Great Article on Zerohedge about Steem and The Next Era of Social Media

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


The Author of this article is Tom Loungo.

AI Censorship And The Power Of 'Steem' To Preserve Truth

If you follow my blog, you'll know that I am sometimes extremely vocal on this very topic, and for good reason. In this article, Tom shines a bright light on why Steem is going to become more and more popular in the coming months and years, and in my opinion will inevitably grow as the playing field becomes more restrictive and censored for content creators.

In my daily Bitcoin Blog I recently added the Steem Market Cap Percentage for this vey reason. Looking at Steem is now #26 from the top, which is incredible given the project is only 1.5 years old, and already hanging out with other projects like ZCash and OMG.

I would encourage you to read the article itself, as I can only butcher what Tom is saying by trying to break it down.

In a nutshell, Tom informs his audience of an ideological war that is taking place on the internet, where content creators are being conditioned to believe their time and effort are worthless, while large corporations and shareholders take the profits all for themselves, while at the same time censoring information on a degree that even rivals that of George Orwell's book 1984.

Read the article and share it around.


if you want to be more proactive in this community, try using steemfollower (sign in is done through steemconnect using your steemit name and your private posting key - found in your wallet under permissions). This Video will explain how the program works. It is a great way to motivate you to produce great content, and to reward others for producing great content.

As always, good luck, good wealth and good health to everyone on Steemit. Stay positive towards others and help the community grow. Thank you for reading and sharing. Comments are always welcome.


wahhh very nice news, hopefully as predicted.

Yes steemit will flourish And many who register I agree with the predictions steemit will evolve

Хороший пост,мне нравится,спасибо друг .

briggsy thanks for the post, very interesting information you write

I am only a recent follower of your blog but it is neat to see people publishing articles delivering detail on this subject as I have been thinking about it.

The most powerful statement to me was, "Your life, ideas and work have value." So true.

I was thinking this the other night when I saw an actor friend of mine putting test and video content on facebook and getting no reward for it. Sent him the link and the white paper telling him his talent and content were wasted on facebook. Hopefully I will be resteeming some Heino content so we can laugh and have him as past of steemit.

glad to read it when steem forwards is more advanced and popular, thanks to the excellent info and sharing

I agree with you. Also like the zero hedge article.
Nice to feel united here and there. Resteemed, upvoted, followed by @motherearthist

Yes steemit will flourish And many who register I agree with the predictions steemit will evolve

With steem develops, we are also increasingly eager to share in the steemit,
We wish you healthy always in sharing in the steemit ...

agreed!!! @briggsy

nice informations @briggsy

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