Steemit Weekly for CNers - Issue 14 / 《社區"週"邊事》 - 第 14 期

in #cn7 years ago

The Steemit Weekly series initiated by @deanliu and @wilkinshui aims to bridge the gap between the whole community and the CN-subcommunity by summarizing important events, projects, announcements and etc on Steemit in the past week and present them in a concise way in Chinese for all CNers to keep up-to-date with others out there. We sincerely hope that this little act benefits Steem as a whole as well as the development of Steem-CN for many years to come.

第 14 期 | 18 December 2017

STEEMIT 動向 / Apps 消息

Announcing DLive Beta

by @dlive

未來在 Steemit Blockchain 上直播打遊戲賺錢不是夢。Dlive 剛剛完成了 Alpha 版的測試,目前已經在邀請各位為應用程式進行公測,從登入至發直播帖也有詳細的解釋,有興趣快快試一試吧!

Share your dMania Posts on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and Pinterest

by @zombee


Attention Steem Community - Get out the vote campaign - Help us get listed on the CEX.IO Exchange!

by @timcliff

社區大人物 @timcliff出來呼籲大家到CEX.IO這個排名第29大的交易所去要求他們放上Steem交易對。Tim聯絡過該交易所,他們表示是以用戶反映或投票的情況來決定是否新增貨幣,那當然是我們Steem社區的強項了啊,就是人多,就是動員力強!請參考這篇文章教學,當然還是要麻煩一下下到這網站新註冊,才能投票Steem早日上線喔!

Bitshares 消息

Bitshares - State of the Network - 13th December 2017

by @steempower

12月8日,比特股進行了一次成功的更新(BSIP18),咱們社區大神也發文說過。看來很成功啊,因為價格不停上去呢!區塊鏈表現方面,根據 Blocktivity 的數據,bitshares 打破了一天處理交易的數量並且超過一百萬筆交易。目前只有另外一個blockchain有一天處理超過一百萬筆交易,那一個? Steem blockchain ^^。另外,上周有超過50萬用戶註冊bitshares喔!還有個好消息:用戶超過120萬的EristicaAPP將在bitshares鏈上進行ICO,而本社區之父之父Stan Larimer也將擔任他們的顧問!


Why I bought my brother STEEM for Christmas and how you can do the same!

by @fredrikaa

聖誕節快到了,此作者很有創意,想到買一些 Steem Power 給自己兄弟作聖誕禮物,同時也認為社區可以響應以 Steem Power 作聖誕禮物也可以宣傳一下 Steem,一舉兩得。

Why I believe Ethereum and its tokens are way too overvalued compared to Steem

by @acidyo

最近幣圈很熱,以太的貓咪造成堵車想必各位也略為耳聞。這位大神好好地比較了以太跟Steem兩個生態圈,當然他是為本社區與我們的Steem幣與鏈說好話囉!^^ 如果你是以太粉絲也別在意啊,好好參考一下,裡面的論述都非常有見地呢!小編無法簡單在此總結啦!

New Sponsorship Module | Liquid Steem | Passive Income Every Week!

by @utopian-io

目前utoioan接受大家的 Delegate Power,並會把一部分的Author Award 分給各貢獻者。其中一個好處是直接可以獲得流動的 Steem Power 作為獎勵。

Addressing the Steem Dollar Situation

by @calaber24p

目前SBD水漲船高,社區也有很多不同的聲音,例於把 SBD 的pegged 更換成其他數值或更改Payout 的顯示方法,你有沒有其他的意見呢?


〈社區週邊事〉是由 @deanliu@wilkinshui 發起合作,我們將會定期總結整個Steemit社區所發生的重要事件或項目進展等,例如Steemitblog的新公告,社區重要人物的談話,社區重大事件或活動,Steem重要Apps的發布與進度,其他Steem相關社區的發展新動向,或是一些界面的更新等。主要目的是希望協助各位CN區的朋友們,能夠以更有效率的方式掌握社區動態,讓大家能夠不只是來發帖賺錢,也不要只單單關注CN區內部的消息動態,好好利用這一平台的國際化特色,與其共同成長。另一方面,也期許大家多多以此為基礎,去向外互動與發展,促進CN區與大社區的和諧共榮。

Disclaimer - images from respective sources. please notify us if you do not wish to share the image and accept our sincere apology for not asking you in advance as we do not have enough time to ask permissions one by one; logo and boarders designed by @nicolemoker.


Hope always... Succes on your community




This is a great case, the translation for the Chinese community. I wish the development of your project. I now actively talk about Steemit in my environment, in my Russian village. I want to help grow the community of my country to grow here too. I hope I've made it.

回香港嚕, 跟你報個平安, 順便點個贊, 哈!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 62218.49
ETH 2445.41
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.62