Life Through The Eyes Of A Spider ... ! Competitive And Ruthless

in #life7 years ago (edited)


We all know about the spiders and most of us scared of them if it comes near us. Well, this article is not about their scariness or about their tentacles but it's all about How they see life and what humans can learn from them?

Last night I saw a giant spider web in my garage and the spider was one of the biggest I have ever seen. The Web was almost half meter high and about the same in width, probably the biggest I have ever seen. But then I realized, it was actually a master piece or nature's art at its best. Spider may not be your favorite but they are master engineers and artists. If you ever get a chance, watch a spider spinning it's web. Nature at its best and inspiring. 

So, this is what spiders do, they make webs and they make it with perfection and dedication. For them their web is everything- their source of survival, their home and their wealth.

Now let's take humans and what they do? Humans dreams of becoming a millionaire and famous but only few of them go on to make their dreams come true. Most of us wants that success will come to us, without us doing anything extraordinary. But that is not possible because hard work and success are directly proportional. One attracts another.

Now, do you want to be the engineer of your own life? Do you want to spin the webs of your life yourself? If yes, come with me and learn something from spiders.

Think Big And Design Your Net Wide 


The most interesting thing I saw last night was How big the web cast by the spider?  I am sure the spider would not have thought of starting small and then one day thinking big. Spiders never delegate their work on tomorrow. They are master engineers and logical thinkers.

Likewise, humans can also think big and can start to cast their net wide. Because with a great thinking, the great ideas come to your mind and eventually the great success comes to you.

Trust Yourself And What You're Building

Spider's web is too flexible yet very strong. If you blow some air on their web, it'll start hovering but never break. Spiders know what they're capable of building so they get started and believe in their natural ability.

Likewise, humans can also start working on their dreams and trust themselves in the process. People should have trust on their abilities, now matter how hard the circumstances are they shouldn't stumble from their objective. Walk on the path of spiders and claim your rewards in the end.

Work Everyday


Spider works everyday. It build their web every now and then in case the previous web gets blown, need some repairing or have been completely destroyed. I saw many spider's web which are more than 6 months old and they were so dense and strong. Because spiders work continuously on their dreams. They don't give up when their web got blown, instead they stand up immediately and starts working on building another.

Likewise, humans can also work on their goals every second by making themselves better, learning about something new and viable, practice their skills every now and then, thus making themselves better everyday. Consistency is the deciding point of your goals. If you're consistent, only then you can accomplish your dreams.

Work Alone If Necessary 

Have you ever seen two spiders spinning the similar web, Honestly I haven't seen a single case of this scenario. As far as I know, spiders build their own web on their own. They don't take approval or advice from anyone. It is like 'Every spider for himself'. 

Likewise, humans can do anything alone if they put your mind into it. Yeah, I know Team work is the best. But there are some paths which you have to walk alone. So, why not starting with building your dreams on your own. Of course, do seek out help and guidance from others, but do not rely on others to get started. Don't wait until your 'dream team' come into existence. Go alone and conquer with pride. 

Fight The Circumstances


You must have observed many times that if you try to damage spider's web, it'll quickly come at you and try to walk on your hands or face whatever. The main point is, spiders fights the circumstances. Whenever they face with hardships, they don't run, instead they fight them.

Likewise humans can also do the same on their journey to accomplish their dreams. There's a saying that,'' If you're not facing any problems while accomplishing your dreams, then may be you're going on the wrong path''. So the real path to success is full of circumstances and you have to fight them with dare and courage. Only then you'll triumph.

Focus your life on something great and you're halfway there. Love you dreams and fight for them if necessary.

Thanks for reading.

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