Introducing Me myself and Pregnancy diary.我和我的孕期日记

in #cn8 years ago (edited)

Hi everybody, this is my first visit to  steemit.  I didn't  expect that there are so many interesting stories,so I decided to write my story . Recently,the most important thing for me is that I became a new mother,and there are many stories to share to you.

 大家好,这是我第一次来到 steemit 。没想到这里有这么多有趣的故事,我决定写下自己的故事。最近对我来说最重要的是就是我成为了一个妈妈,有很多的故事要分享给大家。

As for myself, you can call me Coco,but I usually have my online alias as CocoLi 


 I got married in February 14, 2016. Yes ! It was a very memorable Valentine's Day.More importantly, that day I knew I was pregnant,  I was going to become a mother.  The same with many pregnant mothers that  the first three months I had morning sickness,nausea、vomit、no appetite. During that time very worried about the safety of the fetus, facts have proved that if there is no sign of miscarriage,The fetus was very safe. Pregnant women should pay special attention to the first three months of rest,and  follow your doctor for check-ups。Pregnant mothers have to maintain a good mood, so the baby will be more healthy.


Fourth month, I became very good appetite,and it is easy to hungry. I eat several meals a day,and some fruit. it was so exciting thing that my baby was rapidly developing. During this time, I often cook their own food, my cooking had a lot of progress, of couse, also rose a lot of weight. In Week 19, I first felt fetal movement,  baby forced to kick. I quickly called over to my husband, and let him feel fetal movement. It was an exciting night. 


At 23 weeks of pregnancy to the hospital for four-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound examination,this was to check whether fetal malformation. Watching the baby to eat fingers, tongue, too cute. My Doctor said the baby is normal. I was very happy with  my husband, then immediately notify my family.


 I had always dreamed of going to the beach pregnant photo shoot,but I asked a few studio, shoot the scenery outside is too expensive,so I decided to get my husband to act as photographer. When more than six months pregnant, the belly looked great,I put on a bikini and white shirt. Am I pretty? 


 Two months later, the baby would be born, my family are very much looking forward.Then I will often come to steemit to share with you my story. 

还有两个月宝宝就要出生了,我们一家人都非常期待。以后我会经常来 steemit跟大家分享故事。  


So beautiful!





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