Cancer Centre Turns Away $6k Donation Because It Came From A Cannabis Club

in #cannabis6 years ago

An auction was held in early December that was seeking to raise funds for the Tom Baker Cancer Centre and it ended-up raising roughly $6,000 overall.

The effort was launched to raise funds in memory of R. Beaver who was a 65-year-old member of the Calgary Cannabis Club who had battled bladder and esophageal cancer for a great deal of his life. Beaver passed away in December last year.

Throughout his journey, Beaver reportedly found tremendous help in using cannabis to ease the nausea and the pain.

Cancer treatment is costly and every dollar can help in trying to make a difference in someone's recovery and life. Which is why it's confusing to hear that the cancer centre had reportedly refused such a large donation because it came from a cannabis-related source.

The cannabis club reportedly sees the move as discrimination.

However, those on the other side insist that federal rules surrounding fund-raising for cancer centres hasn't been updated yet to accept donations from cannabis-related organizations. Now, it's reported that the cancer foundation is going to be having discussions with Alberta Health Services and others to try and make necessary changes.

According to those with the cannabis club, they've admitted that they have donated money in the past and other organizations haven't had an issue with accepting the funds. Now, they are looking for another option to send that $6k to and it shouldn't take long for them to find someone in need.

This is just another example of government getting in the way and preventing peaceful solutions to real problems, with their arbitrary dictates over which donations should be acceptable and which shouldn't. Anyone could easily make an anonymous donation, or put it in their own name etc, and there isn't any telling as to where that money had come from. The issue came about when they tried to make the donation in the name of the cannabis club. The government would rather those suffering from cancer not have the extra funding to help them because the funding is associated with some controversial plants.

They've said it's a matter of timing for them now, to sort out the mess and catch-up with the cannabis changes so that this issue doesn't happen in the future if some cannabis-funding comes their way, but one thing those who are suffering with cancer don't have is the luxury of time.

pic 1 -SuperMoney
House via giphy

The information that is posted above is not intended to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.

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They've said it's a matter of timing for them now,...

Yep, just a matter of time before all the big "charities" turn away all kinds of donations from; rightests, trumpers, alt-right, neo-nazis, hate groups, anyone right of Stalin...

What is sad is that CBD oil has made more progress in cancer cures than any of the Cancer Institutes. When real people get the real data of how awful it is inside the NCI (never have i seen a more retched hive of scum and villainy) then people will just stop supporting these "charities".

Doesn't make sense to me why a charity would turn away the money that they could use to help people unless they were legally not allowed to accept due to the Federal status of the industry. I get it if a charity were to turn down a donation from the KKK but Cannabis is not an evil thing and has the potential to help many people. Times are changing and it is not viewed the same way as it once was so I don't see how accepting the donation would hurt the charity.

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