Study Suggests Toxic Cocktail Of Chemicals In U.S. Drinking Water Could Be Responsible For Thousands of Cancer Cases

in #news5 years ago

According to a recent study on drinking water in the United States, it's estimated that some 100,000 cases of cancer might be caused across time thanks to a cocktail of chemicals that can be found in the water supply.

Researchers suggest that those chemicals are byproducts of materials that have been used to disinfect water, as well as naturally occurring arsenic, along with radioactive chemicals to be found as well.

The findings from the recent study, conducted by the Environmental Working Group, have recently been published in the Heylion journal.

To try and address the issue, researchers suggest going with water filters, which range in size and prize; you can find a wide majority of available filters on the market today.

Others have opted for drinking water bottles but even they aren't always safe either.

Just a few months ago, it was widely reported that high levels of arsenic had been found in popular water bottles that were being sold in places like Walmart, Target, and Whole Foods.

The water was pulled from shelves as a result.

In California alone, it's estimated that there could be thousands of cancer cases that are related to the chemicals in the drinking water.

As a result, researchers have previously concluded that drinking the tap water in California could be responsible for an increased risk of death.

Those contaminants that they are concerned about have been found to be chemicals such as hexavalent chromium and arsenic, along with uranium and radium as well.

Most of the cancer risk is said to be linked with the arsenic contamination.

Researchers assert that even low levels of arsenic aren't ideal, that they are considered to be highly carcinogenic and that there isn't any 'safe' level in regards to arsenic exposure. Scientists have insisted that opting for a certified filter is the best way to try and reduce exposure if possible.

"Drinking water contains complex mixtures of contaminants, yet government agencies currently assess the health hazards of tap water pollutants one by one,.. In the real world, people are exposed to combinations of chemicals, so it is important that we start to assess health impacts by looking at the combined effects of multiple pollutants." - S. Evans, science analyst at EWG

Researchers have found more than 22 carcinogenic contaminants in the drinking water, after taking water samples from more than 48k community systems in the country.

They did find that a majority of the water systems were not in violation of national drinking water standards, but for anyone who might be wondering how their area is doing specifically, they can attempt to access local water reports. Scientists insist that making the switch to bottled water is much more expensive than resorting to tap water and there is also no guarantee that it is going to be any cleaner.


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A little note on that fluoride they are putting in your water.
Our local water dept. spilled a 55 gal drum of it on the floor. The whole area was evacuated and full suited hazmat went in to deal with this highly toxic and dangerous crap, took them most of the day to clean it up and they found that it had been eating through the cement floor.

The problem of toxicity in human drinking water is worrying and regrettable, all the more so when it comes to carcinogenic agents that reach the taps of every home.

Excellent information and analysis that you propose. Good post.
Grateful for the support given to my recent publication

Greetings from Venezuela

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