I Totally Failed With This Mornings Vlog - D00k13 Digest #200

in #dtube6 years ago

What up my Steemians, welcome to the @D00k13 Digest, this morning I totally uploaded my Vlog to the wrong account and I just wanted to share quickly the solution I had been using in previous to stop this accidental mishap. Simply by making sure your personal account is the top of the list when uploading should you need to refresh your browser it will not change accounts on you. Sorry everyone for the mistake and upload on the community account at least it wasn’t a controversial video 😅

Remember to triple check all your details!!!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!?!?

Thats it @d00k13 OUT

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We all make mistakes. Don't fret

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh I’m not fretting just making an example of myself for others to learn from 😅

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thehehe (sorry but I needed to "thehe" a bit) that was a unlucky happening but I think you did a good job to make a video about it (on your account ;))

Thanks for sharing this and showing that even the experienced people fail from time to time :)


Posted using Partiko Android

It’s alright, no point trying to hide the mistake better off making it a lesson to learn from 😅

I’m surprised I was able to get this video up on lunch, probably one of my fastest edit and uploads ever!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hahahaha sometimes passes, but neglect after 2 months will be deleted muahahaha (evil laugh)

One problem with that all of my videos and the community account videos are backed up on our IPFS node so they will not be deleted in two months 😂

Posted using Partiko iOS

Ahh hahaha well, there is a problem :)

@d00k13, Mistakes expands us for good if we are learners. And whatever happened with you, it's advising you to be more observatory and it's an message to viewers also because it can happen with anyone when we use Multiple Accounts. Thank you so much for sharing your mistakes because it will expand you as an Human Being. Stay blessed brother. 🙂


Posted using Partiko Android

Most definitely a learner thus the solution of which account it will automatically switch to but I had a change in normal posting activities so my solution did not save me 😅

Always happy to make an example of myself 😂🥳

Posted using Partiko iOS

That's an great sign brother. Have a great time ahead. 🙂

Likewise my friend, stay safe out there this New Years 🙏

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes brother, thank you so much and you too. 🙂

Error is human my dear friend @d00k13!
Making mistakes is the part of life.how we learn from our mistake this is important.
Who learns from his mistakes that is real human.
Thank you friend

Yea we are only human, hopefully someone can learn from my mistake seeing I have a hard time doing it 😅

Your welcome dude 💪

Posted using Partiko iOS

Sometimes we made a mistakes cause we are not perfect and i Love the way you approach your mistake brother..

Thanks dude much appreciated, head on as always trying to make it a learning experience for others while reinforcing the idea within myself 😝

Posted using Partiko iOS

My pleasure brother..

Posted using Partiko Android

I have two accounts, one for me and one for my son. I just opened a third, which will only be food related posts.

What works for me is to stay logged out of dtube until I am uploading. Then I login for the right account (in theory.)

For posts -

  • My account is in regular chrome.
  • My son is in firefox.
  • The new account is in incognito chrome.
    So presumably I notice that.

I post with busy, esteem, and ulogs too and have steps written to "not screw up" there, although I have :)

I also have "posting directions" files for all the dapps I use. If I look at them and follow my own directions, I have steps to tell me to be sure I'm posting from the right place and also doing "all the things" I am supposed to be doing. I try really hard not to rush and skip anything.

I found this post from your tweet. Great job on tweeting your post out and I scheduled a rt. Thank you!

You can rt friends from this list feed it you are so inclined :)


Yea I’m going to have to practice that in future, staying logged out.... just have to uncheck that keep me logged in box 👍 problem solved essentially

Doing things mostly from mobile writing out steps is rather clunky for me, more of a “by the seat of my pants” creator lol.... mistakes are bound to happen but I’m ok with that 😅 joys of always on the go!

I will have to see if I can get another browser working for me, that will definitely help.

I told you I try with Twitter 😂 I’ll never be pro nor do I care to be but I do understand why we all need to participate with the social media advertising, by the way I saved your post about how to do it better for a reference. Tried to follow some of your suggestions for that tweet I’m glad it reached you, shows the effects a little effort can have. Going to try start sharing everything I post and maybe do a quick daily picture with a thought just for Twitter looking at reaching outside the realm of crypto.

So rt is retweet? Still trying to figure everything out with twitter, little confusing to me how it all works. I did join that list I’m pretty certain, suppose I’ll have to try retweet’s 🤙

Posted using Partiko iOS


Oh, gosh! I have done that three times in the past week. I so totally understand how off putting it can be. My two Grand Georges have accounts and it has been crazy. So, we are in the "ooops club."

Hugs, hope it helps to know you are not the only dumb dumb.

Yay 😁 that’s going to be a thing one day 😅

your officially in the ooops club
your officially trying to hard

Yea it does help thanks, I often wonder how some of these guys with multiple big accounts do it without error... I’m just glad it wasn’t anything to controversial that I posted 😜

Posted using Partiko iOS

I know right! My Grand George (@akacarl) says he will charge me an OOPS tax called keeping the SP! He's a smart one for sure.

You know, I may actually be trying too hard at all this. It's worth it though. I have found so many wonderful people here on the blockchain and love every minute of it. I just hope I never mix up this account or the @heyhaveyamet. That would be total confusion! haha.

Wait, you controversial? haha.

Yea that’s basically it I’m charging myself an oops tax for doing it by leaving the rewards from that post for the community, I’m not really to worried about it other then being the wrong account.

It is definitely worth it, not sure what in this life is worth anything without the effort to go along with it.

I can be quite controversial lol, near Halloween I posted a video “blowing Steem for all you throwing fud” lmao 1 min snap of me which was explaining by example how invested I am by boosting a super short video of me blowing smoke to the top of trending 😝

Posted using Partiko iOS

Oops Tax... You may be on to something here. Does it count if I just leave it in my Grand George's account? haha. He would be thrilled. He is saving up for his first booster pack of Steem Monster cards and I think this would be a great way to help him out. If you are interested in helping him out, you can visit his account @akacarl.

Yeah, I saw that video. It was definitely different. I am not a controversial person, but I do appreciate those who are.

I'm so glad that I only have one account. I know I would be messing up all the time. Thanks @d00k13, you just convinced me not to get another account. 👍👍


Posted using Partiko Android

Your welcome 🙏 it will definitely keep things much simpler, only reason I’d ever suggest such a situation would be for a specific show or like ours a project the community account.

Last time I think I did it the other way around and put the community update on my account, scores even now 😅

Posted using Partiko iOS

I do face this problem with the @drisers account and my personal one. I do end up uploading the same video on the account that was not supposed to but I've countered this problem with using two methods...

Since only Chrome works for you I'll tell what I do with CHrome..


I hope this way might be helpful for ya and to those who use multiple accounts :)

BTW The second and easy way is to use separate browsers for each account.

And thanks a lot for the lesson we must learn from what we didn't do as we should have done, but it's very great to get the prevention before we do such a mistake.

Thanks A Lot For Sharin :)


Thanks brother never thought of the incognito window I’ll have to give that a try! I just wish Firefox worked on my pc that would solve the problem all together 🤔

There is a way of fixing the post had I a video and the time to change it but I figured a lesson for others to learn from would be best 💪

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yup surely you can give it a go it always keeps out the confusion for me..

That's so nice of you !! Thanks for takin a step for givin us a lesson that would be surely helpful and useful too :)

Lookin Forward To More of Dookie Digests !! :)



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