It appeared to be searching for something and then disappeared.
"Oh my god." Drina said gasping for air. What had just happened could not be explained. How could she even speak about this to anyone, no one could possibly believe her. Carefully and on high alert she made her way back to her bathroom to see if the mirror was gone or broken or in some way affected by what had happened. Nothing, no indication of any shifting mirror or mysterious person coming out of it.
"I need a psychiatrist." Drina mumbled to herself. She grabbed her keys and left the house, heading into the city to meet her boyfriend.
"You look really good! Nice costume."
"Thanks." Drina said.
"You okay? What’s up?" Branin asked.
"I'm fine, really, nothing is up. Guess I'm just worked up with a lot of excitement to go out tonight." Drina replied.
"Well make sure you dance a lot, you need this. It always helps you relax when you go dancing." He had a really worried look on his face, not believing that she is just excited to go out.

Shannon and Drina, plus a couple other ladies, made their way into the crowded bar. So many costumes tonight. The scantly clad ones of course, and on many who shouldn't wear them, but to each their own. The bar patrons wore a plethora of different costumes, funny, scary, and just plain unoriginal. Her costume was a full body black suit with tall black boots with a slight heel and great black wings. On her head was a set of long curvy horns she managed to find when in the store earlier that day. She did her best to copy the makeup from the movie, but without putty for the face to accentuate the cheek bones, it wasn't as near what she had envisioned.
The ladies bought drinks and started dancing, eventually the horns and wings came off. Socializing with other bar patrons and turning down many offers to dance by men, Drina began to feel a little bit tipsy and overwhelmed. She decided it was time to stop drinking, not wanting to get drunk, that wasn't what she came for. Looking out from the dance floor she saw the eyes again, green with golden flecks in them. The figure had followed her and with everyone in costume, no one could imagine this cloaked individual could be anything more than a local celebrating Halloween.
"Hey!" Shannon hollered at Drina.
Drina jumped, "Oh, hey sorry. I thought I saw something."
"You were standing there for like five solid minutes. What is going on? Do you need to go home?" Shannon asked with deep concern.
"Yes, no, I don't know but come outside with me I need to tell you something." Drina grabbed Shannon’s arm not giving her a choice.
"Okay so what the hell is going on!" Shannon asked Drina as she watched her pace back and forth, trying to figure out how to say it all aloud.
"I think I am in danger or being stalked by magic or literally going insane." Drina finally said.
Shannon just stared at her in disbelief.
"I saw those eyes again in my mirror and they turned into a face, head and neck and finally into a person.….a whole person! That person came out of my mirror!" Continued Drina.
Shannon continued to stare. She didn't know what to say and Drina started pacing again.
"I know it sounds crazy. Yes I am under a lot of pressure and yes, life is not what I want it to be but seriously this is messed up and I wish I made it up! It could make a great story." Drina exclaimed, while running her hands through her sweaty locks of hair.
Her head began to swim and she was getting really upset. Drina contemplated jumping into the closest cab and going to the safety of her home. But she was afraid to go home now, her sanctuary was violated. She stopped pacing and faced the parking lot, back to her friend and then across the row of cars, there stood the hooded, cloaked figure.
"Shannon, please tell me you see what I see?" Drina asked in a barely audible voice.
"Oh my god." Whispered Shannon.

At once there was a loud clap and thunder and rain started pouring down. Frozen in her spot, Drina stayed where she was but Shannon yelled for her to come inside. Drina didn't move. Shannon wanted to stay but was getting drenched. Drina told her friend to go inside the bar, "I will be in soon." Alone to face the figure, her phone started to ring but when she went to answer it, it flew out of her hand across the parking lot, landing in a heap of circuits and metal.
"What do you want?!" She yelled at the cloaked stranger.
"To speak to you, to help you." The figure sounded far away and disembodied like it was speaking here but from somewhere else at the same time.
"Help me?" Her teeth were chattering and she felt like she would never be warm again.
The mysterious cloaked figured made their way towards her and as it did she felt warmth. She could see as it drew near it was dry, no rain had touched the cloak. Now standing face to face, eye to eye, the figure raised it hands and drew back the hood. The rain had stopped but only in the surrounding diameter of where the person stood. Drina gasped as she looked into her own face.
"I don't understand…" Drina trembled but not from the cold but from the fear.
"You Drina, have a destiny important to this world, and I have come to give you some advice." Her twin continued, "Time of this world is short and only a few were born who can survive what is coming. You are one of them. Your friends, family and any other loved ones in your life do not have this ability. When you were born, you were born with a gifted soul, a witches soul and tonight, you are to learn your true path."
Drina didn't know how to respond, she wanted to run but was intrigued. She wished Branin was here to save her from herself and her fate. Then she thought about the catastrophic proportion this actually meant. The world would soon end!
"What do you mean the time for this world is short? Is the no way to save it?" Drina yelled with fear.
"I have come from the future, from this world after the cataclysm hits, but to tell you, you can…"
"No, forget it. I won’t hear anymore. None of this is real. A stupid prank!" Drina yelled and she bolted, running through the rain and all the way back home. Her phone having been destroyed she had no way to call her friends to let her know she is at home. How do you tell your friend some prankster predicted the end date of life on this planet. She supposed it is Halloween after all, and has to be a prank. But then why didn't it feel like a prank and if it really is, it was the worst kind.

Drina was cold. Deciding a shower would be a good way to warm up and calm down, she took off her wet costume and climbed into a hot shower. The water felt wonderful on her frozen skin and she inhaled the steam with deep calming breathes. Maybe she should have listened instead of running home. Maybe someone would have jumped out and said , “Gotcha!”. She sat down on the bottom of the bathtub to allow the water to rush over her. She always felt calm relief in the rushing water. The rain outside made her relaxed, a bath would always do the same. Thinking about this a little bit longer, the water connection to the pouring rain outside the bar, and looking into her own face. How did the prankster acquire such a likeness to her own face, makeup she reasoned. Had to be a great makeup artist. Could it have been real? The more moments that passed from the experience, the less it seemed real.
Finally she turned the tap off and climbed out of the shower into her warm soft oversized bath towel. Wiping the condensation off of the mirror she could see the running makeup from her costume. In all the excitement she had completely forgotten her purse, wings and horns at the bar. I'm sure one of my friends will grab them for me she thought. Slipping into her bathrobe, she made her way through the adjoining bathroom door into her room. She felt much calmer, and planned to turn on the television to watch something completely mind numbing. She stopped dead in her tracks, Branin was sitting on her bed.
"You scared the hell out of me, I didn't hear you come in." She said but her face wore a smile.
"I let myself in, is that okay?" Branin asked.
"Sure of course, you are always welcome" She replied. But thinking about it she was sure to have locked the front door and her bedroom door. This was a habit of hers, always locking the doors because she lives alone.
"I didn't lock the front door?" She looked at him. A sinking feeling rose in her chest.
"I had hoped it wouldn't go this way Drina but I guess it will." He grabbed for her but she jumped out of his reach.
"What the hell are you doing?" Drina exclaimed.
"You need to come with me now." He said menacingly.
Drina made her way to the bedroom door but he grabbed her from behind. He was a whole foot taller than her and almost double that in width and muscle mass, but somehow she managed to break free and head into the hallway. She looked behind her and she must have hit him hard in the face because he had a bleeding lip.
"Stop, what are you doing? I don't understand!" She was sobbing now, so confused that the person she loved was attacking her. The man before her shifted into a creature, slouching and drooling. It was dark green and had vibrant yellow eyes. Some sort of beast, not of this world. Drina’s eyes grew and she let out a blood curdling scream! It shattered all windows and caused the creature to recoil, spread great wings and fly out the nearest window. Drina collapsed to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably and there she stayed until the next morning.

"Drina?! Are you here?" It was Branin, but sounded as though he was too far away for his voice to be real. He bent over her, pulled her gently into her arms and stroked her hair back away from her face. She has some tiny cuts on her face and neck from the glass shattering. Drina opened her eyes when she felt the warm arms surround her and she screamed, not the blood curdle from the night before, but in fear.
"Drina what is wrong? Calm down, it's okay." He was gentle even with the strength he had in his arms and hands from years of training and hard work.
"It's okay." He repeated but his eyes showed concern. He came in to see glass every where and it was hard to step through the place without crunching under his feet. When Drina realized he was really who he claimed to be, she started crying. He held her until she was finished.
Having dressed and calmed down Drina sat beside him on the edge of her bed.
"Okay so who do I have to kill? What the hell happened here last night? Did you have a party?" He was worried, angry and it was understandable.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." She replied.
"Try me." He challenged. Drina told him everything from the first time she saw a shadow move up until the events of the past night.
"Okay, thank you for telling me." He got up and paced thoughtfully.
"That was a beast you faced last night, this means a new danger is alive." He stared into her eyes.
"Excuse me??" Drina said barely above a whisper.
"I am your guardian. Drina, we were meant to be together, destined I guess you could say, from birth. I was born to protect you" He stated quickly. Drina didn't know what to say at this revelation. Not only his confession but this solidified that the past night was real. She really saw herself and was attacked by a beast disguised as her boyfriend.
"I just need a few minutes." She felt the room, and her life spinning out of control. Gripping the soft comforter on her bed was the only thing keeping her in reality.
"I understand." Branin said. He took a walk to the nearby coffee shop to get them something to eat and drink. When he got back he found her in the kitchen just staring out of the window overlooking the park. Kids were playing with so much vigour and life. It pained her heart to think this could be ending and soon. Paying no attention to the chill from the smashed windows, she turned to look at him when he came through the front door. He loved her beautiful face and sharp eyes and gave him so much pain to see her hurt and upset.
"Hey, I got you a coffee thought you may need the boost and a little treat because I know you like to eat junk food" He said with a small smile, one he gave only to her. She was sure it was really him now. Suddenly there was a low rumble, and they both looked at each other.
"What was that?" Drina asked him.
"We need to get out of here now, you are in danger." He softly told her, "There is a place we need to go to protect you, it is near our cabin."

They were in his car, speeding through the city, and heading towards the mountains. He sped them to their favourite cabin, in which they escaped reality, to be together. This was her favourite place to be, in the mountains, and near the water and in the shadows of the great evergreen trees. She was always drawn to this place, and nature, having felt as though she had been here before many, many times. It was home in her heart. Climbing out of the car he said, "Get into the cabin, wait by the fire place, and I'll explain when I come in." She didn't ask him why but just decided to go along as another rumble was felt beneath her. When he came in through the front cabin door he was carrying a couple back packs.
"Here is yours." Branin handed a knapsack to Drina, she accepted it and looked inside. There was food, extra clothes and water.
"You really were prepared." Drina was feeling very confused. Was his feelings for her real or had all of this just been he had been destined by birth. And protect her from what, snarling monsters?
"I’m ready for those explanations." She looked him in the eyes and he could feel the radiation of power come off of her.
"You are right and I will give them to you, but first tell me, what did you tell yourself back at the bar, the rain muffled all you were saying. Even when I saw you yell, I could not here you."
"You were there last night?! Then where were you when that beast attacked me?! Are you that beast?! How stupid am I to have come here!" Drina made for the door, he gently stopped her even though she struggled. He pulled her into a tight hug. Not knowing what to believe anymore, Drina relented and went back to the couch.
"Let me get a fire going and then I will explain to you best I can okay? Calm down crazy." He pulled what she expected to be kindling from his knapsack only to have a spark fly out the end and start a soft glowing warm fire. Drina looked in disbelief, she had always wondered if magic was real, wondered if the feelings simmering below the surface were something more than just drive and desire for more in life.
"So you have magic and are my guardian?" Drina asked Branin.
"No I have stick that carries power, and I am a gladiator meant to protect you, that is all." Replied Branin.
"And you where were you, Branin the Gladiator, when that beast attacked me?" Branin replied, “Outside fighting off the ones coming to help the one you had in your house. Thankfully you let some of your own magic erupt and drive them off."
"My magic?" Drina said, shocked by his statement.
"Yes, you are from a very ancient line of witches. Protectors of all life on this planet. So I ask again, what did you say to yourself outside of the bar last night?"
"I said this world will come to an end soon, or something like that. Honestly, I had a hard time comprehending what I said." Drina was scratching her head trying to remember all she told herself, but it wouldn't come to mind.
"Oh, that is not what I was hoping to hear and can't be right. The destruction of life spell is an ancient myth since there hasn't been anyone with enough power born in our time to invoke it." Branin stated.
"Unless someone was and well hidden by the cloaked ones." And with that statement, another rumble only louder this time. Before Drina could ask about the cloaked ones, the fire blew out in the hearth. They stopped dead in their tracks and looked at each other.
"Did you do that?" They asked in unison. Looking back at the fire place, a rush of air blew strong and fast, pushing them back to the couch set across from the hearth. Drina felt something deep inside her stomach, a feeling of intense unease and power. Standing tall in the face of the wind she fell into a trance and her hands came out in front of her, it was as though someone had taken control of over her. The wind stopped with a thud against the palms of her hands and with a shove the gusts went back up and out of the chimney to explode above the cabin. Whatever had caused that intense wind would have been blown high into the sky.
"The beasts. They will be back and soon." said Branin and with that he grabbed his pack and hers, "Time to go, now, out the back door down the path. Remember that waterfall we went to the last time we came?"
"Yes." She answered with a blush touching her cheeks, but quickly, she pushed the memory away.

Making their way down the winding and heavily wooded path, every time Drina lifted her hand to move a reaching branch, it moved away without her laying a finger onto it.
"This is just bizarre." she mumbled. If Branin heard her, he didn't comment.
"Okay so let me try to understand what is happening." She prodded him, "I am from an ancient line of witches and the world is going to end and I am protected from this destruction spell? Does this sum it up?"
"Kind of, you are all of those things but there is said to be a way to stop the world from destruction. This is why I was hoping you would tell yourself what that was before you ran off." explained Branin.
"It scared the hell out of me, what could you expect? You know everything that has been happening or will happen or whatever, but I just got the shock of my life and now everything is changed. I don't even know anymore if what we…." said Drina.
Branin stopped her and turned her to face him, swiping a piece of her hair that had fallen in her eyes, he said, "You have no idea how very real we have become." He kissed her deeply and passionately. Standing in the embrace for only mere seconds but felt like an eternity.
"How could I not fall in love with such a crazy and all powerful witch?" He gave her that special smile and then started back down the path. Drina moved past him to continue leading the way and move the branches and clear the path ahead. She just couldn't shake the uneasy sensation creeping in her gut.

Out they came to a clearing with a stunning and vibrant blue pond. The waterfall cascading down, loud and fast. The water seemed to be a different shade of blue than she remembered maybe because it was a completely different season. Last time they came out to the mountains, it was middle of Summer. Crouching on the shore next to the cool pool of water, she reached her fingers out to dip them in, to feel the connection. The water recoiled and moved away.
"What the…? Branin come here!" She called. When he reached her side, she did it again and showed him.
"There is a hidden chamber under the fall that we are meant to go into. You have the power to clear the water so we will find the path to the chamber entrance." Branin explained, "This is where we will keep you safe and we better move from here before any beasts show up." Taking Drina by the arm and standing her up, he gestured to the pond of water but she didn't really know what to do. Lifting her arms to place them outstretched towards the water, fingers spread wide, she closed her eyes to visualize the water clearing a path. It worked, the water began to recoil and separate into to great waves rising up overhead. A great loud rushing sound could be heard through the mountains as the water parted to reveal a cobble stone path hidden beneath the surface. It was just as Branin had explained. They began to walk towards the path, but from behind them came a horrendous screeling sound. Three beasts were flying towards them and coming in fast. Branin pulled out a sword.
"A freaking sword?! Who has a sword in this day and age?!" Drina exclaimed.
"You will love this sword once you see what I can do with it." Smiled Branin just as one beast swooped towards him, he sliced at it and took of half of a wing. Injured the beast flew off, out of control. Another snarling screeling creature came at Drina but she pushed out her hand and a blast of air catapulted it away from her and off into the trees. They looked for the third winged beast.
"Where is the other creature, I swear there were three not two." Drina said to Branin.
"I don't know but let's get moving and keep our eyes peeled." He said.

Arriving at the waterfall, Drina had to lift it with her magic so they could see the entrance. The cavern opening was barely big enough for Branin to fit his massive body through but he managed gain access to the chamber beyond.
"Almost had to wait outside." He laughed. Drina kind of laughed but she was having a hard time finding much humour through this whole ordeal and that sinking feeling in her stomach would not ease. Walking through the chamber, they saw many pictures on the cave walls. Reminiscent of what you would call cave man drawings but they were strange symbols and numbers. Drina came to a spot on the wall with 5 particular symbols. Drina ran a hand over them and they all lit up with a rainbow of colours and shimmered. Appearing to make them move along the wall.
"What is happening?"
"You, my dear, have just activated the destruction of life to this world" He smiled menacingly.
"What? Why are you happy about this?" she asked quietly with a deadly undertone. Now understanding what her instincts were telling her all along.
"This is what you wanted? You are not Branin." Drina realized. Taking a bow the imposter said, “No I am not, I am Andon."
"Where is Branin? What have you done to him?" Drina was getting angry, not scared now that she understood what power she had bestowed upon her by birth.
"Don't worry." Andon said as he ran a finger down her cheek and grabbed her chin, "He is here and I am sure he will love to know that I took a great deal of pleasure in showing you how much he loves you" Laughing he snapped his fingers.
“I captured Branin when he came back from the coffee shop. Not a bad impersonation, was it?” Andon continued as the third beast came out holding a chain and dragging something behind it.
"Branin!" Drina gasped, horrified to see him wrapped in the chains.
"Don't move or I will kill him. We are going to stay nice and cozy in this chamber until the destruction is complete." Said Andon.
"Let him go, what can he possibly do to you? It's me you want anyways." Drina pleaded with Andon.
"Believe me if I didn't need you and him here in this chamber for the spell to work, I would have killed you already and your gladiator." Andon looked over at Branin with disgust. "But alas, it will not work without you both. Had you never found out about this place, from me," Andon continued with self glory, “this could not have taken place." Branin was wriggling in his chains, trying to say something to Drina through the gag over his mouth. The beast holding the chain kicked him a few times and snarled over him, warning Branin with barred teeth to stay quiet.
"You're looking at the most powerful warlock born to this Earth in five centuries. It was me I was telling you about." Andon shape shifted into a thin lanky man with bright blue eyes and stringy red hair.
"Lucky for you, I need you both alive for the chamber spell to work. I also needed to lure you here for it to activate in the first place, and when it is complete I will take great pleasure in killing Branin. Then Drina you will help me repopulate this world with my own powerful genetic strain of beings." Andon walked closer to Branin and said, "Maybe I should keep you alive to watch as the woman you love becomes mine."

Branin was fuming in his chains, so frustrated not to be able to protect Drina. What he didn't realize was Drina was making her way to get him out of those chains. As Andon had been speaking, Drina had slowly been working her way closer to Branin. She carefully aimed her fingers towards the locks of the chains to apply pressure and hopefully break them open to free Branin. She didn't know if it would work but she had to try and it did work. The locks popped open and thankfully before Andon realized what was happening. He gestured to the beast to check Branin and he threw Drina away from Branin with a force of invisible air, having noticed how close she had made her way to him.
"You will not free him!" Only Andon didn't realize what Drina had already accomplished. Branin was ready for the beast this time, and he attacked. Wrestling on the cavern floor. Drina sent a blast of air back towards Andon, he dove out of the way. The transfer of power went back and forth between Drina and Andon for sometime. Branin was winning in his fight with the beast. He sat on his back and was in the process of crushing the creatures windpipe with his great strong arms. Branin threw the creature aside and got up to help Drina. She was getting tired from the use of her magic.
"You are weak and untrained." The warlock laughed and he turned from Drina to pin the gladiator to the cold rocky wall of the cave. "You two are pathetic, this will be easier than I ever imagined." Andon left Branin stuck to the wall. As he made his way toward the gladiator he said, "I really am going to enjoy killing you."

Drina was concentrating on taking control of the chains with out laying a hand on them. She could see them move slightly. Excited she kept at it and shortly they began to move within her control. The chains slid across the stone floor and began climbing up Andon's unsuspecting legs, before he realized what was happening his arms were pinned to his side and his legs tied together. He yelled and tried to free himself, but as he moved the chains tightened harder. Son it was quiet, except for the roar of the waterfall, once the chains wrapped around his head, and covered his mouth.
"I would stop moving if I were you, or don't, I would prefer you were crushed until your last breath." The gladiator said with a growl.
"Now what we wait until all of our loved ones and life as we know it ends?!" Drina said. Her gladiator walked over to her and placed a hand on each arm, and looked into her eyes silently for a moment. Drina was very upset and the events of the past two days ran through her mind. Maybe she missed something. What did she say to herself in their meeting? Drina had run away before hearing all she had to say. Coming out of her thoughts she walked over to the entrance of the cave, and looked through the falling rushing water and through the water a figure appeared. It was her future-self or whatever, she still didn't fully understand.
"Why is this happening?' Drina was grief stricken for all the lives of this world and their pending doom.
Drina's twin figure said, "You can end it Drina. But you must die to end the destruction of life on this planet."
Drina didn't know what to do, and didn't want to accept what she had just been told. Everything seemed to stop around her. The waterfall was muted, and Branin calling to her was just his lips moving with no sound. The choice to allow all life including those she loved dearly to be destroyed or to die and allow them to live. She walked over to her Gladiator and looked longingly into his eyes.
"Was any of it real? I mean us?” Drina asked this to Branin. He looked at her with so much pain in his eyes.
"You are silent, should I take this as a no?" Drina asked.
"No you shouldn't, all of it was real. You became my world and everything I could want. I knew eventually you would have to save the rest of the world, and I would lose you forever." Branin answered. He had tears in his eyes.
"You've known all along I would die to save the world?" Drina couldn't take this, she wanted to go back before two days ago and never relive these past 24 hours.
"How come I have to give you up, give my life up?" Drina asked through the cracking of her voice. Tears threatening to spill onto her cheeks.
"The world depends on you. It is how it is meant to be" Branin barely could get the words out.
She composed herself and after looking into his eyes for a long moment she leaned in and whispered, "I love you." Not waiting for his response, she walked away from him. It no longer mattered to her to hear the words because she knew in her heart he loved her too. She saw it in his eyes.

Finding her strength and courage, she came to face her twin.
Drina asked, "How do I save the world?"
"Walk over to the back of the chamber and see the two triangles, one right side up and one upside down?" The future Drina explained. Drina made her way to the back of the chamber, head held high and confident although her heart was shattered. Tears finally began streaming down her face, once her back was to Branin.
"Yes, I see them." Drina stood before the symbols.
"Place one hand on each and close your eyes. In your mind, move them to meet in the middle of the wall in front of you. The upside down one must be on top of the other one." Everything sounded like it was off in the distance, a dream. Drina, tears still running down her face, did as she was instructed. A great flash of light and then everything went dark, and in the void of darkness she could have sworn she her someone whisper, "I will see you on the other side."

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