Witness Rant - or - Whatever It Takes, Take Me to the Top, I'm Ready For It

in #thealliance6 years ago (edited)

I Love The Adrenaline in My Veins

I really was born for this. I've never been more comfortable with what I was doing in my own life. I am able to help people and push them to their limits, encouraging their success. I love how it feels when I see them break their chains and they fly! Which brings me to the dilemma some people are seeing. Some are even drowning in the FUD and wallowing in their misery. Not me. I see this whole #Steemit restructuring as a massive opportunity.

On A Mission

I have been since day one. I came across some serious irony these past few days with @whatsup over there reeling from @ned's talk and again when I was 'gut checked' by @theycallmedan. Thing is, I haven't just been talking, I've been taking action. Those in 'The Castle' may have noticed the changes.

Anything You Wanna Do - I'm Ready

I had a very long chat with fellow caring family witness @jackmiller during the process of opening the doors on #thealliance. "Wait, what did you just say?" That's right. The Alliance is going to open it's doors to everyone that wants to come hang out with us. That is not to say everyone is automatically an ally, one would still have to prove their mettle before we could call them a blood tie. BUT, upon reviewing what I intended #thealliance to be and what it has become - which really are one in the same - added to recent events, it only seems right that our community embraces others more through this trial. As @shadowspub would say and I fully agree with - "It's all about community."

Enter The Castle HERE

Community Worldwide

I was asked something by a dear friend of mine - @katrina-ariel - if I felt good about the changes I was making. My answer was:

"Yes, and I'll tell you why. And it'll be in the post coming soon.
@Ned just laid off 70% of the Steemit work force ya?
He is focusing pretty heavily on Destiny right now.
Good for him, I hope he succeeds in grand fashion.
BUT, STEEM is my home.
We have to take up some of these reigns and help make these communities stronger and feel like they're not being tossed to 'the wolves'.
It's the community aspect of this blockchain that is going to make it survive anything that steemit itself does or doesn't do.
STEEM is not Steemit.
Steemit is not STEEM.
Steemit is Ned's UI.
STEEM is everyone on the chain.
My view is to retain those that are here now, and give those that come in the future a reason to believe the same as I do.
STEEM is my home.

Do You Want To Change It?

As a witness, I support and help many different people and communities on top of being the sexiest most social son-of-a-bitch on the blockchain ha! I'd call out a bunch of top witnesses in standing with me and #thealliance, but I don't think that will do any good. Maybe @gtg or @lukestokes will hear me, I don't know. Some think I should be one of those top witnesses. Why? For starters, the only reason I have a vote right now is because of @eturnerx and his delegations to me because he is in agreement with what I'm doing. Thank you by the way E. Hopefully you'll read this and realize that I'm only about 40 SP from being a bona-fide dolphin FYI. All the rest of my SP is effectively delegated out. I just bought about 600 STEEM (wish I could do more) so I could delegate to the up and coming @dstors to help with their mission in bringing business to the blockchain. Helping others is its own reward. I see a lot of abuse of 'power' with bullies up there. Guess what - I ain't scared.

Current Community Delegations

Other Communities I Support In Various Ways

2019 Is Coming

My question to you is, just how serious are you about STEEM? This is my home. I have built an actual family that has taken hold and even been modeled after by multiple communities. We keep getting tighter and growing and with a 'Destiny' unfolding, we must adapt and secure this blockchain. I've said it countless times, this is a marathon. This is where we break away from Steemit's titty (as much as I love boobs) because it has to be done. Steem will stand on its own and it will be done because of caring witnesses and strong communities. I am @enginewitty, I run @thealliance, I am your witness - and I'm here to stay.


Get it Witty 😉 that's why he's my MVP hahahaha

We will rise! And I think it's a fabulous decision to open the doors. Your post made perfect sense and though some things are happening now to raise eyebrows and stir concern... We need to stay strong, stay focused and prepare for a great future!

I'm ready. You ready? 😜 I know you are.hehehe awesome post

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You know I'm ready Cap'n! I am also glad you see the logic behind the decision. I'll be honest, I've been mulling it over for a good week now trying to decide if it was a good move and ultimately - well - you just read it. Much love sweetness.🤗🤗🤗💌

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And there it is 😜 the reason why you should be nr1 on the witnesses list.. Lol
Your vision and your heart is BIG and together we can change the world if we only belive and build a common force 😍
I think new people, old people, everyone between... All deserves the same chance... So open the gates and spread #thealliance Love all over em ❤️.. Ok.. Sounded weard.. But you get me.
Thank you for being YOU.. Inspiering and a True leader... Hero!
Lots of love for ya ❤️🤗❤️

Lmao I love the way you word things sometimes Sass, keep smiles on people's faces wherever you go. People come in and experience your joy and they'll never leave😋🤗😘🤗

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Well... They can't leave... As soon as they enter the gates 😈 I close em 😂😂hahaha
And then I butthug them all 😲 have mercy!
Naa... I'm pretty harmless and only know love so yes... Give them love and show them how they can feel at home like we do ❤️

I like the restructuring I see happening on the blockchain, and so many people stepping up to help it grow. The Alliance and many interconnected communities create a feeling of family, which totally makes Steem feel like home. Would love to see it grow! Thanks for all you do!

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That's what the fam was initially intended to be, a huge crossover of communities 😎

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Lmfao you got it🤣😂

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this is the most inspiring post i have read in a while, thank you Witty! and thanks for your support of the @SPL, always. My personal account may not reflect it (i've had to power down a great deal because of personal family needs), @SPL is here to stay and we just launched an ad campaign concept to encourage communities... it's on the @SPL blog, I hope you check it out and we can talk about having the Alliance partner with us!

Thanks for always striving to be the force of good.

much love, b.

Well wow, thank you! Glad it got you pumpin! And yes, that would be awesome. Should come find us in the castle. I already set up spots for @spl and BRO sports😎🤗🤗🤗 love back at ya sweets! I check out the new stuffs😊

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and i can't wait to figure out the castle!! xoxo

See you on the inside mamasita!

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Together, we will do great!! I feel it in my bones that this has to succeed because of the people I see here that keep on keeping one - and making it better every day.

Thank you so much for all you do!!

And thank you too! It takes a decent level of dedication and the desired will to keep on pluggin, I hope this guves some the boost they need.

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Firstly what a fantastic selection of tunes. Secondly how did I not know you had a witness? I'm on the road at the moment but the second I get to my computer you got my vote homie.

Edit... You already did. Looks like I DID KNOW! Keep up the great work Fam.

Ha ha ha! Glad you diggin em man, thought they were appropriate. I was gonna say, thought you knew😋

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You know its weird. I watched Livestream 3 late last night and even feel alseep without seeing it all. But I saw where @ned essentially threw in the towel with Steemit. And this morning you were the first person I thought of to see what you were thinking. So I came to your blog.

And I like what I hear and Iam all in with you with STEEM my brotha :)

Tell me what to do next. Iam all ears

P.S. Giving this Post my ever life changing, must have stamp of approval ( lol j/k) with my Dolphin Support Initiative.

Don't know what Dolphin Support Initiative ?? Check it out here

Don't believe in coincidence. Things happen for reasons my man. Just keep doing what you do, you are an amazing Steempeep man. DM me if you like and we can talk about options😎

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Survivors don't give up!

Had a good friend in New York City, never called me by name, just hillbilly...

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The thing about 70% is it's only useful if you know how much you start with, I mean I could get let go of 70% today if I got my hair cut.

Certainly a very inspirational post, and what everyone needs right now is inspiration and positivity. I'm confident in the future of the blockchain because so many incredible people like you are behind it, with so many communities active and dApps being launched all the time the real value is already here.

#thealliance #witness

Well said and a lot of people have yet to see everything that really is happening! So much forward progress and momentum being built right now, gonna be hard to stop.

Posted using Partiko Android

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