
in #cn8 years ago

趁著周末時,我發了一篇比較輕鬆的英文帖,cn區知名的大嘴蛙熱帖點評總主筆 @oflyhigh 兄留言問我怎不發中文版,我趕緊過來發個帖,以免得罪掌握筆桿子的媒體人啊… 其實… 是英文帖收益太低,只好還是來這裡取取暖?哈哈,都是,但主要是看cn區人氣不足,一起來集氣一下,介紹一下我英文帖說的內容,做些獨家cn區更新,跟大家分享一下本週開週的「船長動態」

首先是我昨天發的這篇文章:What are the Captains doing during the Steem Price Storm? -- My Sunday Investigation  

大家可以稍微看看,主要是因為Steem實在跌得太兇了,讓我不得不有些擔心,與此同時,也想找找高層的dan跟ned都在幹嘛,是否有相關回應等等。畢竟從8/9左右開始就一路大跌到今天都止不住,0.006到0.003到0.0015,腰斬再腰斬,現在已經在0.0013上下了… 所以我就去看看這兩位「船長」到底這段時間,尤其是上一週都在關心什麼了…    簡單總結一下就是...

  • ned在10天前少見的發文了,談Steem要做FAQ與Wiki式的百科,回帖與點讚比較多,一切看來都很正常輕鬆,也沒多談錢的事
  • dantheman就比較活躍一點,尤其前一陣子大談voting跟curation好幾次可能大家都知道。比較特別的是他前兩天回應了一篇關於Steem價格被steemit這個帳戶壓低的質疑,dan的簡短回應是這是為了SBD的保值以及Steem重分配
  • 所以我的簡單結論是船長們目前還沒有慌亂的跡象,大家除了緬懷太早下的注之外,就還是抱著希望繼續耕耘吧,等反彈穩定了再考慮投資。 大概就是這些,只是我故意寫得比較輕鬆,畢竟這些事我沒辦法真的很懂,重點在於分享我看到的東西    



Thanks for bringing these up: @boostit is an integral piece of a new promoted content algorithm we are working on. amcq and goku1 belong to a new hire - our new Head of Operations. Buying Steem Dollars is part of our ongoing strategy to obtain the stability and interest of the SD





Saw both english and chinese version. Well, nothing much we can do except posting and commenting ...

indeed. but I would save my good posts for later. no need to hurry. wait until it all stabilize somehow. steem price is bouncing back! that's good to know.


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