

@berniesanders is ruining this place with his circlejerk. You probably won't even be able to read this post because of how low my reputation is now thanks to @berniesanders and his fake "abuse reporting" service on steemit aka @abusereports

Thanks. What is your next thing you will move on to? I assume you are gonna power down and buy some BAT or EOS?

I just invested 1 million in something, I have no idea if it will work out well as yet, but I thought it worth a go, not willing to say much more on here tbh. I still have plenty to invest, , though this place never did quite catch my imagination, mainly down to people not saying what they really want, and financial bullies, it in my opinion is no way to run a company, I have owned 3 or more if you count companies of the not ltd status, and I would never run one the same way as this.

There are a few still around that speak their mind its just their rep goes down to 0 quickly.
Honesty and integrity is rarely appreciated here.

They can then go fuck themselves, as I simply do not care.

I thought the same way a while back but truth is I enjoy pointing out to hypocrites how hypocritical they are too much.
Only its a pity most of them are to limited or blinded by own self righteousness to even notice

I am just here until something better is created, preferably based around EOS. Dan Larmier had SOUL and did try to fight the rot in this place while he was here. He got pounded pretty hard by some once he did. He cared. I think he also learned from the mistakes. That is why I am interested in seeing something like this on EOS.

Until then. There is no place really quite like this. There are some like Minds starting to pay, but they are also centralized and have been said to have censored in the past.

Though due to flags it ends up being much like censorship here anyway.

It can be easy to see the negatives, focus on them, and spiral.

I choose to look at the positives as it keeps me out of that spiral while I keep my eye open for something else.

It can't be legal to speak so much truth in one post, can it?

I'm not convinced with this at all...stop holding back and tell us what you really think.

Bro, what happened???

I just got steemit out.

Are you quitting, or just blowing off

BTW...way too much truth in your post....

Not sure yet, not feeling very much love on here, not feeling the whole site to be honest, no matter what, you stay you bro, I likes your style.

Did you get some nasties downvoting you or something?

I know what you mean about the site in general.

I've backed way off on my effort level because of it.

I love your style too, man. I'd love to meet you and share a couple brews some time. If you go, you will be missed, but I will totally understand and may not be far behind you....

Catch me on discord, under the same name, I have a new project I have just invested in, and would love to see you there, and yes, I would love to share a beer and BBQ with you also, under the moonlight, with our good ladies being waited on by us, while we steadily enjoy some beer.

Not much of a discord guy here, and I can't get on there tonight. When would be your next good time? Also, do you have a good direct URL?

I like the picture you painted. Can we add the Alps in the background?

Don't go! Don't go!

I don't expect anyone to read a thing I ever say. I'm glad when they do but to expect it.... naw... so disappointment is kept to a minimum.

I would like to see more interaction in the way of conversation and especially conversation that solves problems.

You have over a 1000 people following you. Yeah, hopefully, you're just having a bad day... peace brother

in good will and lightheartedness, I offer

Conversation could have been achieved here but I don't think the bid bots are helping matters. People don't bother to go through others posts regardless of how valuable the info may be. Everyone is concentrating on what they can get and it's really killing the community. Take bid bots out and you will see steemit get very vibrant

Everyone is concentrating on what they can get

That's the world we live in, JFK's "system of covet means". But not everyone has lost their mind.

There's some good minds and good hearts here too.

We're better than what we're showing because of the negative influence on our lives.


What he says ^^^^^^

I shall come back tomorrow and upvote your comment to 23 cents, it is not a lot, though the best I can do.

haha! Hey, how is your day going so far?

Excellent lol. And you?

Much better today, thank you.

#myturn lol look I just made up a tag, except there will be no apology from me, I see what I see, and I do not really like it.

That was funny. I think da dots page break is well better than the <hr>

page break. But I digress 'cause I am lazy at times. I almost did not capitalize my i, i do get lazy at times.

Did you like my "this fucking place drives me nuts" post then :-)

Yeah I actually did, this place is great for driving people nuts, it's due to all the white coat bootlick society members. But you have to keep an eye on them lest they take over all aspects of life. Want to drive a car, take this pill, oh wait your on that other pill so, no you don't get to drive.

Phew, that was quite a tornado post!
Let me put my wig back on and collect my wind-strewn thoughts.
Are you truly pulling the plug and moving on to greener pastures (mind you, you are already on green Polish pastures) or just venting?
There is no denying that Steemit is at times a frustrating experience (after all it does mimic the "real world") and one may wonder whether it is also an exercise in futility. I guess the satisfaction factor depends on one’s ROI, and not necessarily in terms of time/quality of contribution vs. $.
I have enjoyed reading your posts and whatever your decide, I wish you and your family all good things.

"This is not safe for wankers"

Haha and I've always thought of you as the shy and retiring type ;) lol Well nobody could accuse you of beating around the bush and a man that lets you know where he stands is a rare commodity these days so I know many will be refreshed by your honesty, I know I am. But in all honesty mate .. I'm sure many things can be worked through and the site is better for having you on it .. in short stick around and be the driving force and voice for a change that is very much needed.

If not, keep in touch buddy .. it's been great getting to know you.

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