Ya' All Want Steem To Moon But How? ... Just Some Random Thoughts During The Weekend ..

in #photography6 years ago (edited)


I'm aware it's Tuesday.. and I wasn't even thinking of posting about this here because I've already prepared something else. I wasn't thinking of posting this with that title till after lunch but I just thought - screw it, just post it already, cause who knows who else was so preoccupied about it.

It seems to be the talk of this town for weeks - "changes, changes and more changes". I've been here for two years and it's the only thing that's consistently happening in our system and IRL, too isn't it? There's just that "four seasons" feel in here and right now it's looking like autumn having seen too many fallen leaves, I mean - accounts powering down. I get the resistance really but have you ever felt like you're just getting fed up with what you're seeing, going around here cause it's all the same thing you're reading just differently put out ? I did.

My husband and I no longer wait for that point where things kind'a suffocate us, whether it's IRL or online. Have you heard of burn out? Many people seem to constantly and openly talk about it these days. I had some symptoms of it and for some reasons, during my first years of living here, they show during the autumn and winter season .

Well, at first I thought it was because, I was busily adapting to this whole new life in the West but later I realized, I keep forgetting on stepping on the breaks and was getting too absorbed to whatever I was exposed to at that time. I hope you aren't in anyway, in this situation atm.

The benefit of being a shrink's wife is you get free EFT tapping guidance. Am not going to elaborate on that because am no expert on it but rather, just get the message that I really am trying to get across - step away from your computer, get out and experience mother nature already! A few hours away from your laptop won't hurt, really. Release that wild mustang inside you.

Do you have any idea how many people in the West are getting depressed when this season comes, more so when it escalates to winter? I won't bother mentioning the death toll of the baby boomers. Who's just joined the "lonely during cold days club" around here? Not sure it exists but am thinking of becoming its founder and curious how many souls would join it. Again, get out!

I can't blame those who live in the West and in some second world countries in Asia if they like hanging out online more than IRl cause there's a serious problem of "communication and socialization" going on in those countries. Can you believe it? I've been living here for a very long time yet I would only be able to call one neighbor of ours by name and the rest .. I just know just their faces. We do say; " hi, hello" to each other but it's like living in a condo in the Philippines - you'll get lucky if you're close and are friends with your neighbors. I don't mind really, I like biking or travelling far to meet my so called "friends" here. Oh well, I think what am really trying to say is, I really like going out! It's too obvious that am a wild mustang isn't it?

Staying inside is too boring! Yes, it's too cold and that kills the fun to take a stroll, that's true but if you focus on the colors nature painted itself, you wouldn't get to feel the cold. My husband prefers that we keep walking when we're taking a stroll but my eyes are too greedy to capture moments on frames when we pass by a beautiful one! Comment below if you can relate to that and your spouse's/ partner's/ lover's favorite dialogue when taking a stroll with you is; "keep walking, can we just keep walking, now?". I can't blame my husband - it's cold and we sometimes forget to bring gloves. These days, I even wear a beanie cause brrr... ~~~

This weekend was just spent on getting up late and taking a stroll after our routines. I paid a friend a visit. Okay, don't take it seriously, I don't tell that tree any secret or confide to it, it's just an expression! Oh, IRL am also a friend to a bee, a bird, a dragonfly .. everything that makes mother nature so damn beautiful. If you've read so many of my posts you know am not just talking like a nutcase this way. Why do I call them that? It's just my way of addressing any living life I wouldn't want to hurt. In my definition of friendship - you don't hurt or harm a friend, not even a prick using words or anything you know would upset them specially if you're benefiting from their mere existence but that's just me. Like .. which person in their right mind would use pesticide to kill bees and love eating honey at the same time? I mean, you can't call yourself anyone's friend and prick them every now, can you? You know what I mean right ? I feel like am beating around the bush having to write this, too.

I've featured it here on my first year. I don't really remember when I saw it the last, to be honest. I'm thinking, two years ago ... but am not sure on that. If you've been here as long as I am, you probably remember this smiling fellow.


Yeah, it does look like smiling doesn't it? Okay, so maybe I was .. or am.. "projecting "the emotion I had when I took it / have right now, just looking at it... but admit it, that smile is damn contagious, isn't it? This is the happiest tree I've ever seen so far.

Makes me wonder... what he's thinking about if he could think cause we all know he's stationary. He won't be able to uproot himself, move and get out of that place and go elsewhere shady when it starts snowing. He's stuck there. Yet ... look at how bubbly he seems to be or is it just me? Can you imagine the many weather changes he's already survived? If you have any idea how mean winter could get here, you'd probably put a watered coat around him just to keep him warm knowing how his heart is exposed like this to the sharp chill we get to have when that winter wind blows. He must have strong roots and very concentrated on just growing. Not that he's getting taller or bushier cause he must be getting the perfect hair cut, I mean trimming, on a yearly basis. I can only compare that to powering down around here but look at how he's stood the test of time.

Of course, it wouldn't be able to last this long in this condition without the support it's getting from whoever is taking care of him. That barricade of chains didn't just exist there huh? Nor.. that bushy hairdo he seems to be wearing won't look this perfect on him without the intervention of caring human hands, huh? Do you have any idea how much "support" can do to encourage any fellow Steemian to keep Steemiting even by just commenting huh? Wait, I thought .. we're talking about that tree.. oh yeah, we are but I just can't help it. My fingers have their own mind they felt that they had to write that down so there!

I was sure happy to see it still alive to this day and I hope it lasts decades longer. I did resist hugging it this time but I was grateful to have seen it looking so chic and glamorous with all the colorful leaves still on it. What can I say that's not been said yet .. well, the tree just reminded me of something I've been told a very long time ago by my loving husband; "Focus on the things you really, really want to often happen to you."

So .. shall we? What is it that we really want to happen to us here? Everyone's writing is screaming; " moon, Steem, moon already!" yet, the price keeps sinking.


Unless we know what we really, really want, we won't be able to find out how we could get it. Do you remember when SBD spiked to more than $10 and Steem to more than $5? Do you also remember we doubled in numbers at that time? IMHO, if we want history to repeat itself, like this tree, we have to keep growing, whether you like it or not and the many of you probably don't like it cause you will have to share the pool reward to the many. Don't let your greed outsmart you. Well, like blood, this currency has to circulate if we want to see a healthy or at least a different movement in the market. HODLing too much of it is killing that chance imho and I don't think you need a financial expert or a professional stock market trader nor investor to figure that out.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not hinting you to power down your SP specially if you don't have much. You're going to need to grow that imho just to be able to keep up with anything you want to do in here. Besides, the dip isn't the time to sell but don't take my words as any financial advice, I'm not a financial expert.

Also, we all witnessed it when BTC suddenly got accepted in so many stores all over the world. It also did more than just triple its worth didn't it? See, investors find any crypto currency that has an actual use case in the real life market so if you have a business IRL, how about accepting Steem or having a sign board that you do on your doors? That would also spread curiosity and work like an effective marketing. Forking the system does make it better here but ..

we really, really need Steem to exist and be used in the real world. I long for that day, the news would say Steem's being accepted in 100 stores

..somewhere in the world for a start. Amsterdam maybe? I wonder if this post would even reach the many, unfortunately, that only happens if a post gets to trending.

Anyway, that tree can't move itself nor that I've seen its trunk get wider nor taller. Yet he stood the many windstorm that must have hit him so hard the past two years. Surely, where he's standing wasn't spared nor the wind decided to lower its horsepower and evade that tree when those wind storm hit Holland, I doubt it. If that stationary tree can do just that .. how the hell can we not? Now, move your butt and buy Steem cause its dipping now and power yourself up or at least keep yourself afloat in this murky looking water, posting or commenting YOU man! I can't blame you if you don't though and I wonder who's selling at this point in time...

but .. have you seen how much ... those who post on a daily basis - no matter how small they get - have grown? That's no secret really, is it hard work? Who knows.


I do see consistency, perseverance and that "keep going attitude" there. If you really want out, do the rest who wants to stay a favor and just exit quietly, who knows whether your decision is right or wrong, surely, you wouldn't want to reel anyone in if it's the later. If however, in your case it's just frustrating you now, step away from your screen, get out and experience autumn in real life, breathe, recharge and come back strong like these trees would probably do in Spring .

Go ahead .. put on your warmers and warm boots cause mother nature is just waiting. Take a stroll and hear the leaves crack under your footwear.


For now ... enough with that rant about what's going on in here ..ranting solves nothing. It just makes things worse for all of us.

So ... Is it also cold where you're at now? How do you deal with it? Do you spend most of your time indoors? Just curious ... and though it's two days late, I hope you do share, how you spent your weekend? .

This content's 100% mine . I took these pics with my D Eye. Don't like reading? Watch video in my VLOG instead.

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FOLLOW ME - @englishtchrivy.


Thank you for your thoughts @englishtchrivy.

I have good news for you....see this new purchase.... ^__^


Well there you have it...a bit of good news....

Wishing you all the best.......yes...I read every word. Enjoyed chatting with you.


thanks for reading all the way!
I appreciate that a lot, this one's unusually long :D
not everyone's patient enough to read it

Although the above sounds to me a bit like that windbag over in the USA, I nevertheless agree with you. Make Steem GREAT again!

Have seen a lot of people here writing some time ago that they would have wanted to buy some Steem, but the price was too high for them at that moment. I'm sure those same people now use the excuse that they are affraid the price is even going lower or to maybe zero.

lol :D

you're so damn right about it
last time it went up to $8, I heard the many sing a different song
and now again :D

It's been too hard here lately. Perhaps it really is a burnout for me :(
But I am saved only by daily walks and therefore I still continue to flounder with all my might.
The cost Steem doesn't care anymore. I just give everything I can by voting for others.
It is possible that visiting SteemFest, it would give a new boost of energy, but I did not go to Krakow.
Thank you For a good post @englishtchrivy

I hope you feel better soon

thank you for reading and for the resteem!
take care and stay warm
stay happy !
watch some comedy love story :D
I do, sometimes :D
or have a cuppa
I send you warm cyber hugs!
stay afloat Madlen!

vow , you did a great job . each picture is so nice !

thank you

Bitcoin price pulls all cryptos where ever it goes so it should be promoted to people because of its positive effect on the prices of all cryptos, steem most especially . @englishtchrivy

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