Elite killer game mobile game review

in Tron Fan Club4 months ago


In-game screenshot

Elite killer action game, that's the name of the game I will be reviewing today using in-game screenshot, yes the name of the game is simply elite killer game and from the name you need not guessing what kind of genre it is, highly addictive action packed game.


In-game screenshot

Elite game is quite a nice game that gives players the thrill for the hunt, and it's and action game involving active shooting which excites players and the game was actually made available for release as early as 2015 by a team of developers known otherwise as CanaryDroid.

It is actually believed that this CanaryDroid might just be led by one individual and was his brilliance that led to the development of this game which became available for release in 2015 and it's a game which could be enjoyed on both android and iOS devices, it's available on both so no one can miss out on it.


In-game screenshot

This elite killer is a game of different levels or mission upon completion of one then the next level is unlocked, when we complete the first chapter the second opens and so on and depending on our performance on the game it depends how many start rating we get with the highest being 3.


In-game screenshot

We might ask what type of game is this in general, well all in all elite killer as we now involves shooting which is to say is an action game but not just some random shooting, each level comes with a mission statement or objective. The player controls the elite killer a skilled assassin who is given list of targets in every mission to eliminate.

This targets are not just your everyday target or zoombies like in our normal zombie action game, this is like a movie where there is a hired assassin paid to kill targets that's the scene or the idea of the game, this killer is actually an elite killer and we get to control it to clear out the list of the high profile target.


In-game screenshot

We are able to make some purchase in-game that helps us to purchase grand packages. This purchase is made with gold yes the in-game gold which is gotten by playing the game and clearing missions or purchased with real money using our cards in-game and we have the fresher package, the elite package and the luxury package each with their own unique feature.

The fresher package for instance will cost 120 gold based on the game standard value and it contains 10 grenades, 10 health refill for when our health percentage is low in the game, 10 bomber, a hunter-x and G36C.

While the the elite package is sold for 350 gold and contains 50 grenades, 50 health package, 50 bomber, a M-22 Sniper rifle and an AK74-U.

And lastly we have the luxury package, the luxury package is valued around 900 gild and contains quite a lot, these includes, 4 special assault, 4 special sniper, supply pack, fragments packs and a bucks X-9999.

All this package is there for the player to use to make the assassin more equipped as he carry out his assignment and more better to handle his task more swiftly like an elite killer if your decide to make the purchase that is, it will help in furthering your progress in the game.


In-game screenshot

There is alot of weapon available for the player to use for smooth operation as different mission may require different weapon, we could be in a mission where is a need for sniper rifle which is necessary for precision and targets far away and we could need just rifle or pistols for target which are within line of sight depending on the mission and our taste we choose this weapons as they are all afforded in the game.

From time to time we can choose to upgrade our game weapons too better enhance the efficiency.


In-game screenshot

We can choose to make purchase like buying of single weapon like grenades, bombs and any other random weapons of our choice whilst being able to upgrade our existing collection of weapons.

The game yes is epic and intense and if we don't know what we see doing we would be gunned down by this high profile target as they are well equipped themselves, they are not high profile for no reason that's why for every mission we ought to being our A-game and consider clearly the line of action we must take, we need proper planing and a well laid out strategy to be able to navigate ourself well in enemies territory and be able to excute with accurate precision, we are not elite killer for no reason.

The more enemies you kill the more likey you are to get another mission package so you have to learn how to move in a certain kind of stealth manner as their are securities that intend to stop us.


In-game screenshot

Apart from killing high profile target we could also be tasked with trying to get or rescue a valuable asset be it in the form of human or data that's how the game is, am sure game hardcore's would love the thrill it gives and this is all in an epic 3D graphic.


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

A nice game review you have make. Love it.

Nice to know about this game.

Elite killer gave a great review about the game. I haven't played this game myself but watched one of my friends play it. Excellent review.

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