7 Questions that need answer in order to avoid Job Apocalypse in Future

in #community7 years ago (edited)

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1) How to scale up a community/society in a short period of time to work with robots, automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

2) How to learn new coding language faster if coding can be automated?

3) What will happen to low skilled and unskilled workforce in the automation era?

4) How do the young people especially students will adapt to this new workforce when the school and universities are still teaching skills that might be not relevant in future?

5) Will IT Skill replace soft skill?

6) Can human work together with Robots?

7) Will Unemployment rate increase or decrease in automation era?


Some people are excited about the future while some are sceptical and afraid of what the future will unfold in the Future of Work era. All these feelings are meaningless if we didn't put our effort to prepare for now. It is up to us when comes to job apocalypse. If we can answer this question then we can march into the future with confidence but if we are still scratching our head with this questions that we need to have a paradigm shift and technology shift within ourselves so that we can discover the answer and future-proof ourselves.

Automation will not bring apocalypse unless we allow it by our sheer ignorance.

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I believe robots and AI will replace every job there is in a few decades. Ok so maybe it takes longer - no matter, it will happen eventually. It's inevitable, the change has already been happening for decades, and the rate of change is increasing exponentially.

What do you think happened to the thriving communities of the "Rust Belt" in USA? The ones that are gone or nearly gone today, struggling for survival? Was it foreign competition that killed all those jobs? No, it was automation.

You can't draw parallels with any other technological advancement in history. The car added more jobs than it took away. The robot will one day take away all jobs. Humans will need a Universal Basic Income, or there will be revolts and riots in the streets. It could lead to a happier more fulfilling existence for more people. (No more commuting 2 hours to a cubicle to press buttons for 8 hours every day...) Hopefully the transition will be as painless as possible.

Nailed it!!! I believe the new generation will adopt and adapt better to automation but sadly, the current n previous generation is still in denial and not preparing the young ones to the future of work.

I believe humans are survivors and we are adapted to evolve accordingly... the nature of job and economy will change accordingly and for every job lost to technology, there will be new opportunities that presents itself

Yup . Every disruption give birth to innovation.

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