Fukushima: Radioactive Water Still Flowing Into Ocean

in #news6 years ago

According to a recent study that was conducted by the Institute of Environmental Radioactivity, at Fukushima University, it's estimated that roughly 2 billion becquerels of radioactive water is flowing into the ocean every day.

But, researchers insist that the water doesn't pose any threat to the local fishing industry.

And TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.,) has been working to try and prevent it from reaching the ocean, by constructing a seawall that might work to stop it. Though, it doesn't seem like the wall is effectively working, if years after its construction there is still radioactive water leaking into the ocean.

Last year, TEPCO and government officials estimated that the entire cleanup process might take 40+ years to complete and cost $200 billion or more. And some estimate that the costs could be a lot higher than that; ultimately coming from the pocket of taxpayers.

Just recently, arbitration was ended for those seeking further compensation over their claims related to the Fukushima incident. More than 15k people were involved in ongoing arbitration with the power company, in an effort to try and secure more monthly compensation from them. They were receiving monetary compensation from the company because they had been asked to evacuate from the area.

They were getting roughly $934 every month and were allegedly seeking roughly a 50 percent increase to the payment. It's alleged that the power company was repeatedly asked to accept this increase in compensation as a way to remedy the concerns of the victims who were forced to leave their homes, but the arbitration process has instead recently been ended. It's expected however that those victims might turn to file a lawsuit against the company.

More than 7+ years later....

and the state insists that it's going to take a few more decades still until they can effectively remove all of the contaminated soil from the area. However, it's unknown whether they are going to reach their goals.

And some suspect that the region might even some day be turned into a toxic dumping ground.

As far as the contaminated water that's flowing into the ocean? Well, there have been various reports insisting that there isn't any cause for worry to local fishing industries, or other areas.

However, there have been some conflicting reports that suggest that fishermen scattered around the Pacific Ocean, have seen a myriad of unusual anomalies in their catches.

And for some seafood samples that have been found containing a radioactive isotope known as caesium-134, authorities have insisted that the amount is so minuscule that it's nothing to worry about. In Canada, California, Oregon, and elsewhere, there have been several instances where radioactive seafood samples have allegedly been found.




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"But, researchers insist that the water doesn't pose any threat to the local fishing industry." Sure, we all know this is hogwash. Having been domiciled in Japan for several years now I can tell you that this is not the case. TEPCO has so much power here it is not funny.

The Japanese way, like in many places, is to put a gloss over tragedies and disasters, especially seeing that no one wants to take the fall. The food is contaminated, and will be so long after we are dead. I hope this piece will do reach enough people who are ignorant about what is going on.

Wonderful write up.

Fukushima is the gift that just keeps giving. Should be okay in about 40 thousand years though

This is an incredible post.
Really sad btw, but is necesary know what is happen in our oceans and what we are consuming. I am on shock with the huge estimation of 2 billion becquerels of radioactive water is flowing into the ocean every day.
We need to be more careful with our planet.
Thanks for sharing @doitvoluntarily

You wouldn't know any of this by observing the people in Japan. Sushi still thrives and the markets are full of fish.

But on the beaches, in tide pools, you'll find rocks encrusted with brown decay, the remnants of life that thrived there only a few years ago.

Hello doitvoluntrily,

Good to see that you have posted this important topic.

Starting back when this disaster took place in Japan, I quit consuming raw fish altogether especially Ahi, Hawaiian tuna fish because I was concerned about fish have too much radioactive element that might be harmful to me.
I used to consume raw sushi quite a lot regularly for 25 years in Hawaii but after this disaster I quit.

How about you, are you cautious about consuming any type of fish?

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It is an absolute shame. I don't buy any fish from the Pacific and I stopped buying canned tuna about 4 years ago. You know Japan and our government are not telling the public everything. It is far worse than what they tell us.

Hello friend @doitvoluntarily excellent news thanks for sharing

We have to take care of our planet more, we are slowly destroying it, we hope that soon we will find a solution, good publication thank you for informing @doitvoluntarily

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