Does the death penalty have a place in a civilized society?

in #life7 years ago

death penalty.jpg

With the exception of the United States every western country has abolished the death penalty. While 36 nations around the world still carry out the death penalty as capital punishment.

The old saying an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind comes to mind when i first think of the death penalty, however im also a firm believer that you reap what you sow and in some cases, for example war crimes, the rape of a child or mass killings i believe you do not have the right to exist anymore. You are unlikely to be rehabilitated and you do not deserve a second chance.

In monetary terms it is actually far more expensive to seek the death penalty. Cases without the death penalty cost around $740,000 while cases with the death penalty are around $1.26 million. It also costs more to house death row inmates at around $90,000 more per year than gen-pop prisoners. Another contributing factor is that we generally have to hold a death row prisoner for quite a long time with all the avenues for appeal etc etc.

But let's ignore money for a minute and think about the moral effect this has on us as a society. It is believed around 1 in every 25 inmates sentenced to death in the U.S are innocent. That's 1 man or woman who has done nothing wrong that is being killed for every 24 that have done something heinous. A sentence of life without parole means that prisoner will die in prison so is this not good enough?

The U.S actually has quite a low rate of death row executions in comparison to some other nations( see below image from amnesty international)
death penalty 1.png

If we kill someone because they killed someone are we any better than them? its a very difficult moral question and as everyone's moral compass points in slightly different directions it can be hard to judge. Personally i dont think removing a violent offender from society is morally but at the same time I dont think we have the right to end a life . Are we trying to play god when we decide the fate of someone elses life?

We also need to take into account the methods of execution used and how successful they really are.
Austin Sarat, a professor of jurisprudence and political science at Amherst College reports that over 120 years, 8,776 people were executed and 276 of those executions (3.15%) went wrong in some way. In fact the only method of execution with a 0% botched execution rate was firing squad.

One of the more gruesome botched executions occured in 1983 when one Clayton lockett was sentenced to death by electric chair.

The chair passed 1,900 volts of electricity through his body for 30 seconds but failed to kill him. Sparks began to fly and he actually burst into flame. Witnesses to the execution claim he clenched his fists slammed back into his chair and convulsed as the room quickly filled with the stench of burning flesh and when 2 doctors determined he was still alive a second and third wave of electricity was administered to finish the job.

As a civilized society we are supposed to be against "cruel and unusual punishment" however the death penalty is often just that.

In all honesty i think we should find an uninhabited island somewhere and condemn life prisoners to live on it and fend for themselves. They will be at the mercy of the other monsters of society and will likely meet a fitting end to their lives.

The crimes that call for capital punishment often stir up deep emotions in us that can make us think and act irrationally but we need to remember our humanity.

Capital punishment will always be a debatable topic for society when it comes to our worst offenders but we need to consider the slippery slope that is deciding if another person lives or dies.

Tell me what you think below.


I see nothing but retribution: because it is life for society. And we should not have a sense of guilt towards the murderer. Because if we did that we would be partners in killing the victim. We would be contradictory in our sense.
Forget the victim who is slain and turn to the criminal murderer and defend him.
The command of the crime is what the Creator ordered: (178) O you who have believed, prescribed for you is legal retribution for those murdered – the free for the free, the slave for the slave, and the female for the female. But whoever overlooks from his brother anything, then there should be a suitable follow-up and payment to him with good conduct. This is an alleviation from your Lord and a mercy. But whoever transgresses after that will have a painful punishment.

(179) And there is for you in legal retribution [saving of] life, O you [people] of understanding, that you may become righteous. souret elbakara

But stats show that just in the U.S 1 in 25 death row inmates are innocent. Let alone when you look at other contries who have the death penalty for fairly menial offences. Like say being homosexual. China executes people for fraud. these things arent deserving of the death penalty so where do we draw the line and who are we to decide?

I don't agree with it myself as it is essentially the state condoning and carrying out pre planned murder. So no it doesn't make us any better. But it does leave the difficult question of what to do with people who can never be rehabilitated.

Maybe there should be a prison nation where they can be placed to fend for themselves for the rest of their days in relative freedom, where they cannot harm the rest of society?

Or maybe their punishment should be (if they have done something particularly bad) to serve mankind in some way, like sending them on dangerous missions to space or something?

damn i like that space idea. send them to colonise mars or something like that

I've campaigned against capital punishment for decades...

We advocated for wrongfully convicted death row prisoner Jimmy Dennis since 1998.

He was just released earlier this year after 25 years on death row for a crime he did not commit:

When the state has the legal authority to kill its own citizens, it is always wrong, regardless of the excuse they use to justify it.

Thank you for posting this, followed and upvoted 👍

the risk of executing even a single innocent person seems too high in my opinion.
Good job on campaigning for what you believe and hopefully the whole civilised world realises there are other options than arent condoning murder of a human being.

Ill take a look at ur links when i get a chance :)

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