Market Friday Leans into the Harvest Season

in #marketfriday6 years ago (edited)

Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle (Denise, that's me!!)

I hope you will join me as we share different markets across the globe. Every week, I look forward to seeing what you will send me and I am always happy to see so many from all over the world.

I would really love you to take a minute and look at one of my good friends on Steemit! Check out @keithboone (That's Keith!) and his new challenge. It is called #MountainMonday by @keithboone. This is your invitation to share anything you like about mountains - a story, a photo, a joke - whatever you have. Tag your post #mountainmonday and drop Keith a link in the comment section and he will do his best to upvote and resteem your post. Keith is a really awesome photographer and I encourage you to check him out if you haven't already and take a second to read his post about the new challenge, #MountainMonday! Check out his post here for more info!

Who doesn't love to see what they will be selling in some foreign market, shopping in places I have never been to and some, never even heard of. There is always a curiosity attached to foreign ingredients, different produce or any product sold. So, yes! I would love to see yours! Don't forget to take photos wherever you happen to be shopping - whether it be the grocery, art galleries, wherever money is exchanged for a service or for merchandise. Don't forget to use the hashtag #MarketFriday and @dswigle.

Please leave the link to your post on here so it can easily be found by others. They will all be in one place. Where else can you take such a quick trip around the globe? Thank you! ❤

Today, I went searching for a few harvest pumpkins and gourds, which had been picked for the Halloween season by the local farmers. There were plenty to go around, but they are being picked little by little - some are still in the fields curing. By curing, of course, I mean they are still in the ripening stage. The pumpkin is harvested when the color is uniform and the rind is hard. The farmers watch the weather for the nighttime lows now, although here in our area, we have been still having spring-like weather. But, all it takes is one hard frost to kill the vine. Once the vine dies, the fruit will no longer mature. Yes, they are a little dirty from the field, but, I promise you, they are always clean and pretty when they are ready to be sold.

"I feel pretty

Oh, so pretty
That the city should give me its key
A committee
Should be organized to honor me"

"La la la la"

I have to be honest with you. I think these large orange and green gourds are my absolute favorite. How about you?


Did you know that gourds are of different colors, shapes, and sizes? Farmers harvest them before frost- after the fruit is mature. As these gourds mature, the stems turn brown and dry up.


When I was a child, the appearance of winter squash epitomized autumn: squash, pumpkins, and gourds. Glorious winter squash! Acorn squash, butternut squash, hubbard squash, spaghetti squash, cheese pumpkin, delicata squash, kabocha squash.

I loved them all!


Pumpkins are king at this time of year. They come in an assortment of colors - blue, green, yellow, white multi-colored and red. I am sure that I may be missing some. They can be tiny, oblong, squat, round, shaped like a pear, tall, and some so big they take a small crane to move. There are some that are better for carving, many, better for eating and then some are just pretty and are better for display.

The pumpkin and gourd are used from Halloweenish time to almost Christmas.


Admittedly, I love them for their seeds, so I pick a nice heavy one... On average, a medium-sized pumpkin will usually have about 1 cup of seeds that can be salted then, dried and roasted. Yummy!!!


To everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted... Ecclesiastes 3:1



I left my campsite and hiked south for 3 miles. Then I turned east and hiked for 3 miles. I then turned north and hiked for 3 miles, at which time I came upon a bear inside my tent eating my food! What color was the bear?


White. The only place you can hike 3 miles south, then east for 3 miles, then north for 3 miles and end up back at your starting point is the North Pole. There are only polar bears in the North Pole, and they are white!

Picture Source: National Geographic

Did you know that there is such a thing as pumpkin ale and pumpkin beer? Truth! Brewing beer dates back to at least 1771 in the United States.

Raise your hand if you have ever had any.


Oh, the lure of food. How sweet can it get!

"Ghapama is an Armenian stuffed pumpkin dish.
Pumpkin-coconut custard, a dessert dish.
Pumpkin cream soup.
Hobak-juk – a Korean variety of juk (porridge) made with pumpkin and glutinous rice flour. It is a smooth and naturally sweet porridge that is traditionally served to the elderly or recovering patients.
Hobak-tteok – a Korean dish and variety of siru-tteok (steamed rice cake) made by mixing fresh or dried pumpkin with glutinous or non-glutinous rice flour, then steaming the mixture in a siru. (rice cake steamer).
Kabak tatlısı – a Turkish pumpkin dessert made by cooking peeled and cut pumpkin that has been sprinkled with sugar. (candied pumpkin).
Kadu bouranee – an Afghan and Turkish dish made by frying pumpkin with different spices.
Maraq – a Somali soup that is sometimes prepared using pumpkin.
Mashed pumpkin – a vegetable dish made by cooking or macerating the skinless flesh (pulp) of pumpkins and then mashing, straining, grinding, or puréeing until the desired consistency is achieved. It is traditionally served as a side dish, although it has many uses in cooking and baking.
Pumpkin bread – a type of moist quick bread made with pumpkin.
Pumpkin seed – a snack food typically consisting of roasted seeds, they are also used as an ingredient in some dishes, such as mole.
Pumpkin seed oil – has an intense nutty taste and is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, it is sometimes used as a salad dressing. The typical Styrian dressing consists of pumpkin seed oil and cider vinegar. The oil is also used for desserts, giving ordinary vanilla ice cream a nutty taste.
Spaghetti alla Nerano – an Italian pasta dish prepared using pasta, fried zucchinis and provolone del Monaco. (or caciocavallo).
Stuffed squash – consists of various kinds of squash or zucchini stuffed with rice and sometimes meat and cooked on the stovetop or in the oven.
Ghapama – an Armenian stuffed pumpkin dish that often prepared during the Christmas season, it is typically stuffed with rice and dried fruits.
Stuffed pumpkin – consists of pumpkin that has been stuffed with various ingredients and roasted or baked, it is a dish in American cuisine."

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Long before European contact, Cucurbita had been a major food source for the native peoples of the Americas, and the species became an important food for European settlers, including the Pilgrims, even featuring at the first Thanksgiving. Commercially produced pumpkin commonly used in pumpkin pie is most often varieties of C. moschata; Libby's, by far the largest producer of processed pumpkin, uses a proprietary strain of the Dickinson pumpkin variety of C. moschata for its canned pumpkin. Other foods that can be made using members of this genus include biscuits, bread, cheesecake, desserts, donuts, granola, ice cream, lasagna dishes, pancakes, pudding, pumpkin butter, salads, soups, and stuffing. See here.*


Dieting is serious business! Vegetables are a must on a diet! May I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread and pumpkin pie??

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The shade of Autumn fall into a rustic beauty
Between then and now with a hint of more


Thank you for tagging along as I check out the progress of my Thanksgiving Harvest to come! I'll go back in a day or so to pick out a few different pumpkins and gourds. Maybe make a centerpiece with one or two. I look forward to checking out your #MarketFriday shots. Remember to visit the other ones with that hashtag. Experience a shopping day, all around the globe. Happy shopping!


Flowers. There must always be flowers. Always and forever.


¸.♥´¸.•♥¨) Let the sun shine in on your life
So the joy may touch your soul

(¸.•´♥ (¸.•´ ♥


Whispered words, from your lips
Out of the darkness, they came
Touching my heart, softly, caressing
Stealing off with my soul
Taking me, swallowing me whole

Once again

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Don't ever forget what a wonderful world we live in, people. Let's hold hands around the globe and make this earth really spin. Some days, it is not as easy to see, so we must try harder to give everyone the proper focus.


Interesting, and I feel pretty too. Hehe those pumpkins look neat. be well

Posted using Partiko Android

Hehe! Of course, you do! :) And why not??? Take a spin. Yes!! You are pretty, especially for a krazy poet! Thanks for stopping by and the upvote! Appreciated!


Hi @krazypoet! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

@tipU voting service | For investors.

You know I am a gourd lover from my childhood days or selling them door to door with my buddy Gary...Yep the same one we had steal to get into our club LOL! ;) We were naughty boys...glad I out grew all of that :-)

Oh I am so happy you are doing brain teasers!!! That reminds me of the famous Monty Hall Problem! You remember Let's Make a Deal? 3 doors, 2 goats and a new car. You pick a door, Monty opens a different door and always shows a goat. Do you keep your door or switch? I should redo the post on it. It always stirs up a fuss!

I do remember you and your friend Gary selling them door to door from a previous post. You were naughty boys! Oh, my! Did you spend your Saturday evenings in the confessional recounting those stories to Father O'Shaunessy as he rewarded you with the 25 Our Fathers and 30 Hail Mary's and Act of Contrition and a written note to the Vatican, begging forgiveness? Or had you rolled over to Baptist by then?

I changed out the brain teaser after too many people said it was too hard, it has to be fun, no so difficult it makes them skip it. My bad. You did a post on it? I don't remember it or it could have been before my time. I bet that was a fun post! You should do it again.

I am a gourd lover too and when I started going through some of last weeks photos I took, I combined them with several other times doing pumpkins and gourds and used some of them up!

Stirring a fuss is your specialty. You know it.


I was solidly Catholic but I always believed there was forgiveness for being human and never meaning any harm. I still believe that today.

I am never one to play games, ever. However I do make an exception for this game, because it is math that goes against what we feel is right. You will see...

I believe in forgiveness too, that is one of the backbones of religion, no? On top of the obvious, it feels right for the heart to forgive. On the other hand, when feelings are hurt on another person, I believe that person needs to address or deal with that before they can move on to forgiving another. No matter what the other person is feeling. I guess what I am saying is that it is really big of you to forgive, but, it may not be your injured feelings. Unless it is, then it is your right.

Complicated much?

It is a case of a misunderstanding that could be settled quickly and painlessly with voice.

Thank you for being here for me, so I can be here for you.
Enjoy your day and stay creative!
Botty loves you. <3

Remember how we were talking about warm comments? Oh, yes, baby. This one warmed me up from the inside out.

Good thing the tree has that warm, sunny leaves. Stop trying to leach off that. Oh! And thank you kindly for dropping the link here! It is always appreciated.


I am sorry. I was short and there is no excuse for it. I certainly don't want to be short with you Sunshine. Forgive me, the Old Guy is just having a bad day.

It happens to the best of us.

Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)
Check the rules of the Daily Spotlights if you want to nominate someone!
Pixresteemer is also listed as promoter on The Steemians Directory

I absolutely adore all these beautiful pumpkins; they really make this time of year extra festive with their spacial colors and shapes. I really enjoyed all your stunning photos and insightful information Denise. I learned something new again and now I have to come up with some pumpkin recipe, lol.

Here is my entry; barely making it again! LOL!

Nooooo! You always are right on time! I promise! XOXO

The pumpkins were just so abundant this year! The colors and shapes are just so varied and there were a couple that I never have seen before.

Ohhhh! I look forward to your pumpkin recipe! You always come up with something that tastes awesome as well as looking amazing. Thank you so much for dropping your link here and for taking part in the #MarketFriday challenge!


Hi Denise, thanks so much for the shout-out I really appreciate it! Love your photos for this post.. squash and pumpkins! Happy Halloween! (Boo!)

Your brain teaser was too much for me, but my brains a bit frazzled at the moment! Resteemed :)

Hi, Keith! The pleasure is mine! I had to use up those squash and pumpkin pictures somehow! It was a Happy Halloween with hundreds of kids, lining up to get their treat!

The brain teaser was a little confusing, so I swapped it out. Thanks so much for the generous upvote and the resteem! I hope that you have a fabulous Friday!


Hi @keithboone! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

@tipU voting service | For investors.

I am not a big fan of eating Pumpkin, but I do love seeing them at this time of year with the cool shapes and colors and patterns

Her ei smy Post for this week, a little bit later in the day than usual but I made it

I love that you are so thoughtful about your post, always! Thank you so much for dropping the link and I ran out of time, but, I sure will make time tomorrow morning to check you out! You are so kind and I sure do appreciate it.

You are never late. Ever!

Thanks again, my friend!


Most welcome and always glad to enjoy this challenge

Hi @tattoodjay! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

@tipU voting service | For investors.

I wonder if someone is not loving squash, pumpkins, and gourds! They're very photogenic, your photos prove that. You were supposed to be a photographer ... or a poet.
Pumpkins! When I was a child I used to make pumpkin masks. It was the 60s and I didn't know about Haloween ...
You talk of all sorts of pumpkin recipes, I have to make a confession. I do not like the pumpkin taste. I think you like it, it's true?
I didn't have much inspiration: Again to the Market

Yes, you are right! I am so very obvious! I do love squash and pumpkins of all kinds. You cannot eat gourds, but, they photograph nicely. Pumpkin masks? That is so cool. The 60's were a rather interesting time in history and some things defy meaning in my head, but that is because I don't know the reason why.

I did talk about all kinds of recipes, but, they are for the ones who do like pumpkin and to show that they are popular the world over. Pumpkin is good, but, squash is better. :) Hehe! I didn't think there was anything you didn't like a little!

No inspiration? You know that is never true! You always do them so well, even when you say that! I hope you had a wonderful week and looking forward to the weekend!


Thanks, @dswigle! (forgive me not saying Denise but this way there are more chances to see this reply, late reply).
I like this very much:I did not think there was anything you did not like a little! It's true, that's the real proof that you know me very well. Thank you!

I understand exactly why you say @dswigle as opposed to Denise. If I use your name, I usually use both, but, I don't always have time for that and so it is easier to use the name as you did. And it makes perfect sense!

Hehe! Truth! There is very little that I do not like either. In this, we are very much alike! Have a fabulous Sunday!

Thank you! You're very kind to me when you say that. My Sunday is over, it was very beautiful and quiet. I will try to make a post for #beautifulsunday and #sublimesunday until the day will be at the end. I hope you have a nice day too.

The sun is shining and I am outside sitting in this gorgeous weather, reading Steemit and having a cup of coffee.

Life is good. And thank you!

Life is good. We have to thank that we can say that!

Hi @bluemoon! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

@tipU voting service | For investors.

Lovely, gorgeous pumpkins! And you captured them wonderfully, my dear Denise! Well done, my dear! Resteemed and tip!

Thank you so much, Isabel! I love the shapes, textures, looks of the pumpkins and gourds. I like the way they look together and apart for photographs. I wish I had more time with them, but, I was happy getting them for the short time that I did.

I hope all is well in your world and that you are having the time of your life. Thanks so much for the resteem and the tip. So very kind of you!

Tip! XO

Thanks so much, my dear Denise! I am, hope you are too, sweetie! I bought Hokaido pumpkins today! To bake them on the oven, yum! Thanks, sweetie, xoxo!

Yummy!!! I had to Google them to see what they looked like! Did you bake them yet? I am interested in how they tasted!

I did, my dear! They are so delicious! I just cut them in quarters and put them in the oven with some drops of olive oil, salt, and aromatic herbs... The taste is sweet and the texture is smooth. I usually serve them with a chicken or turkey beef, but you can eat them as a side dish with almost every protein!

Sound heavenly!!!!

Then let me know if you liked it! Xoxo!

I need to find them here!

Hi @nolasco! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

@tipU voting service | For investors.

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