Right Before The Dawn - Elevate Your Thinking And Mindset

in #lo6 years ago (edited)
I had an intense conversation today with a good friend. Like many, he is currently going through some trying times and attempting to keep his head above water. As someone who has been there before, I was focused on reminding him the a very important fact: We can’t grow, unless we are brave enough to keep on moving forward.

There is not a single person on earth I’m sure, who has not struggled once or twice in their life. Even the most successful Entrepreneur has lost thousands if not millions of dollars. At times it becomes not apparent, because we only see the good times, we only their “today”.

I personally know very successful businessmen who have endured some of the most difficult times imaginable, but due to their will and courage, managed to come out victors. You would not believe me if I told you, I once met a man running a big organization, a big business, who at home had only a head of lettuce in his refrigerator. This man confronted life with valor, because he knew it was a matter of time before things turned around, and he was sure that if he gave up, none of his dreams would ever become true.

Attempt to picture that scenario, attempt to put yourself in the shoes of someone who has to be stoic all the time, strong, a true leader, yet at home he is wondering how he will eat a good meal the next day. It sounds impossible, it sounds incredible, yet I saw it with my own very eyes. Today this businessman is enjoying those fruits, he is enjoying the value of that early sacrifice.

I remembered this story today because it feels at times that we lack the ability to visualize ourselves effectively. We seem to be blind to the possibilities that could come, if only we stayed focus and directed most of our energy to achieving sensible goals. I say sensible because Rome was not built in a day, but if no one lays one single brick, our Rome can never be built. I guess that is the message I was trying to share with my friend tonight, and the reason why I found it important to continue that phone call for as long as I did.

I could not begin to tell you how many times I’ve seen people give up, its so common it's almost heartbreaking. Intelligent, capable people with noble goals, who all of the sudden throw in the towel and settle for so much less. To me it seems almost criminal, because I can recognize their true potential, and I know they won’t sit well with those choices, at least in the long run.

You could even say that there is no formula, you could say that no one could really tell you exactly what to do to succeed. But there are some things that we do know don’t work: complaining, projecting, escape goating, and an overall lack of self reflection.

I think this is why the conversation is complicated, because as a true friend I must always speak the truth, even if it hurts. This doesn’t mean I have to be rude, or purposely hurtful. It just means I can’t lie at the expense of making a friend feel good about today, while knowing that he won’t be well tomorrow.

I felt compelled to write this on my blog today, because I know there are many who are feeling like the boat is sinking and there is nothing you can do to keep it floating. But this is not the case, at least not entirely. I won’t lie to anyone and say that everything I’ve tried to do in life has succeeded, of course not. But on everything that I succeed, whether it's in my career as a musician, producer or Entrepreneur, I succeed because I didn’t give up easily, because when it became really difficult, I was one of the few that didn’t quit.

Keep on Steemin my friends


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Flagged for disagreement on rewards.

You write unoriginal tripe full of banalities and platitudes; you also come across as a complete fake. Buying votes for such a post and getting it on trending is not good for Steemit's image, or yours, for that matter. Maybe you should try to write something of substance before you spend money promoting it?

You're mistaken @church-of-piglet. I write to most people because I'm not sure if you know it but 98% of people do not have the same brilliant mind as you do. Your vocabulary is disrespectful because you do not know me. Moreover I do not disrespect people and I know almost the whole world and I have already seen with my eyes the poverty, the misery and unfortunately the lack of culture of many people.

If you believe that what I write is not helpful to your brilliant mind, please take care of your blog for people like you who do not understand that teaching people is writing in a simple way. Do not forget also respect because with my life experience or you have never had to fight for anything in life, or you are frustrated with the success of your neighbor or you are a rich person who has no respect for other people. I wish all the success of the world for you but do not spend your time giving flags subtracting people's money, this is not a dignified attitude. Try to invest your time in looking to know what you are not yet and I assure you that this will make you a better human being.

All the Best !!!

@church-of-piglet is absolutely correct. You need to quit buying all these upvotes, if your content is great, it will have successful with far more modest promotion. Your behaviour is damaging the community. Take this as a friendly warning, the next one will not be.

У каждого есть свое мнение. И его нужно уважать. А то, что статья кому-то не нравится, это ихние проблемы. Мне статья понравилась. Браво chbartist ( 72 )!!!

Oh, how I love your humble reply @chbartist.

Agreed, this post is a joke and so are the rewards. Most of this guys posts are little more than gibberish. I wouldn't mind if the payout was less than 5 SBD but when I see 1000+ at the current price of Steem, that is just sick. What a drain of the rewards pool.

A total bot ban is well overdue.

My thoughts exacly too. I was puzzled at how hard this was tending. I read it wondering what all the fuss was about. On firsts read maybe the message was so so deep that it required a further study. I read it again, and no, I was still puzzled at it's seeming popularity. A long list of platitudes and disingenuous slop which quite honestly made me a little angry. And some of these fucking sanctimonious comments here are just as sickening. This is not FACEBOOK FFS!

church you got my upvote ! Hope the people work harder like me doing reviews in steemit XD

You're mistaken @church-of-piglet. I write to most people because I'm not sure if you know it but 98% of people do not have the same brilliant mind as you do. Your vocabulary is disrespectful because you do not know me. Moreover I do not disrespect people and I know almost the whole world and I have already seen with my eyes the poverty, the misery and unfortunately the lack of culture of many people.

If you believe that what I write is not helpful to your brilliant mind, please take care of your blog for people like you who do not understand that teaching people is writing in a simple way. Do not forget also respect because with my life experience or you have never had to fight for anything in life, or you are frustrated with the success of your neighbor or you are a rich person who has no respect for other people. I wish all the success of the world for you but do not spend your time giving flags subtracting people's money, this is not a dignified attitude. Try to invest your time in looking to know what you are not yet and I assure you that this will make you a better human being.

All the Best !!!

Rewards pool rapist blathers about poverty while taking money from Steem users in 3rd world. There is less in the pool for people who live on a dollar a day because you need your ego stroked.

Amazing post! Thanks for the info!

@futureishere has an amazing post on its page as well!


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Stop spamming, please.


Trials and sacrifices come first before the shining success. I think no one succeeds without undergoing any difficulties on its way and the one who reach the peak are those who never gave up and continue their journey towards the crown of success.

This guy is trying to take a short-cut to success. He arrogantly puts almost every post to the top or near the top of the trending page with bot paid votes. His actions are at your expensive. This guy is one of the reasons many are struggling on this platform. Downvoted for giving undeserved praise to an obvious charlatan.

You are quite right, of course, but if you want to downvote all the inane sycophantic comments here, your voting power will not survive 8-).

I just grabbed a couple of annoying ones just for the fun of it. Is it me, or does it seem like this platform is becoming the hangout place for the world's biggest idiots.

It does, and a select few are laughing all the way to the bank.

This is a society of weak meat and strong food, either learn to be jealous or learn to serve people with morality.

I downvoted this post because I am jealous that a weird loser could be earning over a thousand bucks for sharing a few annoying platitudes. If the price of Steem was over $10 this post would be earning over 10K. Seriously, WTF.

Pienso que la vida es una lucha constante el mundo es lugar tan fuerte, donde tienes que batallar tanto con tus propios demonios interiores como exteriores para lograr el éxito y solo depende de uno llegar a la cima sin importar cuantas veces uno se caiga. La vida es dura logra los sueños de uno no es cosa fácil pero por más duro que sea es sueño uno va dispuesto a dar el todo por el todo para lograr esa meta ,porque uno cree en eso y cuando uno lucha por algo con pasión tardío o temprano conseguirá lo que desea. #vida #Historia

I do liked the article, you know:
"Human mind" is one of the most complicated creature in the world. It's not easy to train it, take care of it, challenge it and.... But as many other complicated system when we rewire it in a correct way, it would be most fascinating creature for us... Let's challenge it, train it together...Life is like a Rubik's cube :)

The greatest thing you can do in life in order to achieve success, is to help other people less fortunate than yourself.

Yeah. But you don't have to even think that's the only way to true success. There are various kinds of successes, but the real kinds is the one that has gone through difficulties,conquered and is still standing tall. I Love your comment.

@elizahfhaye : Yeah. But you don't have to even think that's the only way to true success. There are various kinds of successes, but the real kinds is the one that has gone through difficulties,conquered and is still standing tall. I Love your comment

Yes @elizahfhaye you are right!!!!

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I believe one of the important skills is in is not giving up. As Vince Lombard said, "The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall".

I'm with you on this! Life can sometimes go unfavorably and it could push us to the ground. But if we're brave enough to look past the difficulties and insist on standing back up, we'll be okay.

The only thing I am missing in my life is brave & taking good decision when required. Which make my days hard. Hopefully I will have some good days in coming times. Please keep me in your prayers.

Agree my friend. Don't give up! never!!!! @mahmud4m

same situation with me but this article has motivated me a lot @mahmuad4m

This post is fucking garbage and it makes me sick to see you all kissing his ass for change. This is bad for steemit that such a shitty worthless post is paid so much. This wouldn't make 20 cents without paid upvotes

Life is sometimes very bitter and annoying. I've had these experiences over and over again but what really kept me through these difficulties was determination. I promised myself never to surrender to challenges and it has worked for me.
Dear friend, just believe that it's going to be well.

Thanks for reminding me why I come on steemit! I had a really hard day, I've just been so angry at myself for working a dead end job while in school, but on the side I am working little by little towards my goals. Gotta keep the big picture in mind.

nice post

Thanks @chbartist for the wise words. You're able in several sentences, clearly and precisely state the thoughts that encourage many people in difficult times

I was wondering what to do when we think there's no way out? Giving up is the easiest thing to do, but moving forward becomes urgent if you really want to get or reach the goal. In the world of successful people, it is not that failures do not exist, but rather that they have risen up and persisted in their goals. Just because the day is over doesn't mean it's all over. On the contrary, tomorrow will be another day and there will be a new opportunity to start over. May God bless you!

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