PSA - Gridcoin WINDOWS Wallets, Please Help us Stake a Superblock

in #gridcoin7 years ago (edited)


Users that previously disabled their Neural Network can now remove the disableneuralnetwork=true from their config and follow the procedure below.

All other Windows users please follow this procedure as well, we are trying to ensure that the Neural Network info is as 'fresh' as possible.

The procedure is:

  1. Close wallet.
  2. Delete all files in the NeuralNetwork folder (%appdata%\GridcoinResearch\NeuralNetwork).
  3. Restart wallet.
  4. Type in console (Help -> Debug window -> Console) - execute syncdpor2 -> Enter. (This will repopulate your Neural Network)
    This procedure should be followed by for all Windows wallet users.
    All users with a Windows wallet please keep your wallet open, we need to keep the net running.

If you are running a Gridcoin wallet, you are probably aware of the very overdue superblock. For more information see the following posts by @Erkan and @Dutch:

$GRC bounty -> help us create a superblock (no superblock for 99h)
Analysis of the Late Gridcoin Superblock and Suggested Solutions

If you are running a WINDOWS wallet and have BOTH:

  • A low balance ( < 10,000 GRC )


  • A low magnitude ( < 200 mag )

You can help us stake a superblock by removing yourself from participation in the Neural Network (NN) for the time being. To do this, follow these steps (making sure to replace 'YOURUSERNAME' with your username):

Close your wallet. Then, navigate to C:\Users\ 'YOURUSERNAME' \AppData\Roaming\GridcoinResearch. It will look like this:

Open the file gridcoinresearch.conf with a text editor such as notepad++. Add the line 'disableneuralnetwork=true' on a new line, without the quotes. Save the file, close it. Now delete the folder called NeuralNetwork. Finally, restart your wallet.

To check you have successfully removed your node from the neural network, navigate to the console in your wallet under 'help' --> 'debug window' and type 'execute myneuralhash' without the quotes. It should return:

"My Neural Hash" : "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"

You have now successfully removed your node from participating in the neural network. It will not affect your ability to earn reward in any capacity.

If you have a high balance and/or a high magnitude, please continue to stake as normal without doing the above.


As someone who would love to see their first superblock hit the network and get my magnitude above 0, I greatly appreciate these efforts!

Superblock has hit! How is your mag looking?

Still shows as a 0. When I do getmininginfo I see "Magnitude Unit" : 0.27500000. Does that mean I just need to wait longer? Also concerning is when I search for my CPID on gridcoinstats, nothing shows up.

I see this on boincstats for one project:

And this on the other one:

So my RAC is increasing. Maybe it's just not big enough yet to register? Or maybe my wallet is out of sync or something? I don't know. I still see Magnitude 0.00.

Asking around in IRC gave me basically the same answer I've seen elsewhere when researching gridcoin challenges, "Just wait a week and be patient."

That's fine, if things are set up correctly. If not, I'd like to get them fixed.

Your magnitude unit is the multiplier that turns your magnitude into a daily GRC payout, so that is perfectly fine.

You are right in that you definitely have RAC building. The first thing to check would be to see whether the CPID on your wallet's overview page matches the CPID listed on the project websites for the projects you run.

As we had a superblock today, if you had RAC before that block hit you should have gotten a non-zero mag, even if it was very small.

The fact that your CPID is not showing up on the stats pages implies that it was not included with the superblock for some reason.

I just confirmed the CPID in my wallet matches what's listed on both projects on boincstats. Hopefully the next superblock will fix this. :(

Any other ideas?

Oh, this is interesting. When I search by my username, it does show up! How odd is that?

I see my account here.

Ah, now I see this in the FAQ:

You must have over 100 RAC on at least 1 whitelisted BOINC project before you can send a beacon to receive Research credit.

So... I sent my beacon too early, it seems. I guess I just need to wait it out. If I try to advertise the beacon again, I get this error "ALREADY_IN_CHAIN". I'm concerned that Connected Addressesshows up empty. So that would explain why I'm not getting any staking rewards?

Hey! Sorry for the late reply. I had a look at the user page you linked and noted you actually have a magnitude of 1.53, resulting in a mint of 0.43 GRC/day! =)

If you did not have 100 RAC yet, you would not have been able to send the beacon. The stats page says you have successfully advertised your beacon three days ago. It looks to me like everything is fine on this end, except that there is no wallet attached to your CPID on the stats page.

So, I guess that begs the question, does your wallet still show zero magnitude? If all is well, you should be staking a newbie block soon, with a value of about 1 GRC. Newbie blocks are your first block, and you get a massive stake bonus when attempting to stake one (100,000). From the point where you stake that block, you will actually be paid out for your research.

Alright, last question, is your GRC balance small or large?

I will stop my Pi staking and fire up my windows wallet forthwith

Only windows wallets can contribute to the SB staking, so unless your Pis are running windows OS it should not be interfering. Thank you regardless for helping to solve the issue. =)

Yeah Im stopping the PI staking and having my stake weight moved to a windows wallet

I disagree that we should be removing users from the neuralnetwork superblock formulation process, this is almost as bad advice as 'shut your client off'.

We should be exploring the root cause otherwise this is just going to be an ongoing problem.

The attempt is to stake a current SB, not a long term solution. The same approach was essentially taken with the zero mag problem. The discussion is saved in the development Slack channel if you would like to read back over it.

What would you suggest?

Is there a way to recover my gridcoin wallet?

Have you lost your wallet.dat file? In that case, there is unfortunately nothing you can do to recover it.

Let me check it better. My lap top was suffering a bit too much for the heavy calculation circa one year ago so I shut everything down. I have just clicked on GridcoinResearch.msi; now I have the maintenance screen open and downloading blocks file. Not sure I remeber the password of the wallet

There was a hard fork so get the latest version of the wallet because you will be owed interest. If you can't remember your pass phrase that could be tricky.
If your laptop is struggling you can turn the amount of CPU time down, or use a tool like TThrottle and set a temperature target that keeps things under control.

Good luck

Thank you! Gridcoin was the first cryptocurrency I got interested in long time ago. Then I discovered other cryptovalutae and left it a bit behind. I will check it.

You may not have encrypted your wallet, in which case all you need to find is the wallet.dat file to recover your coins. Best of luck!

I will check it! Thank you

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