Saturday Sweets | Bird-y Breakfast and Goji Nut Butter Protein Bites

in #powerhousecreatives5 years ago (edited)

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Happy Saturday my foodie friends!

If you’re like us, we marvel at nature living all around us! The birds continue to amaze me, all so beautiful. This morning we found a busy flock, definitely getting down to serious breakfast business! It was early, and the birds were definitely hungry!

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I could tell they weren’t interesting in socializing; their leader was definitely keeping them all in step! Look at him, charging ahead! At this point I headed back inside ready to prep for the upcoming week!

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Have you tried making Nutella yet?

Last weekend I made a super batch of Nutella using only 3 ingredients! Toasted Hazelnuts, Organic Cacao and Organic Maple syrup. It’s so easy to make and much healthier than the commercial version. If you missed my post feel free to check it out

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While Nutella is commonly used as a sandwich spread we also enjoy it as ice cream topping. Today I’ll share another high protein treat! They’re great after workouts, on a hike or as a snack!

Goji Nut Butter Protein Bites

I used

  • Nutella (1 cup)
  • Protein Powder (2 tbsp.)
  • Cacao Powder (2 tbsp.)
  • Flax Seed (2 tbsp. )
  • Gluten Free Oats (3/4 cup)
  • Maple Syrup (2-3 tbsp.)
  • Coconut Oil (1-2 tbsp. as needed)
  • Goji Berries (1/4 cup)

Blend the Oats into a fine flour…

and combine the oats, protein powder, flax and Cacao. Good old Walter was ready for the job!
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Add the Maple Syrup…

and Nutella and pulse until everything is combined. If the mixture seems too dry, feel free to add a drizzle of Coconut Oil….just a drizzle will do! Take a moment to chop those Goji berries, yum!

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Chocolatey deliciousness…

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Time to get down to business…

Roll away!
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Refrigerate, and enjoy! Cheers to good health!

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So easy! I promise, your family will love you!

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Hope you’re having a restful weekend! Take a moment to smell a sweet flower, perhaps marvel at the clouds in the sky, and enjoy family and friends! I think you’ll be glad you did.

Thanks for stopping by!
And as always, blessings to you all!




The STEEM Engine


Cheers to good health AND yumminess ;) The bird family certainly have a genius in the kitchen Mrs Bird!
Love those feathered birds on the lawn ;)

Welcome back my friend! Cheers to you as well! Our pantry was definitely lacking in the snack category....hubby needed a little chocolate snack. These worked! So easy and quick to make. Thank you my friend!

Oh, never mind the family!!! I love you!!! These look simple and delicious and oh-so-easy!!

You are an amazing source of goodness! Thank you and I hope you are having a most wonderful day!


Ahhhh, you are the greatest @dswigle! Too kind, too kind! What can I say, I'm speechless! :) These little bites would be awesome after your morning run, I hope you'll try them some time! Blessings my friend!

Well, what to say really? Delicious, nutritious, and healthy. Plus rather simple to make. Another amazing recipe you shared with you. Thank you. Only one thing left to do and that is to make it and try it. :)

Have a blessed day. :)

I'm so glad to see you're back with us! Your kindness is such a welcome to all of us! Glad you enjoyed them @awakentolife! They're so easy to make and for you as an after a long day of renovations protein bite, perfect! :) Don't work too hard! Blessings to you!

I am glad I am back to writing as well and reconnecting with people. :)

It really does look like a great energy-boosting snack no doubt. I actually finished the renovations last year but did not share it with you guys. So I am doing it now. This summer it is all about the beach time for me and rest. :)

I'm usually a peanut guy, but I can definitely go for some that home made Nutella. How long does the jar usually last? Hehe also I don't know what goji berries taste like but it looks delicious!

Me too, but there are so many different nut butters out there, I love trying them all :) Our jar doesn't last very long especially when I bake with it. You can always refrigerate it if you aren't eating it quickly, we love using it with apple slices too. Goji berries are sweet and tart, kind of like cranberries if you have had those. Very healthy for you :) Thanks @mastersa!

goji nut butter? that sounds really good

So glad you enjoyed this simple recipe! When you have a craving for a bit of chocolate, just grab one of these goodies, the goji is like a sweet surprise! :)

Oh man I am drooling on my phone. You have inspired me to visit the snack cupboard though I won’t find anything that tasty looking.

Posted using Partiko iOS

awww, sounds like you need some chocolate @zekepickleman, lol That's why I make these, keeps the prowling in the kitchen down a bit ;) They're pretty simple to make, you'll have to give it a whirl some time! Cheers!

those look and sound so good, your really filling up my Recipes to try folder ;)

Thanks for being an active member of SteemUSA !tip

Thank you @tattoodjay, these would be awesome for your grandkids too. Not too sweet and a great in between meal snack...and of course chocolate! Can't go wrong with that, lol Thank you for SteemUSA!!! Appreciate your support my friend!

Well the chocolate would be the problem for me if the taste as good as they sound if I have too much chocolate I come out in a rash, but I am sure they would not last long with the grandkids around so that wouldn’t be an issue LOL

I grew up with Hazelnuts growing in our yard and Nutella as a special, special treat. Your recipe looks fantastic!! Here, I can't grow hazelnut but I need to check my co-op and see if I can order some...

Wow, I can't imagine having a nut tree in my yard! It had to be special! The nut butter is so easy to make, I hope you'll try making it. This isn't super sweet and I don't add milk like the original commercial product. Hopefully you can find them at your co-op! Thanks @mariannewest!

MMMMM! Great variation on the energy balls that I make - thanks for sharing!

Thank you @blueeyes8960! Love the concept don't you? It's such a nice and healthy "snack" especially when you have a chocolate craving :)

Awesome...sitting so far I can say that is best chocolatty nuts I have ever seen....

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I think you would love these, especially when you have a chocolate craving ;) Glad you liked this easy treat!!!! Thanks so much @steemflow!

Chocolates are my weakness...though I am on diet but something which I can't resist

Posted using Partiko Android

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