Life Through The Eyes Of Honey Bees -- Simply Exquisite & Hard Working

in #life7 years ago


Honey bees are indeed wonderful creatures, not because of their golden yellow physical appearance, rather they have a lot to teach human species. If you ask any bees expert why we should worry about these honey bees and wild bees which are dying off rapidly, their reply would be - Bees pollinate so many of our crops that's why their presence can't be ignored.

Honey bees basically resides in colonies just like human beings except they always lives self-decisively. There are no leader among the colonies of Honey bees. They are their own leader, they don't follow anyone but still they have to live together and keep working in harmony in order to keep their colony survivable and ensuring the collection of food. Honey bees are believed to be the most studied creature on Earth after humans because of their exquisite team work and harmony. 

These little bees have many characterstics which everyone should know about and at least learn a few of them. Believe me they have a lot to teach human kind if we're willing to learn.

Honeybees Teach Us About Relationships

Honeybees, as I said above, work together and share compassion for their goals. They understand the importance of mutual care towards the common objective. Unlike the human beings, they always work hard for their goals consistently, without worrying much about the external environment until they reach their common goals. Because in the end, things cannot work without mutual care and energy. 

Human should understand that whether it is love or friendship, we have to walk together otherwise we're never gonna get successful in our relationships. 

Honeybees Teach Us To Work Hard

Have your ever seen Beehives? If you have seen that, then you must have an idea about the amount of hard work bees put to make it work. Bees have to work very hard to find the best nectar sources and have to work together to make some honey. The working capacity of bees are very fast and they never get tired before they have accomplished their work.

Human beings should learn this thing from bees. The way they work, with harmony, with team-work and under time frame is extra-ordinary. People should work for their goals instead of just rambling about it.


Honeybees Teach Us The Value Of Community

The success of bees are just because of their intense sense of community. Without it, they would never be able to create honey and build beehives for their survival. 

But when it comes to humans, we don't take pride while associate ourselves with our community. We're under the camouflage of practicality, loosing our values and our humanity with it. Working with community is always a 'must' for the accomplishment of a higher goal. People should understand this and learn to give importance to the surrounding communities.

There are many other lessons that Honeybees can teach us but if people can follow some of the basic ones, their life would have been better for sure. 

Life is always hard, always unfair, always risky and always uncertain. But it doesn't mean that we have to sit back and see what's happening in front of our eyes. Instead, stand up and work hard to change your outcomes is the real manly thing a person can do. That's what bees do and that should everyone do. 

Thanks for reading.

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