Dream BIG!

I feel alive. @bullishmoney thank you for the inspiration.

I'm not sure if this is an Aussie expression but I am what is commonly referred to as "a jack of all trades, and a master of none". Ever since I was a grom (Aussie surfer kid), I have thrown myself obsessively at whatever I have been interested in, but inevitably become bored when I realise "I can do that now" and quickly ask "what's next?"

For those of you who know me personally, you will know my background is incredibly diverse. I have some university (college) education including abandoned degrees (diplomas) in business, economics, politics, and law. I never did get that piece of paper.

I have also worn many masks, in my now countless careers, spanning a wide range of industries. Everything from being the youngest Article Clerk in Queensland at the time (and maybe Australia, I'd have to check on that) at age 17. To cleaning shoes and karts at a prestigious Gold Coast golf course while trying to fund my training with the PGA Institute.

I have been a bartender, a professional poker player, a national customer service & private patient manager in the medical industry, and captained Australia at the 2015 world bodyboarding championships in Iquique, Chile at age 33 and only 9 months after venturing into the competitive side of the sport. (To be fair, my old man (Dad) had me on a surfboard before I could even walk, so I had an advantage there.)

Property development, hospitality management, numismatics, salesman (both retail and commercial), day trading, and many personal business ventures (some successful, some complete failures, and as always, a few on the go at the moment). I could continue but I think you get the point.

I have always known this is not normal, and I'm often seen by family and friends as a dreamer. I'm okay with that. I have a mother who is the eternal optimist, and a father who tends to be a little more conservative and helps us dreamers to not get too carried away. We need both types of people in this world.

Once again I am dreaming big. I will continue to study and send tips on the crypto-economy because I find it fascinating and it never hurts to have a little extra venture capital. But my heart is in the ocean, and with the sport of bodyboarding.

Bodyboarding has evolved into an exciting professional sport with talented athletes from around the word dreaming big and going big as they continue to push the boundaries of this minority surfing discipline.

Even more encouraging, is that tensions between the boogers (bodyboarders) and stand up's which peaked during the 90's with the surfer/booger wars has somewhat settled, and some inspiring cross-discipline friendships have been formed. Check out this short clip with 2 of my local heroes tearing apart Duranbah Beach, Gold Coast, Australia (AKA D'bah) during a solid storm swell.

I'm guessing many of you will know former surfing world champion Joel Parkinson (Parko). One of my personal heroes, I still try to work a lot of his riding flow and style into my own Drop Knee riding today. But how many of you know Rob Laurie? A close personal friend and a legend in the underground bodyboard movement. Also a proud representative of Australia's first people community, AKA Indigenous or Aboriginal community (sorry If I've offended anyone, I know the preferred term to refer to these valued and original members of the wider Australian community does change from time to time). Anyway, I think Rob's surfing is every bit as impressive as Parko's. I'd love to hear your thoughts?

Another clip of Rob Laurie below. Feel free to skip over but I can't get enough of watching this guy surf!

For any locals reading, Rob hit the reef yesterday and had to go to hospital (you all know where. I'm not giving up the spot.) I believe it was 5 stitches and early reports are Rob is fine (but I'll shoot him a message later to check).

This is not uncommon for Rob, how may times have you cracked or broken those ribs now mate? But unlike standup legend Parko, we little brothers and sisters of the surfing community are not paid, or at least not paid very well, (from memory US$28,000 in competition prize money for the world's top rider last year) for the time, training, and dedication we show to the devolopment and evolution of our sport.

Rob is a role model and looked up to by the First Australians community and wider bodyboarding community as an exceptional athlete. He should be out there "full time" inspiring a new generation of Australian's, and the world with his creative flair. I'm not sure if he created the move (I think he did) but he was definitely the first bodyboarder I ever saw doing an Invert to Air-reverse (40-second mark of clip 2. Doesn't quite land but WOW!) He should be rewarded for this creativity and for providing this inspiration. And the truth is he's not.

The sport I love is on the brink of financial collapse. Competitions are disappearing, printed publications are virtually non-existent and infighting between the sport's governing bodies (yep 2 for some reason) has 2 national champions crowned each year in Australia. There are many rumours about where the money goes in our sport. The reality as I see it was best described by my best friend of over 20 years and talented surf photographer Matt Brockie.

"Mate you're a business man who is just learning about the competitive surfing industry. These guys are surfers trying to learn about business"

After being named as captain of the Australian team for Chile, I saw it as my responsibility to assist in putting forward the best possible representation of our country as we could. Unfortunately, governing body Surfing Australia (SA) did not share my view. Far from impressed with the hours of free work I had put in to develop 3 excellent marketing strategies (journalistic privilege) to bring on big name sponsors (QANTAS, Telstra, and Air BnB), I was contacted in a panic by SA asking who I'd sent these proposals to?

Confused and frustrated, as I was still waiting for a reply to the email I'd sent 3 weeks prior asking for permission to seek new sponsors for the team, I kept listening. "Mate.." (not always used with friendly connotations) "..we own the brand Team Australia, it's not yours to sell". A clear indication to me of how bodyboarding is seen in SA's eyes. Nothing but a brand that they can profit off.

I understand the need to make money in business and I might even be okay with this obvious exploitation of bodyboarding, if SA would put ANY money back into our discipline of surfing! I was given $500 to contribute to my personal out of pocket expenses after earning the opportunity to represent my country on an international stage. An honor which cost me AU$5,000 (approx US$3,800) to accept.

I'm not sure how much the grom stand up's get (no disrespect to stand up's. I do both, and some of you I surf with every day, you're like brothers and sisters to me) but it did look like they had received significantly more funding during their World Championship Campaigns. And certainly more publicity from SA. Not one post or tweet or "shout out" of any kind for us bodyboarders though. Thanks for the support Surfing Australia (obvious sarcasm intended).

Last week, I was contacted by our sport's other governing body the ABA Tour. They had asked me to meet with them regarding reintroducing Drop Knee (DK) to the struggling professional tour. I was very busy researching and writing for David Koepsell of Encrypgen (not a bad interview for my first week in journalism, thanks again to David for giving this inexperienced rookie a go. Article and competition below)


Compelled by my love of bodyboarding, I had to heIp. I wrote a spectacular marketing plan (journalistic privilege again). I honestly believe it is some of my best work, but only time will tell. The ABA quite disrespectfully and foolishly threw it back in my face.

I will now be running with the plan and adapting it slightly to launch my own bodyboarding brand with 50% of profits going to grass-roots bodyboarding clubs, like @gcbc (to be distributed to clubs globally based on internet tracking of regional sale volumes). 20% of net profits to be split amongst sponsored riders, and 30% to be paid as dividends to investors (me and a few mates who are trying to build a future for the groms).

A brand which actually has "supporting the sport" built into the profit share distribution. Catch up ABA, catch up SA, and catch up sponsors who have been threatening me. You've done nothing to develop or promote our sport unless it makes you look good or lines your own pockets. I don't need the money, the 30% is just for the other investors that have taken on the risk with their invested time to get this project of the ground. I intend to fund it all personally and my personal profit share will be less than 10% of the entire BWA brand.

I was recently described at a state event as "the nicest guy in bodyboarding" but to achieve the sort of exposure we need, we (me and a few of the other professional and amature riders) are re-branding ourselves as the "bad boys of bodyboarding" with a brand BWA (boogers with attitude). We will be introducing this "gang" to the world through a music video where I pay tribute to another of my heroes, and acknowledge the literary genius of Ice Cube (his lyrics may be graphic but I dare anyone to argue they are not genius).

Fortunately, another corporate dick head (excuse the quasi-offensive Aussie insult) has provided me with a platform to do this with an inexcusable lapse in judgment. A big thank you again to Big Shot JP Richardson over at Exodus for helping me to launch my brand and my new career in music production, through your attacking of a client who struggles with computers. If you are interested in what he said:


And for those interested in my response. WARNING EXTREMELY VIOLENT AND OFFENSIVE LYRICS (as is consistent with this creative form of artistic writing)


We are in the early stages of developing this music video to launch our new brand but should be ready to go inside of 2 months.

For those of you looking for spiritual inspiration, or who want to feel like you're part of a bigger picture. This might help.

I don't have a religion myself but do respect and often envy other people's faith (all of them). I don't know what happens (if anything) after we die. With so many bad things happening to good people I have never put any stock into the premise "everything happens for a reason" but I will leave you with this thought.

Our merchandise manager is a Sri Lankan immigrant who I hired as my personal assistant after discovering her while working in Sri Lanka. A brilliant young lady who will remain unknown due to her clean-cut nature, not being a great fit our branding. Lol, sorry little sis.

Our IT Manager is a 19 year-old kid with a brilliant mind. I met him only one week ago after rescuing his Canadian friend from the surf, during a competition last weekend. I have never seen anything like what this kid can do with computers.

Riders - (who I cannot mention due to current contractual arrangements) have already agreed to come on board to support a brand that redirects so much profit back into the rider and development of the sport.

I don't know if everything happens for a reason, but I am starting to believe. I would not be in this position if I'd decided my "life-long" career when I was asked to at 15. I would not be in this position if everything had gone "right" in my life. The truth is I just turned 35 and I still don't see myself finding that "forever" sort of job. BWA might succeed or fail, but either way, I can guarantee, I'm going to have an interesting and invaluable life experience along the way.

If like me the world is telling you you're getting a little old to be still picking a career, you can disagree in your internal monolog, but it's easier to pretend to agree outwardly. Trying to explain the "spice of life" to those who are so far in the box they now rely on it can be almost impossible.

Don't let it drag you down though. Be creative, live life, have fun, help others, and most importantly DREAM BIG!


Fish AKA MC Fish (the steemian formerly known as @beachbuminvestor) hmmm, might have to shorten that title.

I only took up rapping 3 days ago, but am again being obsessive and am getting pretty good for a rookie Aussie surfer rapper. Can I upload video on steemit? I could give you an exclusive an unproduced version of "Exodus Burn" as performed by MC Fish. It's making me laugh I'm sure at least a few of you will enjoy a sneak peak before the music video is released?

Please remeber that MC Fish is a character and his views do not reflect my own with regards to certain aspects of life. The real Fish never sees violence as a solution to any problem.

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