Global warming and climate change, what can we do? // Upmewhale Writing Contest

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My dearest greetings to the entire steem community who support these types of initiatives.

Thanks to @upmewhale for opening up the possibility for every user to give their opinion and appreciation on such an interesting topic as climate change and global warming.

I really find it a very interesting topic since it can be approached from different perspectives, although climate change and global warming seem very controversial, it is essential to address this issue for these times, especially considering that the consequences of global warming are being lived under a reality where the effects are starting to touch us tragically. The studies that were carried out years ago predicted long-term consequences, but I believe that many of those consequences are being experienced today.

Taking into consideration the signals provided by @upmewhale to address the analysis regarding the proposed topic, I proceed to answer the following questions:

[1] What is climate change?

I think we need to think about conceptualizing many of these terms based on the name that the title of the question gives us, for this case conceptualizing one of the problems of today, and that will surely present humanity and the planet in the future is climate change.

What is climate change?
First and foremost we are obliged to accept that climate change is a phenomenon of adjustment or balance through which the planet has constantly passed throughout its history:

What kind of phenomenon is this?

Logically it is a phenomenon in which the planet experiences changes in its climate, understanding as climate all the external conditions through which life can develop, among these conditions I can mention:

  • Temperature.
  • Humidity.
  • Precipitation.

Image Source. Pixabay

In general, climate change is the changes that the planet experiences in relation to all the physical parameters that define climate.

Before addressing the next question, it is necessary to analyze another question that arises when we conceptualize about climate change:

Why does our planet's climate change?

Perhaps we think that this is a new phenomenon, and that it only occurs from human activities involving industrial development, and that it occurs from the release of greenhouse gases.

Image Source. Pixabay

Although it is thought that climate change on our planet is something new, as it is not, the planet has always sought to change its climate and adjust it to the best conditions where life on earth can be established.

If we study the history of the planet earth, its physical characteristics according to its evolution, we can realize that the planet went through an ice age, in which the concentration of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and others were in very low concentrations in the atmosphere causing the cooling of it.

Image Source. Pixabay

When the planet lived that time of the ice age the conditions were not ideal for life to develop, due to these conditions the planet was in the need to naturally adjust certain activities such as the eruption of volcanoes that emitted greenhouse gases that gradually warmed the planet.

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As the different natural forms of the planet, such as volcanoes, erupted, greenhouse gases were released, which has led to finding an optimal average global temperature in which life could develop.

Image Source. Pixabay

All these antecedents make us reflect and come to the conclusion that the climate has always gone through a process of change on our planet, and that it is not the first time that the planet has experienced changes in its climatic conditions.

However, at present this process of change in the planet's climate is caused by global warming, and it is at this point that another question arises:

Why is global warming changing the climate?

Image Source. Pixabay

To answer this question, we must place ourselves in a context of evolutionary analysis.

Certainly the planet needs activities in which man did not intervene to generate greenhouse gases, such as volcanoes and other activities that helped to achieve the optimal global average temperature on the planet, however the anthropogenic activities given by man from industrial development, where a badly called development has led us to involution and retreat under conditions unfavorable to the current world and future generations.

This development has led us to get involved under a consumerist life system, where development meant devouring all the natural resources of the planet without any consideration to ourselves and future generations, although it is true that we are in a stage that has no return, that is to say, it is difficult for us not to continue exploiting resources that are vital for the current way of life.

Today we need transport systems that demand energy derived from hydrocarbons, we are also immersed in a comfort system that allows us to live with electrification, in general this whole system involves exploitation of resources.

These resources that are exploited on the planet are not being executed in a rational way, that is to say, we are not giving the planet time to regenerate itself based on the greenhouse gases that we are adding to the atmosphere. This is where the problem lies, the planet is warming up and helping to change the climate of the planet, the planet in its essence is wise, since in view of our activities he seeks to change the climate in his favor, not in our favor, since we humans are destroying it.

Image Source. Pixabay

I think that under this scenario it is already clear that climate change is a phenomenon or resource that our planet has as a defense mechanism, it is not the first time that our planet is going through a process of change in its climate, but that unfortunately if we follow this change there is no doubt that the existence of the human race and many forms of life will be compromised in its existence.

It is our most daily activities that emanate greenhouse gases and help the warming of our planet, this increase in temperature is causing more and more water to evaporate from the oceans, making the rainfall stronger, so it is estimated that the level of the oceans will increase due to the melting of the polar caps, it is sad to see how for example elements of the terrestrial fauna are compromised with their extinction because of this problem, such is the case of the Polar Bear.

Image Source. Wikimedia Commons

Understood then what is climate change and global warming I proceed to the second question posed in the contest:

[2] What does it mean to you? How does it impact you and your community?

This problem of climate change has a meaning and a connotation of great interest to me, that is to say, this is a problem that must be tackled with the intention of being able to live through the present times in a calm manner, in which we are not subject to natural disasters, in which there is no famine resulting from desertified soils.

Image Source. Pixabay

That is the immediate meaning that I have before this problem, that is to say, there must be an interest in all the parties affected by climate change, and for that it is necessary to have a broad approach to strong commitments, where changes and honest commitments arise, above all in the protagonists who contribute to the emission of large concentrations of greenhouse gases.

How does climate change and global warming affect me and my community?

To answer this question, I believe it is necessary to have a broad-minded approach, where it is necessary to address this problem under a framework where we are all included under one system.

Even though I and my community have not been directly affected by climate change and global warming in a concrete and direct manner, I must say that this does not exempt my country, Venezuela, and myself in particular from being attacked by a climatic phenomenon that could affect this part of the world. For example, let us analyze the case of Australia, where climate change and global warming have suddenly generated forest fires, and where, unfortunately, a large part of the region's predominant vegetation and fauna has been affected.

In the same way that this forest fire arrived in this region of the oceanic continent, in the same way there is the probability that it occurred in the Amazon, the conclusion is that a forest fire resulting from the gradual increase in global temperature on the planet can cause any of these natural disasters.

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Because of our geographical location, Venezuela is located in the northernmost part of South America, which puts it in a very vulnerable state in the future as the level of the oceans continues to rise, where, without a doubt, hurricanes would hit the Venezuelan coasts on the Caribbean coast with great force.

Where I would say that global warming and climate change is directly affecting me and my community right now is in the rise of global temperature, because in Venezuela you have a tropical climate, in my community specifically in Southern Lake Maracaibo - Zulia State has a very humid and warm environment, by my estimates I guess as the global average temperature of the planet continues to rise, the system of life in reference to the climatic temperature will be more and more difficult to bear for the inhabitants that we make life in this locality.

[3] To what degree is it an instrument of certain political agendas?

Indeed, I have not seen clearly in politicians of the world hierarchy taking this phenomenon of global warming and climate change as a flag of promise for their political interests. However, I do not rule out the possibility that in other parts of the world to which I have no scope, there are suddenly some policies aimed at promising a solution to the problem of global warming and climate change. In particular, I hope that many of these promises do not lie in promising a false solution based on promises for the benefit of a political group.

Politics as such is an achievement of humanity, which since ancient times has been conceived as a mode of administration and decision-making legislation for the benefit of the people, it is the people and for the people that politicians must exercise their authority not for the benefit of large corporations and industries, that by wanting to profit through the consumerist and capitalist system has led us to live in an industrialized world but in environmental decay.

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If we take it as premise that honest politicians must work for the benefit of the people, then as posed in the questions posed in this contest, climate change and global warming affect not only me and my community, but also different people in different parts of the world, the problem of politicians is that they have underestimated the ability of the people to think about their future, this is why different demonstrations and protests can be seen in different parts of the world, calling for a solution to the problem of climate change and global warming.

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In particular I think that the issue of global warming and climate change is an issue whose solution must be on the agenda of politicians, but in a sincere way, in which the points to be treated are exposed and placed according to the solution in the minimization of the agents causing global warming and climate change.

[4] How can we manage/solve it? Share your ideas.

For example, one of the agents causing global warming is the emission of greenhouse gases, most of which are generated by human activity.

Just to touch on one point, in the burning of fossil fuels, i.e. hydrocarbon derivatives such as oil, a large concentration of greenhouse gases is being released, so a question arises:

who are the countries that have the highest consumption of energy derived from hydrocarbons?

It is a question that I leave to reflection of each one, but each one of these countries of the badly called developed world, must contribute the necessary policies to restrain and to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels.

While this is not a total solution to the problem, it may reduce somewhat the current accelerated pace of global warming and climate change. For this problem to be solved as a whole, it is necessary for man to cease his current development activities, and as we all know that is impossible, what we can do is to exploit resources in a rational way, helping this to minimize the effects of climate change and global warming.

Perhaps many of us think that the solution is in an individualized contribution, where each citizen of this world can apply many principles that have been studied and thought to be very good to address the problem, such is the example of the use of the three R's (reduce, recycle and reuse).

From my perspective and point of view, this 3Rs system is a very complex solution to climate change and global warming, since the solutions must be given in a forceful way.

Many of us can reuse many materials that when decomposed generate greenhouse gases, many of us can recycle and give new use to the one that was created for certain material in disuse.

However, how to reduce if the system of capitalist and consumerist monopoly through propaganda induces us to be fashionable, to buy new products, to be in fashion, the current society understands that the current way of life is that to be well you have to buy more, so the process of reusing and recycling is a useless process while the big corporations and monopolies have taken us to a place where the return in our system of life seems impossible.

By this I do not mean that we return to the era of caves, but that the solution is seen in a compromise that goes beyond the protocols and meetings that have been given, such as the Kyoto Protocol, but with all these attempts we still see how the problem remains unsolved.

Finally, with regard to this point of the possible solutions, I believe that the parties most involved, that is to say, the countries that are generating the most greenhouse gases, should sit down and commit themselves to considerably reducing the contribution of these gases to the atmosphere.

Within these solutions, science cannot be left aside, that is to say, it is very necessary to involve science in order to generate concrete contributions that can minimize the increase in the planet's temperature, and therefore reduce the effects that climate change is having on the planet.

[5] What theories and data do you believe and which not? Why?

There are things that we are experiencing that are data reflected by science and statistics, the increase in temperature on the planet is a palpable reality, it is something that we are suffering from, so I can conclude that one of the data in which I believe and affirm that we are being affected is the increase in temperature on the planet, here is a very important fact for the debate:

Image Source. Wikimedia Commons

These graphs reveal that there was a decrease in the temperature of the planet, and it was not until the planet began to heat up as a result of greenhouse gas emissions, however, from a few decades onwards the warming has begun to increase as a result of human activities and population growth coupled with a high demand for energy from oil products.

In my opinion, these data are very credible because they are in line with reality.

In the theory and data in which I do not believe, is that this problem will be solved with solutions framed in unconvincing theories, as in the case of the principle of the 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle), if it would help, but very little.

[6] What are the main technologies and countries responsible for it?

For me to blame a particular country for this problem that concerns us all, in reality I do not see the point, however we can not hide the sun with a finger, I think that those responsible for this problem does not lie in countries, but in systems, the system that pushes us to an irrational use and exploitation of the resources of the planet, coupled with a high consumption of goods that help the emission of greenhouse gases.

So more than blaming, I think we have to generate commitments with the big corporate systems and monopolies so that somehow along with a serious and honest world policy, greenhouse gas emissions are reduced, which in particular I think is what is contributing to the warming of the temperature of the planet, thus causing changes in the climate, which if we do not change its course I think will sadly lead to the extinction of many species on the planet.

Final Reflection

Let's all reflect on the moment we buy the latest fashion product, maybe what we are buying is a precious natural resource to contribute to the reduction of the effects of global warming and climate change.

Let's not wait for the time to come where the only borders between nations and countries may be borders that demarcate forest areas and desert areas as a result of climate change and global warming.

Image Source. Pixabay

For all the friends readers and followers who want to extend a reading related to the climate change and the global warming I recommend the reading of the following links:

[1] Overview: Weather, Global Warming and Climate Change
[2] The Causes of Climate Change
[3] What is the difference between global warming and climate change?

Posted via | The City of Neoxian


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