Steem Women Club Contest #16 PROMO-STEEM | Promote Steemit on Social Media Profile | Announce to the world with the hastag #steem #steemit on Twitter! | Big Awards.

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago (edited)

Hello beautiful people. How are you doing? I'm delighted to participate in this contest. The aim of this Contest is to Promote steemit on Social Media platform like Twitter and enlighten people on steemit and its benefits.

Steemit Is the very first and still existing blogging website where you earn cryptocurrency in STEEM by making creative content, images and videos. Steemit was launched in 2016 and it has been growing strongly ever since. You earn on steemit by voting, investing on steem and also being voted for. Steemit is not a pronzi scheme. It is a genuine platform.
Most importantly, steemit registration/ signing in is totally free of charge.
You need only your phone/laptop and data to get started.


One is through making posts and Getting votes from it. Your number of votes depends on the quality of your post and the voter's voting power
Secondly, you earn through voting for people. It is called curation vote
Thirdly, you earn by Investing in steem cryptocurrency.
You can take steemit as a part-time job or a full time job

Once you sign in on steemit, the first achievement post you make is called INTRODUCTION post, where you introduce yourself and give us a clue of who you are and also how you will contribute to steemit. The second achievement posts enlightens you of security on steemit. The third achievement post is on the etiquette of steemit.
Just like every other platform, steemit is guilded by rules that attracts severe penalty when broken, penalty ranging from not being voted to getting a ban on steemit.
•It is an offence to Plagiarise. Plagiarism is copying another person's work without giving the credit to the person. Steemit frowns greatly at it. This is the main reason steemit wants original content. Use your own Brain.
•It is an offence on steemit to have multiple accounts controlled by one user. This is cheating
•Another rule is that if you post on steemit platform, don't post it on any other platform without citing #steemit as the original source
•Lastly, a post should not be shared on different communities on steemit.


Steemit is not just a platform where you earn, you also learn on this platform. You learn about health, cryptocurrency, food, cultural differences, Craft etc.
•One benefit of steemit is that you get to meet with different people and culture around the world and learn form them. This interaction will help build your social life
•steemit can grow without you making posts. when a person votes for someone, he also earns from it. This means steemit can accommodate people with very busy schedule and work
•Another beautiful benefit is that you can make money from the comfort of your home
•Everybody is welcome on steemit, irrespective of race, gender, age, idiosyncrasy, religion etc
•There is freedom to post anything on steemit and not afraid of being blocked or hushed because Steemit is very different from every other online platform
•You can earn incredibly well through steemit
•You do not need a well grounded knowledge of cryptocurrency to earn on steemit.

I was in debt in school and needed funds to pay my fees, then I got to know about steemit through @graciee20. I joined steemit on March 2021 and From that time, I have made a good number of posts and have gotten good earning. Which I sold some part to clear of my debts in schools and also pay my fees. I currently have 52 steem dollar left and some steem.

I have also been able to learn a lot about cryptocurrency and other things for free.
Steemit made this possible

I am readily available to register you and help you on your achievement posts and further as you go through your journey on steemit. Also, I will support you with my votes, comments and encouragement.
So far, I have registered so many persons and helped them in their achievement posts. These are some of them
This is the link to her INTRODUCTION post

To make steemit a home name(popular) on Twitter, let's use the hastags #steem #steemit on every of our posts. Hastags are powerful tool to make our subject #steemit trend. Talk about steemit, how it has benefited you and how your journey has been


I invite my friends @isiben @vickyvin @florency @graciee20 to participate in this Contest to promote steem on our social media platforms

Special regards
Posted on my Twitter handle
Twitter: source

 3 years ago 

Very nice content @beewrites, I love your efforts in your involvement in Steemit. Congratulations on your contest entry, hope you win.

 3 years ago 

Thanks @yuceetoria. I will do my best

 3 years ago 

Wow, this is wonderful. I appreciate your efforts in promoting steemit. And you have made a wonderful gif. Congratulations on your entry and I wish you success

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much ma'am. Thank you for your encouragement

Keep it up lady B

 3 years ago 

Thanks ma

Seriously, your zeal motivates me. Great post.

 3 years ago 

It's nice. I'm happy I motivate you

 3 years ago 

Yesoooo @beewrites
We learn
We earn

 3 years ago 

Very correct

 3 years ago 

Amazing, your effort to promote steemit is highly commended, keep it up! And I wish you success

 3 years ago (edited)

Thanks. I will keep it up

Hmm,one of my favorite persons. Your post shows effort,keep it up

 3 years ago 

Thank you sir

Hi ;
Thank you very much for participating in the contest. You gave good information. You have been active on Steemit. You supported the women. Chosen as the quality post of the day. Keep making posts in the community :)

 3 years ago 

I'm delighted to hear this. Thank you @steemwomensclub. I will do better

 3 years ago 

WOW! Great job Sweet One. This is educating and expository

 3 years ago 

Thanks ma'am


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