Make social media applications with Flask #9: Context processor and Unfollow system and Implement in the user interface

in #utopian-io6 years ago


What Will I Learn?

  • Context processor
  • Unfollow system and Implement in the user interface


  • Basic Python
  • Install Python 3
  • Install Flask




Tutorial Content

Hi, everything is still in my tutorial about applications with social media concepts using a flask. I have made this tutorial from the basics if you just followed this tutorial. You can see the previous tutorial in the curriculum section. In the previous tutorial, we made the basic structure of this application and created an authentication system, made a post, and the last one I made was the following user system, this time we will continue the system.

Unfollow user

in system follow a user we have made a follow user feature but it is incomplete if we do not create unfollow features on our system. In this unfollow feature, we need additional verification to check whether the user that we are viewing his profile has been followed or not. to check it, we can start creating a new function to check the user that we are opening his profile. The function that will check whether the user has been followed is is_following() the function there is a class User.

  • Check whether the user has been followed

    def is_following(self, user):
        return (
                .where((Relationship.from_user == self) & 
                       (Relationship.to_user == user))
  • This function has two parameters, the first parameter is the default parameter (self) and the second parameter is the user we are about to unfollow. If we look at the Relationship table we can see that user id (1) follows user id (2).
    We use self to refer to the user who is logged in.

  • to check I will use where (), I use this function to check the column from_user must be the same value as the user being logged in Relationship.from_user == self and the to_user column must be the same value as the user that is passed to the parameter Relationship.to_user == user. I use a logical and (&) operator so when one condition is not fulfilled, the result of this function is false because I use the exists() method.

  • Context Processor

We have made the is_following function in the backend section, now our next task is to use the function in the frontend section. so far that we have never done that, to do that we can use context_processor. by using a context processor we will inject data to use it in the frontend, for more details we can see the example below:

def _inject_user():
    return {'active_user': get_current_user()}
  • to make a function on the processor context, I will use this method like this @app.context_processor. to define its function the same as another function def _inject_user():.

  • to inject data into the frontend, we can return the data in the form of an object return {'active_user': get_current_user()}. The key is 'active_user' , The key here can be used as an alias to be used in the frontend and the value is the result of the get_current_user() function. This function is a function that we have made in the previous tutorial.

def get_current_user():
    if session.get('logged_in'):
        return User.get( ==  session['user_id'])

this function that we often use to get user data that is logged in by session.

  • Unfollow system on the frontend

After we finished the backend, we will implement an unfollow system on the frontend. in the profile section I will add additional checks using the function we created, which is is_following(). For more details, we can see the profile page below:


{%extends "layout.html" %}
{% block body %}
<div class="jumbotron">
    {% if user.username != session.username %}
        {% if active_user.is_following(user)%}
            <form method="post" action="{{url_for('userUnfollow', username = user.username)}}">
                <p class="bold">{{user.username}} <button class="btn btn-danger">-Unfollow</button></p>
        {% else %}
            <form method="post" action="{{url_for('userFollow', username = user.username)}}">
                <p class="bold">{{user.username}} <button class="btn btn-primary">+Follow</button></p>
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
  <h1 class="display-4">Welcome to homepage {{user.username}}, I'm using base layout</h1>
  <p class="lead">Welcome to the social media application that uses flasks</p>
  <hr class="my-4">
  <h2 style="text-align: center;">Your feed</h2>
  {% for message in messages%}
        <span style="font-size: 10px; font-style: italic;">{{message.published_at}}</span>
  {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
  • Because the results of the is_following() function are true or false we can use the {% if %} function. I have created an alias in the context_processor method, with the alias 'active_user'. So to use it we can call the function in context_processor that we inject and then the name of the function we will call as follows active_user.is_following(user). active_user is the alias

  • Need to understand that active_user is the alias name of the function injected into the frontend and is_following() is a function in the class User model.

  • I have created a if else function so when the result of active_user.is_following (user) is true I have created an if else function so when the result of active_user.is_following (user) is true then we will create a new button that will have a different function.

<form method="post" action="{{url_for('userUnfollow', username = user.username)}}">
                <p class="bold">{{user.username}} <button class="btn btn-danger">-Unfollow</button></p>
  • In the is_following function I will pass on the user dataactive_user.is_following(user) that is currently logged in to check whether we have followed the user, at this time we have followed user id 1 following user id 2, we can prove this in the image below:


We can see in the picture above user id 1 (milleaduski1994) has followed user id 2 (User2), So if it doesn't happen we can see how it looks like the image below: (2).gif

  • Create unfollow function

Now I will make the final part of creating an unfollow function that will delete the related data in the relationship table. As we saw in the frontend section above we have created a new form with actions to the userUnfollow function action="{{url_for('userUnfollow', username = user.username)}}". Now I will make the function below:

@app.route('/user_unfollow/<username>', methods =['POST'])
def userUnfollow(username):
        user = User.get(User.username == username)
    except User.DoesNotExist:

            (Relationship.from_user == get_current_user()) &
            (Relationship.to_user == user))

    flash("you have unfollowed "+ username)
    return redirect(url_for('userProfile', username=username))
  • This function is not much different from the following user function, we will also pass the username to our routing and use the post method @app.route('/user_unfollow/<username>', methods =['POST']). The only difference is the name of the route.

  • First, we will also check whether the username is Exist or not with method User.DoesNotExist:.

  • Then we just use the delete() query on the sqlite3 function. When deleting data we need to use where to delete specific data. The first we will match whether relationship.from_user is the same as the user who is logged in (Relationship.from_user == get_current_user()) and the second we will match whether relationship.to_user is the same as the user whose data is retrieved from the username that is passed from routing. user = User.get (User.username == username). both values must be true values because we use logical AND (&).

  • After that if successful I will give a notification in the form of a flash message flash("you have unfollowed "+ username) and redirect to the userProfile page return redirect(url_for('userProfile', username=username)). (3).gif

We can see the picture above we managed to make the system follow and unfollow the user for more details we can see in the table relationship, make sure the data relationship has been deleted. (4).gif

We can see above that there is no longer a relationship record for a table relationship, this means that the system we are running is running well, you can develop this system again, just a few of my tutorials this time, hopefully, it can be helpful and useful for you. thank you for following this tutorial.

Create Application social media with flask

Make social media applications with Flask #1: Design database and initial structure, Following and follower functions

Make social media applications with Flask #2: System routing and Templating, Make user register

Make social media applications with Flask #3: Register user and Store data in SQLite, Base Layout

Make social media applications with Flask #4: Login system and Use session to manage user data

Make social media applications with Flask #5: Authentication during registration and User notification

Make social media applications with Flask #6: View decorator and Post the first status

Make social media applications with Flask #7: The use of backref and Create profile features

Make social media applications with Flask #8: Handle error and Make the system follow a user

Proof of work done


Thank you for your contribution @duski.harahap.
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  • Be careful with the writing of your code, it is very important to have the code ident so readers do not have difficulty reading.

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  • Your work with GIFs looks great, thanks for your work.

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