Animal: Natural Medicine to Cure Scabies

in #esteem5 years ago


Hi hi, it has been a while I haven’t made any post since I was away looking for a job. I haven’t found any yet. But just doing fine with part-time job whatever I could do.

Here she is before I left her about 3 weeks ago

Today I manage to log in again into my steemit account to see my friend and family here. Not much to say but it is a happiness for being able to meet you again. And another news from home today is my little rabbit has been with the new family since I was away, and she is very well with her new family. I let her for being adopted by my neighbor which has a couple of similar kind of rabbit.

Well, I would like to share with you about the experiment I told you long time ago, when the scabies covers the legs and ears of her. I have done great thing to cure her, and it was completely works well. I will give you a complete recipe to make your own medicine at home, and the medicine is also works well for human.

This is the pictures of her when the scabies cover her with pain

Her front leg before treatment

Her nose, while smearing the cure oil

Her rear leg, while smearing with the cure oil

It is her, on the 3rd treatment, the fure on her nose was starting to grow again.

I have tried to cure with some other medicine, but it did not work as I expected. Well, then I try this herb to cure her scabies, and it worked really well.

The most important thing by treating her with natural medicine is to protect her from being poisoned by the medicine, because it is natural and normal for her (rabbit, cat, dog) to lick up the part of the pain with her tongue.

These are the ingredient:
• 50 gr Galangal
• 25 gr Star seeds
• 200 ml coconut oil
• 300 gr natural Sulfur

Galangal and star seed

Natural sulful in coconut shell


  1. Clean the galangal and mash it, and simmer it with star seed in the coconut oil for 1 hour. Put galangal and star seed when the oil still cool. it is to extract the star seed and galangan oil instead of frying it.
  2. Keep the oil in the save bottle
  3. Grind the sulfur real fine
  4. Mix the sulfur with the oil before it is applied on the scabies
    PS: It can be use for human’s skin.

Simmer the ingradient in the coconut oil for 1 hour





The result will be shown within 2 days, and the fungus and bacteria does not come back again. I am happy that finally I found something to cure the scabies. I am sure she does too.

It was the second time of treatment, it had shown some good sign of result

Day 4th, she was getting better and the scabies is getting away from her front legs

The fur are growing again at the those legs

She is very well now, and will start to regenerate within 5 month with her husband LOL.

Thank you for every single friend of mine who concern to me and still looking up at my account. With my best regard.

With my best regard


Hope for the best and prepare for the worst

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Ramuan herbal yang bermanfaat dan penuh khasiat...

Semoga kudis sama si kelinci yang cantik itu tidak akan pernah kembali lagi..

Udah sehat dia, dan udah di adopsi sama tetangga, karena meraka punya sepasang, jadi biar "nikah" aja mereka, whahahah

good to see you again friend. so glad that you were able to help the rabbit.

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You've been visited by @riverflows, on behalf Natural Medicine.

We have really missed you! That's the wierd thing about Steemit - we only have one contact address - your blog! I hope everything's okay. I feel like we need an 'animal medicine' channel in our Discord - what do you think?

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If you'd like to support Natural Medicine on the Steem Blockchain, please join us on Discord, or delegate by clicking any of the links above! We're all about supporting those who write about natural healing, from herbs to yoga to being part of the natural world! Come join us!

Amazing how nature provides us with all the natural medicine we need.

Oh, the poor thing. Glad to know that you were able to treat her like that. Great post!

Oh, the poor thing. Glad to know that you were able to treat her like that. Great post!

Great post so glad the treatment worked, looked painfull

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