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RE: In The Name Of Freedom

in #joy7 years ago (edited)

This is my favorite post of yours that I've read.

The West is broke. It's an empire at an end. Everyone knows the last step of an empire's collapse is looting too. That is what we see happening. There's no mystery behind the massive inflation (money supply increase), foreign central banks buying other nation's stock markets, and other tricks to keep the music playing as long as possible.

They are doing it to prolong the inevitable and continue to consolidate their power and wealth as much as possible. This system has already died though. It has already fallen off a cliff so to speak. We are just waiting for impact with the ground. I assure you that the oligarchs will not suffer when it happens either. They will be safe and secure.

I'm a private investigator and I'll tell you a little about how I see it. "It" being the Illuminati and secret society situation. First of all, it isn't just one group. There are many. They are at war with each other, and there are groups of people at the top who are on the side of equality under the law, justice for all, and individual liberty.

It isn't as clear cut as some of these people like to suggest in other words. As usual in life, there's a lot of cloudy gray between the black and white. Many people toss all the groups together however, and that's a mistake. I have no idea what the ultimate purpose is of each group, but I do know many of them are a source of light, goodness, and reason. They are not all controllers or those who seek to control.

Rob Kirby in a recent interview suggested the figure of missing US Dollars is closer to 70 trillion. The world is quickly moving away from the petro dollar system too. For those that do not understand what that is, I will briefly explain it. Other nations had to have US Dollars to do international trade. They no longer need to keep them. Those dollars will come flooding back into the USA soon.

What's going to happen when all those 0's and 1's come back? It isn't going to be pretty for people who depend on the US Dollar to survive day to day. Everyone reading this can do something to prepare though. They can prepare for the day when their fiat currency buys nothing. That day is coming, and it is coming soon. How would you survive day to day without a way to transact with cash or the Internet?

It's an important question to ask yourself. Time is running out too. Don't take too long to figure it out...


It is my belief, that this game will soon come to and end, before the end of Trump's term. Another economic crash, worse than the one before, will occur and the blame will be put all on Trump. Each time a crash happens, the further consolidation of centralized power to a select few entities grow. Rights are stripped away further and further. My concern is how massive this crash may be, and that it may cause chaos in a manner that may be unintended based on what they intend to orchestrate. I fear for regular people who do not see this coming at all.. And for that, I have to do everything in my power right now, to empower those that do.

I agree. The BIS (Bank of International Settlements) is already prepared to jump in with SDR's to "save the world" too. There are going to be a lot of people and nation states without seats when the music stops playing. It's also fading and very faint right.

My wife likes to smirk and say, "Nothing has happened, and nothing will happen." Okay, we'll see who gets the last laugh...

Man this is intense stuff. I am always skeptical to just accept such "crazy" assumptions. I like to believe in the system but with an open mind. Understanding that it is run by people, and people can be greedy and deceitful but also caring and good. Idk, the post by teamsteem and this reply definitely encourage me to continue educating myself with an open mind. And I think that is what society needs the most and it is getting better with technology. Education to the masses with an open mind, not trying to get to a predetermined conclusion. I don't underestimate the power of many free beings. But to be free is a tough word, it entails education and right to information as much as it includes the basic freedoms we are so familiar with like speech and faith.

Also want to point out that @finnian I loved the fifth paragraph "it isn't as clear cut ..." Because I imagine this to be true because it makes sense. I can't stand conspiracy theorists who think they have it all figured out because they have watched a few illuminati videos on youtube, the same way I can't stand a close minded conservative who only accepts news and information from FOX and breitbart. I guess I am just calling for the promotion of decentralizing education and access to it. And allowing humans to truly think freely and discover the world from their view as much as possible, without the added fog like CNN, Fox, CABLE TV, conspiracy theories etc. But then again we love nothing more than a simple conclusion, black and white, good and evil, it is comforting for our sheep mentality many times too much.

Thank you @finnian. I was beginning to question my post so you telling me this is your favorite post of mine is very much welcomed.

I to know people in those upper echelons can't all agree with what is happing and at any opportunity they will probably defect.

I imagine that many of the oligarchs are nervous. How do they know for sure how this is all going to play out? They don't. No one is bullet proof either. We are all walking around in very fragile meat suits. As Gerald Celente likes to say, "When people lose everything, they lose it."

The trillions spent on underground bunkers is worthless once the food supplies run out too.

If you guys are really interested in understanding the depths of the deceptions against people and what's currently taking place in order to change things. I have been starting to share what I know to be true. From history to modern day connections.. Only investigate if truly interested.. Not trying to push this upon anyone. It can be hard to accept for some people. Good luck to everyone. Take care.

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