The Truth about the Border, the recycling of children, an illegal admitting to risking his child's life for himself, the truth about profits made by government corruptors that would stop if the border closes.

in #bordercrisis5 years ago (edited)

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Found posted by a Fine Patriot Named Robert Mote

Red pill wake up call!

The Mueller investigation on Trump ended over a year ago and they kept it going to influence the midterms hoping that they would amass enough power to oust Trump. This was another aspect of the coup attempt. It failed and all of the investigations reverted to the Senate taken away from the house so the Senate has all the power and the house is basically useless ranting lunatic trying to pass legislation to cover what they're already guilty of because they're exposed.

This is just exposing them further. It's obvious that many of them are Financed through drug money laundering ties to the HSBC Bank and other institutions corrupted by the criminality. Human trafficking has bypassed illegal drug profits and Trump has been using ice to round up the human trafficking network witch not only corrupt to the highest echelons of power both financially and physically giving the baking cartels for the bloodlines manipulated puppets to keep their agenda going of the New World Order Devastation carbon credit World takeover but also completely controls the CIA and FBI which have not only been colluding with the coup attempt manufacturing it from the get-go CIA dark Obama controlled dark money but also but literally consolidating and running all of the corruption.

I'm going to cut into the middle of this report to give a quick reminder and sources will be provided at the bottom.

One must Never forget Who worked for HSBC bank.

To see in depth research on this and interesting info concerning Cheryl Mills, Loretta Lynch and Comey's brother's dealings with the FBI go here,

In an article by 21st Century Wire it states,

Much has been made recently about the FBI and the Department of Justice letting off favored presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for admittedly mishandling classified information and using her own private email servers to do state business during her time as US Secretary of State. FBI Director James Comey was manning the key choke-point in the decision to not hold Clinton accountable for what so many before her have received convictions for.

What many are not aware of is the political and organizational links between Hillary Clinton and James Comey behind the curtain of international high finance.

Many are unaware that Comey served on the board of banking giant HSBC (aka ‘international drugs and terrorism money laundering clearing house’) before parachuting softly into the head of the FBI in 2013. That’s only the beginning…

Now we head back to the original red pilled post,

Open borders closed chops the financial head off of the snake. Trump initiating rounding these people up as they come across the border illegally and then giving DNA tests to the children and the pretended parents has delivered many many children from these corrupted Networks. Including recycling children declaring different parentage again and again as border slaves going back and forth across the border in the attempt to give legitimacy to the criminal cartels people coming across the border.

Many children have been declared over and over and over with subsidies for people who are not even their parents and Mexico is complacent because they make billions annually from the money sent back over from subsidies out of our social network safety net stripping those funds away from legitimate needs of US citizens making their situation much much harder not only that but competing for Limited jobs that have been moving away from impoverished communities.

Go here to see Cuomo unintentionally expose the Truth of why parents and those who only Pose as the child's parents bring the children on what has been proven to be a harrowing, dangerous, life threatening journey.

Chris Cuomo accidentally let the truth slip out on CNN during his recent “Cuomo at the Border” special. While interviewing an illegal alien, Cuomo learns that the man is not really seeking asylum, although he’d happily accept it if offered.

No, what the illegal alien really wanted was a job, which he tells Chris without reservation. Chris mistakenly took the interview a step further, asking why he dragged his son on the life threatening journey if he was simply coming here to work. The illegal alien replied, “If I come here with my son, I’ll be allowed to stay.”

See a clip here in Gateway Pundit,

Criminality has taken over being not only subsidized through the social safety net but armed with fully automatic machine guns and ammo by The Fast and Furious arming and consolidation of those same drug and child trafficking Networks.

An article here if you are not familiar with all Obama did in the Fast and Furious.

The criminality in Congress to keep subsidizing the mass immigration using social safety Network funds and other subsidies that have to do with humanitarian Aid falsely named because there's nothing humanitarian about destabilizing areas and incentivizing them to move away from their Heritage and their culture is a criminal act against those cultures and against the United States directly. There is a systemic problem of corruption and now that the roadblock of the coup attempt has been removed forced to reveal that they have nothing the cards are exposed and the dominoes are beginning to fall.

Apt Comment from a Patriot,

Proof that the Trump investigation has been over for some time. This is Flynn’s sentencing memo from the Mueller investigation. Notice Trump’s name is not redacted. You “MUST” redact names involved in ongoing investigations.
So at least back in December his investigation, his investigation was already over.

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Trump gets a surprise at the border,

As stated in an article by Sara Carter,

Commissioner for U.S. Customs and Border Protection Kevin K. McAleenan strongly rebuked claims by opponents Wednesday that the border is not a crisis. He said he “fundamentally disagrees” with those who called President Donald Trump’s national emergency a “fake emergency” and laid out a litany of statistics exposing the serious humanitarian crisis and national security implications for the United States.

he issues discussed ranged from drug smuggling, penetration of drug cartels deep in the United States and the counternarcotics efforts being addressed by Department of Homeland Security and its divisions. McAleenan argued — with statistics to back his claims — that Trump’s request for $5.7 billion for border wall infrastructure is an absolute necessity as part of a comprehensive plan to address the crisis.

The growing humanitarian crisis took precedence as well. McAleenan spoke at significant length about trans-national criminal trafficking organizations, which he said are expected to make roughly $2.5 billion a year off of illegal immigration into the U.S. alone. He addressed the long journey of children being trafficked into the U.S. In one example, he spoke of children from Guatemala, who travel more than 1500 miles under gruesome conditions. Some of the children spend more than 30 days being trafficked and are subjected to physical, sexual abuse and in many cases have contracted infectious diseases that threaten their lives, he said.


Sen. Graham, R-SC, did not mince words.

“I want to be direct – contrary to what some political opponents and media outlets claim the situation at our southern border is dangerous and growing worse,” Graham said in his opening statement.

“It’s not a hoax. It’s not a manufactured crisis. It’s not a cable television ploy. It is real. It is serious. It is a threat. And it poses a direct challenge to the safety and security of the citizens of the United States. To believe otherwise is to deny reality and ignore the facts,” he stated.

Watch Hearing Live Here
The testimony provided by McAleenan backed up Graham’s statements. The commissioner laid out what Border Patrol agents have endured over the first months of the new year and how the increase in migration traffic has tied both the hands of agents and resources to protect the country.

“I have heard a number of commentators observe that even with these alarming levels of migration, the numbers are lower than the historical peaks, and as a result, they suggest what we are seeing at the border today is not a crisis,” said McAleenan. “I fundamentally disagree. From the experience of our agents and officers on the ground, it is indeed both a border security—and a humanitarian—crisis.”

Two weeks ago, in a period of seven days Border Patrol agents in the Rio Grande Valley, sector apprehended more than 7,000 people crossing illegally into the country, said a Border Patrol Agent, who spoke to

“The numbers are staggering,” they said.

Family Units
McAleenan noted one reason why. He said the biggest issue is “for the first time in history, more than half of all those crossing are members of family units—typically one adult and one child.”

The Border Patrol has already apprehended more families crossing illegally than during all of last year, McAleenan said. McAleenan noted that 87 percent of illegal entries come through areas of the border outside of the Ports of Entry.

“We absolutely need barriers,” McAleenan told Sen. Graham during questioning. He added that the ten areas along the border selected to build a wall “is absolutely essential.”

“This is a brand new set of phenomenon with families and children,” McAleenan added. “The trends are going the wrong way.”

If the new laws are implemented, the border walls requested are built, then the criminal trafficking organizations won’t be able to promise the migrants refuge in the U.S., McAleenan accessed.

He noted that as of now 3,000 families a day are entering into the United States daily. And McAleenan projected that roughly 75,000 family units could enter the U.S. by May, which would be the highest on record.

Staggering Numbers
The number is staggering and Sen. Feinstein said “wow,” surprised at the growing numbers of illegal crossings this year.

“I find no reason to disagree with you,” said Feinstein to McAleenan with regard to keeping family units together and getting healthcare to children immediately. McAleenan spoke heartfelt about the two young children who died in Border Patrol custody but explained that the Border Patrol has saved the lives of many illegal migrant children who arrive with severe medical issues.

Earlier in his testimony he noted “in the first four months of the fiscal year, CBP has encountered an average of 60,000 migrants crossing illegally and presenting at ports of entry without documents.

“In February, DHS projects that we will apprehend or encounter over 76,000 migrants, 87 percent of whom are being interdicted crossing the border illegally—a 25 percent increase from January, and what would be the highest February total in more than a decade. By the middle of March—less than six months into the fiscal year— we will have apprehended more people crossing illegally than all of FY 2017,” he said.

Border Patrol Statistics
He noted in his written testimony that illegal border crossings eclipsed the record total of last year by almost “30,000 in the first five months of FY 2019.”

  • February – roughly 40,000 family unit members in four weeks. “This represents an almost 340 percent increase, year-to-date, over last year,” McAleenan said.

  • Arrivals of unaccompanied children are also up 50 percent over this time last year, and exceeded 7,000 in February.

  • More than 27,000 children, with parents and unaccompanied to enter our immigration enforcement process in one month—approximately one-fifth of them 5 and under.

  • Immigration from Mexico remains at historically low levels.

  • However, the majority of illegal border crossings now come from the three countries of Central America, known as the

  • Northern Triangle: Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.

  • Central American migrants exceeded the number of Mexican migrants in four of the past five years and has reached over 75 percent of crossings this fiscal year

  • The third major trend: Credible fear claims that keep them in the United States and from returning to their countries of origin.

  • In 2000 and 2013, less than one percent of those apprehended or encountered at our border claimed asylum or fear of return.

  • Last year, at our ports of entry, the number of asylum claims doubled to 38,269, with nearly 31 percent of those deemed inadmissible for entry filing a claim.

  • Children Saved By Border Patrol

  • BP agents have saved people who were drowning in rivers, who were gravely injured, and those who were left for dead by smugglers.

  • In total, Border Patrol agents rescued 4,311 individuals in FY 2018

  • In FY 2019 Border Patrol rescued 861 individuals in the first four months of FY 2019.

  • Illegal Unaccompanied Minors Cost To U.S. Taxpayer January 2019 Data

  • The cost to the American taxpayer of an Unaccompanied Alien Child (UAC) is $375 per day.

  • The cost per UAC per year is $136,875.

  • As of January 4, 2019 there were 11,981 children in HHS care at a cost to the American taxpayer of more than $1.6 billion a year.

“I want to be direct – contrary to what some political opponents and media outlets claim the situation at our southern border is dangerous and growing worse,” Graham said in his opening statement.

“It’s not a hoax. It’s not a manufactured crisis. It’s not a cable television ploy. It is real. It is serious. It is a threat. And it poses a direct challenge to the safety and security of the citizens of the United States. To believe otherwise is to deny reality and ignore the facts,” he stated.

The testimony provided by McAleenan backed up Graham’s statements. The commissioner laid out what Border Patrol agents have endured over the first months of the new year and how the increase in migration traffic has tied both the hands of agents and resources to protect the country.

“I have heard a number of commentators observe that even with these alarming levels of migration, the numbers are lower than the historical peaks, and as a result, they suggest what we are seeing at the border today is not a crisis,” said McAleenan. “I fundamentally disagree. From the experience of our agents and officers on the ground, it is indeed both a border security—and a humanitarian—crisis.”

Two weeks ago, in a period of seven days Border Patrol agents in the Rio Grande Valley, sector apprehended more than 7,000 people crossing illegally into the country, said a Border Patrol Agent, who spoke to

“The numbers are staggering,” they said.

Family Units
McAleenan noted one reason why. He said the biggest issue is “for the first time in history, more than half of all those crossing are members of family units—typically one adult and one child.”

The Border Patrol has already apprehended more families crossing illegally than during all of last year, McAleenan said. McAleenan noted that 87 percent of illegal entries come through areas of the border outside of the Ports of Entry.

“We absolutely need barriers,” McAleenan told Sen. Graham during questioning. He added that the ten areas along the border selected to build a wall “is absolutely essential.”

“This is a brand new set of phenomenon with families and children,” McAleenan added. “The trends are going the wrong way.”

If the new laws are implemented, the border walls requested are built, then the criminal trafficking organizations won’t be able to promise the migrants refuge in the U.S., McAleenan accessed.

He noted that as of now 3,000 families a day are entering into the United States daily. And McAleenan projected that roughly 75,000 family units could enter the U.S. by May, which would be the highest on record.

Staggering Numbers
The number is staggering and Sen. Feinstein said “wow,” surprised at the growing numbers of illegal crossings this year.

Earlier in his testimony he noted “in the first four months of the fiscal year, CBP has encountered an average of 60,000 migrants crossing illegally and presenting at ports of entry without documents.



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