Private War

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

# 6: Another Day at the Office.


Years later in yet another war zone in a different part of the world. Oddly enough not too far from Gobekli Tepe, Turkey.

“Well shit. This just isn't turning out to be a good day “ thought Hank August as he ducked behind an antique office safe. Big Safe. Big HEAVY safe. Sucker might have weighed a ton....literally. And it was big enough to walk into....Don’t see many of these built like this any more....not outside of a bank... Wonder what it was doing here?

Lucky for him it WAS here...and big enough and stout enough to protect him from bullets that were sure to be fired at him. It took honest steel to stop hot furniture just wasn’t up to the job.

And speaking of hot lead. The terrorist outside “sprayed and prayed” and directed multiple bursts thru the door. Long bursts. Really long bursts. Messed up the room fairly good and a couple of rounds even managed to hit the safe. Hank was behind the safe.

Good safe. Didn’t even ding it. Gooood safe.

The terrorist kicked in the door...or tried too. Really Bad idea for a couple of reasons. Firstly, kicking a door you just shot up tended to get your foot stuck in the hole it made in the door when you kicked it. Secondly the door swung out...not in.

The terrorist’s foot went right thru the bullet hole weakened face of the door....and stuck there. Like a finger in a Chinese finger trap it wouldn’t come out. Just a boot sticking thru the door a couple of feet off the ground....

It’d probably be pretty hard for the terrorist to shoot thru the door hanging like that, Hank thought, with an evil grin on his face.

Hank pulled a knife. Not much of a knife but it was what he had. Sharp though, really sharp. Hank then hurried over to the door and slashed the terrorist’s ankle and calf...just above the boots... He tried for the Achilles Tendon but the boots might have protected it..... Two, three slashes and he dived back behind his safe....

The terrorist screamed. Oh but did he ever scream. Must have wiggled some too because the door shook a lot...or maybe he wiggled because his partners weren’t such good shots. Shortly after he started screaming they started shooting too. They intended to shoot thru the door some more but they shot him instead. Unfortunately they shot the lock as well. The door swung open pulled by the now dead body...

One terrorist with a foot thru the door laying on his back...not screaming any more because he had a big hole in him. Leetle hole in the back...really big exit wound in the front.


The terrorist that had been doing the shooting and his partner were surprised that the door swung open apparently since they just stood there. One literally with his mouth open. Good aiming point.

Hank only had his little hideout gun left. The gun was a small Glock in forty-five calibre. When you really care only the best will do, and Combat Tupperwaretm was the best. Hank put a bullet into the terrorists mouth. What it did to the terrorists head was ugly. His partner got a bullet between the eyes....causing similar results, ugly too.

Now there are two more terrorists laying in the door, blood all over the place. Hank slithered over and snagged the three AK-47’s that they had been using....for some...very low...values of the word “using”. They were the most horrible shots he’d ever seen since he first tried to teach that city slicker, Strangler, how to shoot. Strangler got better...these guys wouldn’t. Keeping an eye out for their fellows he patted them down for ammo.

“First rule of gun fights....bring a gun... ” Hank muttered to himself while searching for more ammo and thinking about a combat instructor he had some time ago. “always use a calibre greater than four... call all your friends who own guns” ...he had more arms and ammo friends though…..friends would be nice.

Hank heard sounds outside....but they were a ways outside....hmmmmm. Lucky the room was fairly dark...

Hank started dragging bodies...

Next Episode
# 7: The next group of terrorists approached the open door with caution
# 5: Case Closed…
First Episode
# 1: Pain…


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