Gaming - Glorious Gore Galore Pt. 1: Blood and Soldier of Fortune

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Everyone loves gory video games right? In this series I will discuss some of my favorite gory video games...some well known and some not so well known. Here we go:

Blood - 1997
This FPS game, developed by Monolith, was a big hit and very controversial. Blood took the gore we saw in games like Doom and kicked it up a notch or two. This was a time when developers started pushing the limit on gore and violence in games. Shocking game sold and any publicity was good. I was in 7th grade when this game came out and I loved it.

Rotting corpses hanging from a wall was a normal sight in Blood. Random pictures like the one below added to the absurdity.


You might also be pleased to know that in Blood you could kill mimes. Yes mimes are placed throughout the game for the sole purpose of being slaughtered by you!
The game also contained some witty dialogue. Don't expect much in the way of a is just pure FPS mayhem. You can probably find a way to play this game by using DOSbox.

Soldier of Fortune - 2000
SOF title.jpg
Soldier of Fortune was not as well known as Blood but it was just as controversial. As technology did gore! This was one of the first games that let you control the level of gore. Apart from bringing gore to new and insane was a very fun shooter at the time. I can't tell you how many times I played and beat SoF.

To show why people were outraged I made this video of me playing the game. I downloaded an ISO and using a ghost drive installed this on my Win7 PC and it ran fine. Check out this gore:

I was in awe of this game as a kid and even to this day I believe it is still one of the goriest games ever. Soldier of Fortune 2 was even more gory and allowed you to be even more precise while blowing away parts of enemy faces.

Check out these classics and feel free to recommend other gory games for me to check out.

Here's a review of 10 of my favorite games of all time:


You know.. I actually played Blood for a little bit, we are close to the same age, so yeah I was a young lad when I did... that being said, I don't remember mom freaking out about it...

The shooter that really sucked me in was Quake, and I had downloaded at some point in time a bunch of different Skins for it.. did you ever try the Xmen Skins?

It was super fun

I never messed around with skins for that game. I do remember that having actual 3d enemies instead of sprites was extremely refreshing

Blood was the best! A friend and I used the Build Engine editor to create a Blood level that was just traps that killed the innocent NPCs. Buttons to release monsters, drop people into lava... Now that I write this out it sounds kind of F'd up! It was fun learning how to make it all work though.

The sound effects were particularly great in Blood!

The whole body dismemberment phase of PC gaming really died too young! PUBG could benefit from some!

Clive Barker's Undying was a nice gory game from a few years back, some interesting mechanics as well with the visions and such.

I'll look into Undying. Sounds like you had a blast with Blood. I messed around with a level editor for Thief but that is probably the only one. Agreed that PUBG could use more Gore... and fewer hackers argh!

I think I die to odd vehicle physics even more than hackers since the full release.

Yeah I've def killed myself on the motorcycle

That Soldier of Fortune clip made me ROFL. This shit is so dumb with those graphics. Have you ever played Manhunt? You sneak around in the darkness slitting people's throats or dismembering them in the most ridiculous ways.

Manhunt you say...another one I'll have to look into

TBH it lacks in strategy/depth...just sneaking around in shadows. But if you like grotesque murdering you'll enjoy it.

Sorry, can I ask an off-topic question?

What is your opinion on the new Resident Evil?

RE is the only game I kept playing after I went to university and time management became a thing for me... My favorite is RE 2 ("a bizarre incident occurred in Raccoon City..."), but the scariest one in my opinion is not RE 1, but RE 4 on the Game Cube.

Unfortunately, I did not have time yet to really get immersed in the new one, which I bought for Windows.

Haven't played it yet...I've heard good things. I'll review it when I get to play it.

Here is the full quote (I had to look it up to to see if i got it correct):

"A bizarre incident occurred in the outskirts of an American suburb called Raccoon City."

I first wrote "a strange incident"... But it was definitely more than strange...

Now this want to make me player. Good post man.

"Everyone loves gory video games right?"



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