Oxford University, Public Orgies & Party With a GOAT

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Oxford University is Supposed to Be One Of The Worlds Most Prestigious Schools.

Where The Children Of The ELITE & World Leaders Get Educated.

Here are some photos of Oxford Students On Their Way to a PARTY- where it is reported they had orgies & committed unspeakable acts with a Goat........



story here-



Oh course all the guys have to dress like fags. These are you future leaders in England all nice and blackmailed before they enter the government.

absolutely correct , this is all planned manipulation and blackmail that will follow these idiots forever.

What's really unspeakable nowadays? I mean really, what could shock is at this point!?

I still find it shocking that it is all so blatant, out in the open, shoved in our faces & still the public seems to not care?

If someone wants to go party & have orgies- that is their business. But for it to be considered mainstream behavior at what is supposed to be the elite Colleges?

And Bestiality? With a Goat No Less? It's almost as if its a joke. Really the Satanism is right there in public & the Mass of Civilized Society Does Not Care?

The goat had to have less diseases than the people there. Easy choice.

In all seriousness though, the elite have always been the most depraved members in society. They can get away with shit a whole lot easier than the common man.

Its easy to see why they support Muslim goat fucker pedophiles , they are one and the same. unfortunately they are the 1st to die at the hands of Islam . Oh the irony

They shove it in your face and if you refuse they label you a hater or a bigot or any other Bully term they see fit to use and try to shame you into submission. Its obvious men now days are very feminized and insecure even afraid to hold their ground even when they are right. its become a very parasitic abusive culture of depravity . The point of doing these grotesque acts is desensitizing so it appears normal and acceptable even though you know dam well its not. This is the deprived broken homes of lesbian and gays as well as single mothers who spend most of their time doing anything except educating their kids. Yes because education starts AT HOME not in school. Schools have no responsibility to your demonic uneducated monsters you call kids. They don't respect each other , their teachers or their families . They don't even respect them selves. " Cash Me Outside" is the normal thugs and whores that fill our society today. We have sunk as low as the bar will go.

its amazing how shocking and disgusting people have become, drinking blood , sacrificing children , sex with animals , inbreeding it seems to have no limits .

Do you want to join?

I'm Alpha Male my value is going thru the roof ! Why would I want to be a confused degenerate ?

It might eb fun to do so because you are an alpha.

Alpha males love women, move along you have nothing I need.

It might be fun for you because you are a beta queer male, but I'm not. I see no fun or interest in being queer.

You do not know me and you label me based on nothing.

Much like you labeled me a fag by suggesting id have fun joining a bunch of queers. Id say you got the point !! Don't be a smart ass , respect people so they respect you. Don't expect or demand respect try earning it by respecting people you don't know. apply your formula to your self !!

Again you continue to push your label , your assuming you know me? This is called disrespect , in real life I would have ripped you out of your chair ..oh that's right in real life you would have the balls to be so cute to a guy like me. I'm sure you know better .

I do not know what you are talking about. You misread what I wrote. You take my words out of context. You are reading your own bias and spin to whatever you think is happening. You accused me of things I did not say nor did. You labeled me with false flags. And you continue to have aggression. Too much aggression. You are mistaken and you are the fool.

This is called assuming I'm a fag and disrespecting me . Think before you open your mouth to label people.

I did not say that. You are insulting me. You do not understand that words are multidimensional.

This is disgusting . I don't know why these people feel anyone owes them respect when they don't even respect them selves. This is MY PAGE , I will post what ever news I find interesting enough to post. I will not be bullied by anyone . If you don't like what I have to say pretend it a radio and change the station or mute me, BUT don't you dare come on here and think you can silence me or tell he what to think or how to feel , that's not going to happen, period !!!

Thanks for re-steeming. @joeyarnoldvn- I've noticed they like to leave messages / comments like that on everything- but never once upvote or seem to add any comment other than some quip intended to be -----??? in a jackass line. It's as is they fancy themselves the court jester. However the court jester always had something of value to add. I've never seen them add anything of value.

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