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RE: The Author

in #steem6 years ago

Spot on the money, you always have an inspired and insightful outlook on the blockchain. We have some truly incredible content creators on the Steem Blockchain, they add value every time they post and deserve recognition - but often still we struggle to give our quality content creators the recognition they deserve. And they will leave, why put so much time and effort into creating incredible work - if they struggle to get any reward for the effort?

I do not want to be biased, and I do not think I am - because time and time again I will tell anyone that cares to listen I believe this - @yidneth is an incredible content creator - her posts are always 110% and her content is available on far more channels then just Steem - her posts absolutely deserve far more recognition then they currently receive. That is just one example, there are so many more - and indeed more that I still have not even encountered yet on here since I joined March 2017 - and that's the other problem - how to connect people with the content.

The biggest challenge still is connecting people and content, last week @novacadian introduced me to front end - and that is an amazing concept - it totally reworks my feed and presents to me from my entire followers the posts I want to see - by magic! And that is the power of the Steem Blockchain - the way we interact it with it is just a code away from perfect - the data going into the blockchain can be extracted in so many ways - combining the quality content put in with a front end then pushes it back out for the people to see and appreciate - that is the challenge.

We need to support content creators driving the amazing content that will draw people in, but we also need to support the developers that are finding new and incredible ways to pull and display the content from the blockchain to people - because when someone can log into a front end and see a feed of the posts they want to see and upvote - straight off - that is the holy grail - you connect people who have the ability to upvote content with the creators making the content they want to see.

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