Whoops! (Ulog #31)

in #parenting6 years ago (edited)


Well... sometimes we have our moments of parenting fails.... hopefully, not too often, but inevitably they will happen. Hopefully, they will make for funny stories later on in life and not traumatic psychiatric traumas.

Anyway, as far as fails can go, I would have to say that this is pretty much on the minor side of things... but I know the response that my wife is going to give me when I get back home. Not the least my daughter when I tell her this!

The Setting

My oldest daughter is currently doing her B diploma for her swimming. It's a pretty important thing to be able to swim in The Netherlands, and the B diploma means that she needs to be able to swim pretty strongly in full length clothes and shoes.

As I'm writing this, she's done pretty well going the length of the pool, jumping in at one end, diving under an obstacle and then swimming breaststroke down the rest of the length. I'm pretty proud of what she can do, seeing as she's a little one and not overly strong. Plus, she's been struggling to keep up since the beginning and been a bit scared of the swimming since she's started.

That said, she's managed to keep up quite nicely, and soldiering on without complaint like the brave little trooper she is!

Father fail....


Seeing as she has to start the lesson in full clothes, we have her change into her "swimming" clothes and shoes at home. Then we bundle into the car, which saves time at the swimming pool. As every parent knows, every little bit of streamlining of the schedule is a huge deal!

Normally, this is not a problem. Except this evening, I forgot to take her "street" or dry clothes. OOOOOOOPPPPPSSSSS!!!!! So, when she comes out, she is going to have nothing to wear except undies, coat and scarves... Well, she can wear my polar fleece and t-shirt, I can do the stripper look under my clothes....

As a sorry, I've bought her some lollies (candies for you Americans.... ).... I'm sure that she'll see the funny side... her mum on the other hand....

I'm going to be chilly on the drive back home!

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Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://www.gamerjokerbreadder.com/2018/11/05/whoops-ulog-31/


ooooops, lol. Now if that is the worst thing you do as a papa you are a genius! As I read your article I had to giggle at the picture of your little one dressed in mismatched (albeit warm now!) clothing and you carrying her to the car....oh those days as a parent. Oh, and then the mom stare ;) Great share @bengy, you're a great dad!

Oh yes... There was a stare and 'a what the hell?' when I got home! Oh well, could be worse!

NOt to major a fail I am sure she wasnt to upset about it

its such a great idea the swimming diplomas they do there

Not a major one... but one that my wife have me a heckling for! I'm not sure why, no casualties... no problem!

Ohh yes I am sure you will hear this for years to come lOL

Fun swimming challenge! Too bad about not having dry clothes afterward...

Thanks to @anouk.nox, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of The Daily Sneak.

Thank you for your efforts to create quality content!

Thanks for the feature!

She ended up wearing my dry clothes... and I did the stripper look under my winter coat!

Don't be so hard on yourself. All parents have done something like that at one time or another. There are some parents that wouldn't have sacrificed like you did. They would have simply wrapped her in the coat. So actually it's a win. You care more about her safety and health than your own.

God damn it! I should have thought of wrapping her in the coat!

I think I mentioned to one of the other commenters... the funniest thing was that as I was stripping off in the toilet stall... I forgot to lock the door, and someone opened it with me naked from the waist up....

I know how your wife is feeling 😬🤨😂
You had one job........! Hihi we had the Same thing 4 times zwemdiploma A en B so dont worry it happend to us to .... multiple times 💪
Great to read we All parent the Same haha

Ha ha, Yes... She has words for me when I got home! But I still don't really see the problem! Fixable mistake, no problem! Adapt to the problems on the fly!

Pfffft yep that's definitely more along the lines of "you idiot XD" than anything that will scar her for life XD (unless she's particularly fashion conscious and being seen by friends or a crush in Dad's clothes means the end of her life XD) LoL!

Unfortunate that it's not hot enough to just sit outside for a bit til she drives off which is what we usually do if the change of clothes is forgotten. Hope you all have an uproarious laugh over this over dinner or whenever XD

Learning to swim in shoes isn't the worst idea. As we don't do that I've always told mine to just kick them off if they happen to fall into deep water. We haven't had to test that yet fortunately XD

Yeah... Netherlands never (rarely) gets that hot... in Australia that would definitely be an option, but here the summer is about as hot as winter over there...

They are pretty serious about their survival swimming here for the kiddies... over in Australia I guess it is more important to learn not to poke snakes in the eyes...

Actually the most embarrassing thing was that when I was taking off my clothes in the stall of the toilets, I forgot to lock the door... and some guy opened it...

Hahahaha.. wij zouden zeggen: Oops momentjes hebben we allemaal.. vlak voor we NL verlieten was die reclame van libresse op tv steeds over oops momentjes.. vandaar, nooit vergeten..

Hopelijk was je vrouw niet te boos? Maar kan me beiden kanten indenken, ik denk dat je het goed hebt opgelost .. En ze overleeft het vast, is een mooi verhaal voor later!

Libresse? De tampons? Ha ha, ik heb hun niet gezien... Misschien op YouTube.

Nee, mijn vrouw was niet te boos... Kleine probleem met een snel 'fix'!

Hahaha yes we all have parent fail moment and thats ok no one is prefect:)

Haha... yes, we all have these moments! They are hilarious, and we try so hard....

Another night for you in the shower?
The sofa is to comfy for punishment! :)

Ha ha! I'm glad I'm not in your house!

That's a really cool photo at the start of this post

Thanks, but it is photo from the Unsplash repository!

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