It is high time to use EVs and Solar energy because of the rising fuel costs using the Sun to power it all up like a boss

in CCSyesterday (edited)


The price of fuels had risen so much like a reality out of touch


While mother is buying fresh Pineapples off camera


It could be a nice scene without the cars


So much cars as usual, worst in cities where there are tons of crisscrossing roads

I happen to take this photos on the date indicated, I am now making use of my phone's camera in order to join the #CSS photography challenges which I find fun and exciting because there are no losers in the game and it does encourage people to exercise their skill with whatever camera type that they are using whether it is a Smartphone camera or a professional camera which captures quality photos for the purpose. In these photos I am sharing the how the price of fossil fuels (gasoline and diesel) had gone up following the CoViD pandemic from around the month of March of 2020 which disrupted supply chains all over the world and the succeeding impact in our global economy and then the added effect of the invasion of Ukraine by Putin which also further exacerbated the already worse economy that none of us deserves but because big nations are warring each other, the effort to balance the geopolitical power in Europe causes USA to ask for its treasure to borrow more money from the FED in tandem with banks to help Ukraine so that the situation there will not get worse than what is currently happening there already.

Now the price of oil is out of whack and it will going to continue of the cause of our general hardship will not go away which in present time, it pushes the value of our fiat currencies downward with regards to its purchasing power. So good luck to humanity and the its future because if nothing changes in our world then this civilization of ours will self-destruct and wars and rumors of wars are already happening in this world as prophesied in the Bible. I cannot imagine how bad it will be for those days, weeks, or months and I personally do not even want to have a nightmare about it because of the type of tribulation which people will experience what had never happened before or will ever happen again after it. But in the end, the Lord Jesus Christ will come and rule for a thousand years with the elected ones and it will the only time on earth where people can enjoy peace until the heaven and the earth will be changed and the holy people taken to the heaven where God the father resides and from thereon. the ones that happened to reach it will enjoy an everlasting life of pure happiness.

So at this point in time we the inhabitants of this world must turn to God so that we can be able to pray to him without him trying to not hear us because God only hears the prayers of a holy person and it could be anyone of us because nobody knows what the heart of a single individual contains but God. He hears the prayers and supplications of the people who have fear from him, those that are not wicked and just pure in heart. Fortunately there are still many individuals which are aware of what is good and what is evil where they always choose or lean on the good side because all of us were born pure in heart where some people still remain to be in that state until adulthood. In contrast as said by Jesus Christ himself, some people are born evil and only wanted to do what their father Satan likes them to do because Satan is already a condemned spirit and is just waiting for his final destination and is just wanting to pull more and more souls with him to share his demise because you know, misery loves company and Satan wants many deceived souls to be with him to his final time.

Anyway with these photos with cars on the street, the traffic is quite heavy because you cannot drive fast without almost stopping at choke points like in corners, intersections, and near structures which people comes and goes like malls and other retail shops. That is why my father always wants us to take another route which I also do not like because of its more bumpier kind of road. But that road is less travelled although again my father cannot drive faster because other cars uses it as a kind of shortcut to reach the town where we are going to for my dialysis treatment or unto the heart of the adjacent city just beside my town with the aim of getting to our destination fast because it makes the car run continuously rather than being disrupted when we pass-by choked areas on the main hi-way which according to my father will cause the already non-fuel efficient car to gulp more gasoline. As for our car which is only made us to use by my sister after getting their own car which she is still paying in installment basis, I still want to have it replaced by those electric cars which are made from China. My country's government is asking people to use eco-friendly cars like those electronic vehicles (EVs) which uses solar energy or electricity to run because it doesn't pollute the air and then there will be no more need to buy expensive gasoline and diel fuels which I am sure will going to get more and more expensive because of the war, rumors of war, the bad economy getting worse day by day, not to mention trade wars between China and the western countries like Europe and especially USA.

China by the way is really producing quality EVs with an attractive price, I just hope that I can be able to purchase one if it would be more available here in my country because although these useful EV cars are relatively cheap compared to fueled engine cars, they too suffer from added price because of the government tariffs imposed on them or maybe that they are quite a rarity to be had that it affects to appreciate their price. So it is still a dream for me to get an electric vehicle considering that I have a preference for a model or type that I want to own which would allow me to use it even within a worse weather event like if the the streets are almost impassable because of the floods. It is because it is pointless to have a vehicle which you cannot use if you need to considering that I needed to get out from my home from time to time at a regular and important scheduled basis whether the road conditions are bad or good. Anyway, it would also be a awesome of our house is powered by Solar energy like what my other brother has which gives them credit from the grid when their Solar panels are generating power. Those power credits are then given back to them when they are using the electricity and it really cuts the cost of their of their electric bill based on their electricity usage and the power generated by their Solar energy system installed by a company that the contacted. Solar panels are now getting more and more cheap because of many companies which competes to make and sell them. There are also innovations with the Solar technology to make it more better in using them and because of competition in the market, the manufactures of the said batter quality Solar panels cannot really command a higher price and that is the beauty of competition where the end-user wins with a quality product at a more affordable prices.

It does pay a whole lot if we all use solar power system especially here in my country where we are situated near the planet earth's equator and there is sunshine in all of the months of the year except when the skies are full of grey clouds. Bit since there is a climate change going on, the amount of rain and the period of time of the rainy season was effectively cut shorter which is why if I would compare the rainy season nowadays, it really changed a lot because of the ratio of raining and not raining had gotten shorter in favor of not raining too much. That is an advantage for Solar power users because they can harvest more power from the Sunlight to be used for their energy needs like charging their gadgets, EVs, and freely using it for their DC appliances and even air-conditioners based on the capacity of their Solar power set-up in their homes. Not all households can afford such free energy set-up but at least there are many ways to harvest the power coming from the Sun because there are still many portable but high capacity power source which can be attached to cheaper Solar panels where the household can get free energy from for their rechargeable gadgets plus their appliances which runs in direct current (DC) type of power. Bit those that have the ability or can afford to get the same Solar power set-up just like my brother then the better the result will happen because of course like I said earlier it does cut your electricity bill depending on your usage. In my own opinion, it is better to not over-rely on the power grid because the cost of electricity here in my country is very expensive and I do not expect it to get lower at any time soon. However if I would get the news of the government being on its way to develop a nuclear energy source, it might prevent me from using solar energy but since if the nuclear power plant will even be built from this point in time, it will just take ore than five years before a volt of electricity will come from it. In conclusion if things will go in my favor for also making more use of Solar energy for our power needs around the house, I will not hesitate to have it so that I can also free myself from obligations of paying electricity bills while enjoying an almost in exhaustible power coming from the Sun with the supposed Solar power system that I want to be installed which I am sure that will outlast my existence in the process.

Captured using my Zenfone 4 Max X00ID

Camera resolution: 52 Megapixels (4:3)

Camera Mode: Super resolution

Camera Settings: No Settings

Focus mode: Fixed Auto

ᴬᴸᴸ ᴾᴴᴼᵀᴼˢ ᴬᴮᴼᵛᴱ ᴬᴿᴱ ᶜᴬᴾᵀᵁᴿᴱᴰ ᴬᴺᴰ ᴼᵂᴺᴱᴰ ᴮᵞ @cryptopie

Contest link Here pointleft.gif


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