Unlock Achievement: Steem Meetup Finland

in #steemit5 years ago


You know you’ve had a great time when you’ve hardly even glanced at your phone all day. I’m always looking for situations where I really want to be in the moment and don’t wish to be anywhere else, like home alone. Meeting up with Steemians is almost a sure-fire way to have a great time without even doing anything other than talking and listening.

Today we had the first ever (hopefully) annual Steem Meetup in Finland, held in Tampere. 8 hours with @tarazkp, @momone, @smallsteps, @insaneworks, @markkujantunen and @celestal went by really fast. I’ll have some more pictures tomorrow once I check what I got and get photo approval because I want to be mindful of others privacy, not everyone wants to be uncovered.

After a day full of steemians and steem talk, I met up with an old friend for a glass of wine and now I’m on the night bus back to home.


It was nice to meet you, too. By the way, the black and white and high contrast approach seems to be work when you have no choice but to use high ISO.

It was so good to get to meet a couple more Finnish steemians, we should all know each other cause there is so few of us.

Black and white works almost always 😝 I don’t yet know what the picture would look like if I use the raw image and bring out some more details, will have to check.

Truly excited to see meet-ups happen in more and more places all over Europe! :D

I've started thinking about organizing a 'central' one somewhere in Europe - just a weekend of fun and sightseeing, nothing fancy, but if I could tie all the smaller meet-ups happening together...

Who knows.

Cheers - super happy for you that you could have this experience - especially now SteemFest is coming closer and most of us that were there last year are not going to be there :'(

I wish I could attend more meetups and of course Steemfest. I’m gonna cry for the week that I can’t be in Bangkok. Is there a support group for steemians who know how awesome steemfest is but couldn’t make it this year?

We need one - I won't go either and I'm already crying :'(

Boy you too already have a post about the meet. I'm just thinking about that. But gotta sleep first. It was nice to meet you! :)

Being in the presence of the writing machine Taraz inspired me to post at least something. It’s not like I had anything else to do on the bus. It was great to meet you!


I'm going through all the comments that I've gotten past 5 or more days as nowadays it seems to be so hard for me to write or do anything in Steem so answering to this after 2 days seems a bit silly, but I just wanted to say that. :D

Hey it’s all safe and sound in the blockchain, not going anywhere, so you can comment when ever!

Yeah but in some point, when you wait long enough, it's futile to answer. Perhaps not in this case though.

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No one wants to have a meet up with stackin’ ... whales think I’m a Selfie posting asshole 😂😂😂

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Are they wrong? 😘

I'm pretty jealous...But glad you guys had a great time!

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When you come next summer we'll have a meet up then :)

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Yeah, I spoke to Taraz about that last week. Should be good...I only know a few words...*Munkki, moi and kiitos...That's all I need though right? 😉 🇦🇺🇫🇮

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Munkki, moi and kiitos...That's all I need though right? 😉 🇦🇺🇫🇮

Add just kahvi (coffee) and you can order the essentials in a cafe :P

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Kahvi...Got ya! Now I'm set!

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We were basically practising a Tampere meetup for when you come next summer!

Oh cool...Well, I heard it went really well. I'm supposed to be video-chatting with my brother and smallsteps tonight so I'm sure we'll talk about it. How cute is smallsteps huh? I maintain that she takes after her uncle...But the sad truth is that's not really true.

I'm looking forward to catching up next year. It[s actually not too far away really.

Smallsteps really is the cutest and so so smart, it was very nice of her to grace us with her presence. I hope Momone wasn't completely bored out of her mind with our Steemit talk.

You'll let us know as soon as you have confirmed dates and we'll all be clearing up our calendars for that!

I love her so much, would do anything for her. Smart as hell too huh? Again, takes after uncle. 😁

So yep, when we get back from New Zealand in 3 weeks we'll be getting our Finland dates set and flights booked! Yay!

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Never a dull moment in Steem meetup where you'd have an urge to grab a phone. It was nice meeting you, and thanks for the lens, I'm really liking it!

It was fun to hang out again, it had been a while! I’m happy that my lens has a new loving home where it gets the attention it deserves.

Had been almost a year (gosh how time flies!). I'm gonna have a good time with the lens :)

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This post has been included in the latest edition of The Steem News - a compilation of the key news stories on the Steem blockchain.

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