ChainBB - A Review of what may become way bigger than

in #chainbb7 years ago (edited)



Forums, also known as message boards, are one of the fundamental building blocks of the internet. Forums are one of the reasons why the Internet is so large. On the internet, you can find forums dedicated to anything from gardening to sports betting, from video games to politics, from finance to technology.

Right now, hundreds of forum software packages, including phpBB, Invision and others power this concept. And as you might’ve guessed, forums are still extremely popular.

Enter ChainBB

To be honest, I bow to @jesta...

Since the beginning he has been creating awesome tools using the steem blockchain and his output are off the chart.,, Reprint and now...

He single-handedly created something that may be the biggest internet story.

He created CHAINBB, a steem-based message board that generate a completely different user experience and re-invented the way we interact with the blockchain.

What's really different?


On, regardless of how relevant the discussion is, the content will eventually disappear from the New/Hot/Trending page. After that period, regardless of how relevant the discussion is, it may be lost in the meanders of the blockchain...only to be retrieved by google search or manual navigation. Nothing wrong there...but that's just one way to explore the blockchain.

ChainBB, on the other hand, has the post with the latest comment jump to the top of the list. Keeping the conversation going. With that kind of interface, a single post may have hundreds and hundreds of replies.

So what's so big about that?


One Word: Communities

Right now, creating forums solely around tags are not the best way to organize a forum. But @jesta was able to make it work none the less. When the community feature will be release, a ChainBB forum for each community could operate under their own domain using Reprint (an open source framework for creating blockchain-based websites).

Each project use 2 things:

1- A Forum
2- A Blog

So why use anything else than chainBB if it performs as good and also has the added bonus of rewards?

You may have missed the news but not only developpers will be able to monetize their apps using the arbitrary rewards mechanism but also people who start communities! So people will be able to start a forum that fund it's community, it's development and projects!


An Opportunity Ripe for the Taking

I'm not sure what @jesta's plans are and I'm not sure he realizes how good an opportunity he has at his fingertips. To be honest, I don't know if he is much of a businessman.

Imagine if a business was built around that technology. A company that develop a service to help people start their own forum/blog using Reprint/ChainBB, develop an App like Tapatalk, work on improving the the software, etc.

The profit source would be the arbitrary reward mechanism of course.



This project is still beta, but right now, it is my #1 on my list when it comes to growth potential. If @jesta surrounds himself with a good team with diversified skills, this guy could be the next Mark Zuckerberg. No jokes.


First off - thank you. I haven't had enough coffee yet to elegantly put into words why, but I suppose it's simply for "getting it" haha.

I'm incredibly excited for this project, as I rambled on about the other day. This is the point where it feels like things are snapping into place almost perfectly for the things I've been working on. I'm also thrilled that it's more than just my excitement at, this excitement is being shared by many!

Now that I'm starting to come up for air after this 6-week programming binge, I am diverting my attention towards how this could grow. I have been charting out a multi-phased plan to really push chainBB forward, both as a project and as a business, which hopefully I will share (in parts) soon. I have no desire to do this alone and if it's as big as I think it could be - I'd need help.

I need to get back to my coffee. Writing even these few thoughts has been rough! :)

I'm about to release yet another project, and once that's sailing about, it's back onto chainBB planning.

awesome! there are a lot of developers out here who would love to see and help anyone like yourself make history of facebook and their like. it would be cool and useful if you could give strong hints about areas where development is needed: things that are slowing you down, infrastructure or other cool opportunities that would magnify the power of steemit that you don't have time for. that way others can jump in and help without duplicating work (i.e. fragmented dozens of distributions of linux.) maybe you are one of the few that have the big picture enough to steer things (even if the vision is to keep power decentralized - which may be wise.)

A project with great ideas ~ ~ look forward to

So you are the next big thing @jesta ?Tell me,chainBB need any other person on its team aside from Programmers and crypto-junkies?

No idea, I just like building things :)

I blame Legos.

"How Legos changed my life" - Jesta, I can see it now. I also feel this way lol

LOL! too, with metals and woods anyways,

I did a lot of woodworking as a kid - I'm not entirely sure why I stopped. It might have been around the time I started programming though. I guess I never really thought about it :)

One of my best friends does a lot of wood/metal working, it's awesome being able to create things out of raw materials like that. We're building an open air mining rig right now out of aluminum, so glad he knows what he's doing LOL!

open air mining rig right now out of aluminum......

WOW!...what does that do?

To mine Ether?.......he's a pro from what you just told me ......maestro

Legos are really cool until you step on one.

Yup! @cryptoctopus really brought it home for me. I love your work @jesta! It's everywhere. No serious Steemians could ever live without It's so well design and pack with so much useful stats. I look forward to see what you'll bring us in the future!

Another 2-3 sites like this and our life is already moving on the internet. :D

Thanks in advance for building stuff, going to check it out

Hi @jesta,

Apologies for bumping such an old thread, but I didn't know how else to get in touch with you. I'm José Macedo, senior analyst at AmaZix ( // In case you haven't heard of us, we're one the largest community management, consulting and advisory companies in the crypto space, partnered with Bancor, HDAC, Bankex and many others. We've worked with over 100 projects and now have over 100 employees.

We're now working on a forum project with a token to incentivise quality content/curation. We really like the STEEM distribution algorithm for this and are very interested in building on top of STEEM. As such, we've been very inspired by your work with ChainBB and if you've got any availability, we'd love to get your feedback and advice on what we're doing.

Do you have an e-mail/telegram that you can be contacted on?

Thanks very much in advance,


This is amazing :) Thank you for bringing to my awareness the beauty of chainbb. It is something I would injoy being part of <3 much love

CAN NOT WAIT to see how this turns out!!!! excited... this is exactly how to build various/unique applications... utilizing a single blockchain.

i'm keeping all my fingers crossed with you @ajvest , ........smiling!
will be amazed to see competitions with Steemit.

the great thing is that a whole EXOSYSTEM of Dapps can spring up around that single blockchain this way...! And the one of Steem could be pretty much in the centre of an entire "stack" (wrong word, let's better say assortment or cluster) of Dapps doing things like Steemit, Zappl, blockBB, and so much more.

Hah, gotta love it when our chat dies in the middle of the conversation.

right...maybe we need to connect on skype.

I'm heading out to run some errands for the day, we can reconnect later. Not sure if you saw - but those new forums are up and I managed to connect chainBB to a different node, which is now making the site sync much much faster ;)

alright. be well!

I am not technically savvy, so excuse me if I did not understand correctly.

Through chainBB one can open a group, like FB groups? And manage it himself? How would the rewards of a group like that be distibuted between the group and the authors?

I would suggest that you read the FAQ. Lots of features in development too.

I cannot find the FAQ. Please direct me in the right direction. Thanks!

Steemit should add a "Discussion" tag and link to ChainBB

This sounds pretty darn interesting! Cool stuff!

@jesta is amazing.

@jesta for president

@cryptoctopus for vice president,and i will apply as your body guard .....chuckles

What a great tribute to @jesta and a giant thank you to both of you for making this project know and becoming a powerful reality on our site.

All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Glad to see this project is still underway and improving each day. Keep up the great work. :)

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