All the people Comey has protected to serve his style of Injustice. Lynch, Cheryl Mills and Berger all worked at the same law firm integral Clinton scandal and Comey's work with HSBC and brother deals

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

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Did a facebook frames on this if you prefer to see it in that format with more history of Comey's family and fully sourced throughout.

Going to put it here for archiving. To see photos, screenshots and evidence go to this link. The summary of what is inside will follow.

Facebook Frames Comey, other brother Comey and fam! Not your typical Peter, James and John!
HSBC, Lockheed Martin, Clinton Foundation mixed with patents (Oh My!) and yet Another classified information case buried by. ..Guess Who?

There really IS Nothing New under the Sun!
Ecclesiastes 1:9
9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

Encodes 10 and could that be Completion for showing the trail of Corruption? You Decide!
Flip through the Frame photos, read the summary or do both. The verification and source links are provided throughout!
Lots of connections

Comey and the other brother Comey. ..Peter!
Very interesting that Comey had that Fake account under a theologians name he analyzed in his thesis along with Jerry Falwell. What's that all about? Are there any tie in's to that and Comey's possible signal to a run for the presidency? Are they as cryptic and coded as they think they are? Can you break the Comey Corn Coms? I think you Can!

His mother is Joan Marie Comey, who was the first woman underwriter for Mutual of New York Ins. She also had a degree resulting in a career in career in computer education with the Girl Scouts of America.

Joan was a parishioner at Guardian Angel R.C. Church in Allendale where she served as a Eucharistic Minister and director of Religious Education.

It is said of his grandfather, William J. Comey in Yonkers NY

The law enforcement career of William J. Comey is one which most certainly can be categorized as a success story. However, it was also one of the most unusual rises to the leadership of the entire police department that was experienced to that date.
He had stopped a horse once from harming a trolly train and a burglar on another occasion. On January 16, 1926, PO Comey was elevated to the position of Detective in the Detective Bureau. One can only assume that this new assignment was due to the excellent police work performed by the officer.

However there are few things more satisfying to a police officer than when he arrests a person for a sexual assault on a child. And on August 29, 1927, following his investigation, Det Comey located and arrested a 22 year old male for sexually assaulting an 8 year old girl. The child picked the male out of a "line up" and later though "some questioning was necessary," the man confessed.

It was on September 6, 1930 that Det Bill Comey received his first promotion; that being to the position of Sergeant. As was customary he was required to relinquish his detective status and was reassigned to the 1st precinct on Wells Avenue as a patrol supervisor.
On October 10, 1934 the police department put in service a state of the art communications system with their new One Way radio.
Bill Comey remained the Deputy Public Safety Commissioner under Commissioner Patrick O'Hara until January of 1952.

His father J. Brien Comey, After serving in the Army following college, Brien began his business career with Mobil Oil, selling motor oil to gas stations in the New York area and then selecting locations for new Mobil stations. Brien then took a job as Vice President and Director of Corporate
Real Estate for the Curtiss-Wright Corporation managing the company’s extensive real
estate portfolio He retired from Curtiss-Wright in 1992 and began a second career as a
Certified Financial Planner.

Brien, who had originally trained to be a Capuchin priest, remained active in the Catholic
Church and was a parishioner at Guardian Angel R.C. Church in Allendale, where he
served as a Eucharistic Minister. He was a Sunday school teacher, volunteer at the Valley
Hospital, served on the Allendale Town Council, and was active in Allendale youth
athletics and Boy Scouts.

Both James and Peter connected to the Ramsey Rapist from a run in when they were teens.
I'll drop in an article depicting some of James Comey's early history.
Bizarre how they literally ran into him. Not downplaying how frightening that would be when you are children.

Further down the road finds Comey eventually working at the FBI and other brother Comey working with a company given the project of providing strategic project management for the consolidation of over 11,000 FBI personnel into one, high security, facility.
Some of those strategies involved talking to stakeholders.
Which is interesting because older brother Comey, who eventually became FBI director and even indicated he may put in a bid to run for president. . .had previously been on the board of HSBC.

It appears that James Comey (who is actually a lawyer by trade) also has long history of cases ending favorable to Clintons, including the case of Sandy Berger, a former Clinton Administration aid.

During the Berger probe, Comey said publicly that ‘we take issues of classified information very seriously’, all the while seeming to undermine the scope of the investigation – presumably to protect the Clintons:
Yikes, where have we heard THAT before, yet actions did not follow words!

This reference to Comey prompted me to look into his nefarious deeds as I had learned about 2 years ago he had connections to HSBC.
It appears that James Comey (who is actually a lawyer by trade) also has long history of cases ending favorable to Clintons, including the case of Sandy Berger, a former Clinton Administration aid.
During the Berger probe, Comey said publicly that ‘we take issues of classified information very seriously’, all the while seeming to undermine the scope of the investigation – presumably to protect the Clintons:

“Curiously, Berger, Lynch and Cheryl Mills all worked as partners in the Washington law firm Hogan & Hartson, which prepared tax returns for the Clintons and did patent work for a software firm that played a role in the private email server Hillary Clinton used when she was secretary of state.”

Laying of Groundwork possibly?
“Hogan & Hartson in Virginia filed a patent trademark request on May 19, 2004, for Denver-based MX Logic Inc., the computer software firm that developed the email encryption system used to manage Clinton’s private email server beginning in July 2013.
A tech expert has observed that employees of MX Logic could have had access to all the emails that went through her account.

In 1999, President Bill Clinton nominated [Loretta] Lynch for the first of her two terms as U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, a position she held until she joined Hogan & Hartson in March 2002 to become a partner in the firm’s Litigation Practice Group.”
Many will also be unaware that before Comey was installed by the Obama Administration as FBI Director, he was on the board of Director at HSBC Bank – a bank implicated in international money laundering, including the laundering of billions on behalf of international drugs and narcotics trafficking cartels.
Forbes also points out where Comey was also at the key choke-point during the case involving dodgy auditor KPMG which followed on by the HSBC criminal case:

Too many interesting tie in's to place here so just flip through the Frame Photos. All is fully sourced throughout.

Please let me know your thoughts, comments and what you are seeing out there below! Stay Safe. Stay Vigilant!

Now for the rest of this article as I have been researching Comey for a few years now. . .

In looking at a Red Pill wake up call posted by a Fine Patriot,

This was stated and Comey's nefarious connections referred to,

This is just exposing them further. It's obvious that many of them are Financed through drug money laundering ties to the HSBC Bank and other institutions corrupted by the criminality. Human trafficking has bypassed illegal drug profits and Trump has been using ice to round up the human trafficking network witch not only corrupt to the highest echelons of power both financially and physically giving the baking cartels for the bloodlines manipulated puppets to keep their agenda going of the New World Order Devastation carbon credit World takeover but also completely controls the CIA and FBI which have not only been colluding with the coup attempt manufacturing it from the get-go CIA dark Obama controlled dark money but also but literally consolidating and running all of the corruption.

To see the complete article related to the red pill post and the truth of the Border Crisis below in sources.

It appears that James Comey (who is actually a lawyer by trade) also has long history of cases ending favorable to Clintons, including the case of Sandy Berger, a former Clinton Administration aid.

During the Berger probe, Comey said publicly that ‘we take issues of classified information very seriously’, all the while seeming to undermine the scope of the investigation – presumably to protect the Clintons:

Yikes, where have we heard THAT before, yet actions did not follow words!

This reference to Comey prompted me to look into his nefarious deeds as I had learned about 2 years ago he had connections to HSBC.

The hunt turned up quite a bit of interesting info. I knew these players were connected, but what I didn't know was just How Connected!

According to American Thinker,

The Democratic operative on that barely warm seat in 2005 was former Clinton National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, since deceased. The attorney general at the time, the feckless Alberto Gonzales, had been on the job less than two months when the Berger deal went down.

Gonzales’s deputy attorney general, James Comey, however, had been on the job for more than a year. It was under Comey’s supervision that the DoJ reviewed the case against Berger. It was a doozy.

This from 21st Century Wire,

“In 2004, Comey, then serving as a deputy attorney general in the Justice Department, apparently limited the scope of the criminal investigation of Sandy Berger, which left out former Clinton administration officials who may have coordinated with Berger in his removal and destruction of classified records from the National Archives. The documents were relevant to accusations that the Clinton administration was negligent in the build-up to the 9/11 terrorist attack.”

“Curiously, Berger, Lynch and Cheryl Mills all worked as partners in the Washington law firm Hogan & Hartson, which prepared tax returns for the Clintons and did patent work for a software firm that played a role in the private email server Hillary Clinton used when she was secretary of state.”

This is rather interesting because back in 2010 apparently there was a merger between Hogan& Hartson and a British law firm, Lovells.

Laying of Groundwork possibly?

“Hogan & Hartson in Virginia filed a patent trademark request on May 19, 2004, for Denver-based MX Logic Inc., the computer software firm that developed the email encryption system used to manage Clinton’s private email server beginning in July 2013.

A tech expert has observed that employees of MX Logic could have had access to all the emails that went through her account.

In 1999, President Bill Clinton nominated [Loretta] Lynch for the first of her two terms as U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, a position she held until she joined Hogan & Hartson in March 2002 to become a partner in the firm’s Litigation Practice Group.”

Many will also be unaware that before Comey was installed by the Obama Administration as FBI Director, he was on the board of Director at HSBC Bank – a bank implicated in international money laundering, including the laundering of billions on behalf of international drugs and narcotics trafficking cartels.

Forbes also points out where Comey was also at the key choke-point during the case involving dodgy auditor KPMG which followed on by the HSBC criminal case:

“If Comey, and his boss Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, had made a different decision about KPMG back in 2005, KPMG would not have been around to miss all the illegal acts HSBC and Standard Chartered SCBFF +% were committing on its watch. Bloomberg reported in 2007 that back in June of 2005, Comey was the man thrust into the position of deciding whether KPMG would live or die for its criminal tax shelter violations.”

The writer of the Forbes article ended with this very apt observation,

I have a pro-tip for Mr. Comey as he takes the job leading white- and blue-collar crime fighters at the FBI: Don’t waste any time on the Big Four public accounting firms. Your fears have been realized. The largest global public accounting firms are now, as a result of your decision, considered “too few to fail” by the Justice Department and SEC. The auditors have been very busy since 2005 missing new crimes at HSBC, Standard Chartered, JPMorgan, Barclays, MF Global, Deutsche Bank (KPMG), UBS, Colonial Bank, Taylor Bean & Whitaker…

Back to the Century 21 Wired report,

So according to the establishment narrative, Comey is the who will “keep an eye on the banks” and “help stamp out corruption,” while the opposite seems to be happening. Has Comey been put in place to stop corruption, or to enable it? His record certainly warrants some study on this point.

Good qualification to be FBI Director? Not really…

Investment Watch Blog

It seems that our beloved FBI Director is or until very recently was a director and board member of HSBC, which is tightly connected to the Clinton Foundation. Check out some of these links:
“Mr. Comey’s appointment will be for an initial three-year term which, subject to re-election by shareholders, will expire at the conclusion of the 2016 Annual General Meeting.”
“Clinton foundation received up to $81m from clients of controversial HSBC bank”

It’s like a revolving door of money and special projects that the bank and the CF are involved in.

This is the same HSBC that was accused of laundering drug cartel money, was heavily involved in the LIBOR scandal, and who knows what else, and all while our esteemed FBI Director James “she didn’t intend it” Comey was part of the senior leadership.

The Guardian reported this,

US authorities defended their decision not to prosecute HSBC for accepting the tainted money of rogue states and drug lords on Tuesday, insisting that a $1.9bn fine for a litany of offences was preferable to the "collateral consequences" of taking the bank to court.

HSBC, Britain's biggest bank, said it was "profoundly sorry" for what it called "past mistakes" that allowed terrorists and narcotics traffickers to move billions around the financial system and circumvent US banking laws. Breuer said Mexican drug traffickers deposited hundreds of thousands of dollars each day in HSBC accounts.

The bank processed cash for Mexico's Sinaloa cartel, regarded as the most powerful and deadly drug gang in the world, among others. At least $881m in drug trafficking money was laundered throughout HSBC accounts. In order to handle the "staggering amounts of cash", the bank even widened the windows at some branches to allow tellers to accept larger boxes of money.

HSBC also helped rogue states including Libya, Sudan, Burma and Iran to work around US rules banning them from using US financial system in a scheme that went on for decades.

Another dig turns up the connections with El Chapo from Chicks on the Right,

In 2012, the Justice Department accused the El Chapo-led Sinaloa Cartel of moving over $7 billion through HSBC bank locations inside Mexico. The bank’s Mexican locations allowed huge cash deposits (sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars in a single transaction), which were then accessible to the cartel at HSBC bank locations inside the United States.

Despite playing a key role in establishing the cartels inside the US, the DOJ gave HSBC a slap on the wrist–a deferred prosecution agreement–under which the bank would not be prosecuted for laundering billions of dollars in cash for the Sinaloa Cartel, as long as the bank rehabilitated its practices and stayed out of trouble for five years.

Overruling career prosecutors– who wanted to prosecute the bank–US Attorney Loretta Lynch and Attorney General Eric Holder let the bank off the hook with a $1.9 billion “record fine,” which made up a small fraction of one year’s profits.

Holder’s reasoning for letting the bank off the hook–along with its employees and directors–was that the bank was too big to fail.

It is unknown whether then-FBI Director Robert Mueller aggressively investigated the executives and employees involved. Given the lack of convictions, and his failure to speak out against the agreement, it’s unlikely that Mueller engaged in any pre-dawn raids or SWAT-style arrests.

Ironically, Jerome Corsi, one of Mueller’s current perjury-trap targets, was one of the journalists who exposed the HSBC scandal in 2012.

A month after the deferred prosecution agreement was finalized, future FBI Director James Comey took a 97% pay cut from his job as general counsel at Bridgewater Associates hedge fund to join Britain-based HSBC as director of the money laundering vulnerabilities sector. The move reduced his jaw-dropping income from $6,632,616 per year to under $200,000, per financial disclosures.

Interesting isn't it?

With former Deputy Attorney General Comey at the helm of the troubled bank’s money laundering compliance efforts, HSBC could reassure its investors that the troubles in 2012 were over. However, Comey apparently missed the Russian money laundering that was taking place while he oversaw the vulnerabilities sector.

Less than six months after Comey took the HSBC job, President Obama nominated him to replace Robert Mueller as FBI Director. In 2014, Obama nominated Loretta Lynch to replace Eric Holder as Attorney General.

HSBC clients donated $81 million to the Clinton Foundation.

According to Breitbart,

When President Obama nominated Comey to become FBI director in 2013, Comey promised the United States Senate that he would recuse himself on all cases involving former employers.

But Comey earned $6 million in one year alone from Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin became a Clinton Foundation donor that very year.

Lockheed Martin is a Clinton Foundation donor. The company admitted to becoming a Clinton Global Initiative member in 2010.

According to records, Lockheed Martin is also a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt, which paid Bill Clinton $250,000 to deliver a speech in 2010.

In 2013, Comey became a board member, a director, and a Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee member of the London bank HSBC Holdings.

“Mr. Comey’s appointment will be for an initial three-year term which, subject to re-election by shareholders, will expire at the conclusion of the 2016 Annual General Meeting,” according to HSBC company records.

In 2010, Lockheed Martin won 17 approvals for private contracts from the Hillary Clinton State Department.

HSBC Holdings and its various philanthropic branches routinely partner with the Clinton Foundation. For instance, HSBC Holdings has partnered with Deutsche Bank through the Clinton Foundation to “retrofit 1,500 to 2,500 housing units, primarily in the low- to moderate-income sector” in “New York City.”

“Retrofitting” refers to a Green initiative to conserve energy in commercial housing units. Clinton Foundation records show that the Foundation projected “$1 billion in financing” for this Green initiative to conserve people’s energy in low-income housing units.

One must not forget his brother is Peter Comey,

When our source called the Chinatown offices of D.C. law firm DLA Piper and asked for “Peter Comey,” a receptionist immediately put him through to Comey’s direct line. But Peter Comey is not featured on the DLA Piper website.

Peter Comey serves as “Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas” for DLA Piper. James Comey was not questioned about his relationship with Peter Comey in his confirmation hearing.

DLA Piper is the firm that performed the independent audit of the Clinton Foundation in November during Clinton-World’s first big push to put the email scandal behind them. DLA Piper’s employees taken as a whole represent a major Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign donation bloc and Clinton Foundation donation base.

DLA Piper ranks #5 on Hillary Clinton’s all-time career Top Contributors list, just ahead of Goldman Sachs.

And here is another thing: Peter Comey has a mortgage on his house that is owned by his brother James Comey, the FBI director.

Peter Comey’s financial records, obtained by Breitbart News, show that he bought a $950,000 house in Vienna, Virginia, in June 2008. He needed a $712,500 mortgage from First Savings Mortgage Corporation.

But on January 31, 2011, James Comey and his wife stepped in to become Private Party lenders. They granted a mortgage on the house for $711,000. Financial records suggest that Peter Comey took out two such mortgages from his brother that day.

This financial relationship between the Comey brothers began prior to James Comey’s nomination to become director of the FBI.

But wait, there's more. . .

FBI Director James Comey grew up in the New Jersey suburbs with his brother Peter. Both Comeys were briefly taken captive in 1977 by the “Ramsey rapist,” but the boys managed to escape through a window in their home, and neither boy was harmed.

James Comey became a prosecutor who worked on the Gambino crime family case. He went on to the Bush administration, a handful of private sector jobs, and then the Obama administration in 2013.

Peter Comey, meanwhile, went into construction.

After getting an MBA in real estate and urban development from George Washington University in 1998, Peter Comey became an executive at a company that re-designed George Washington University between 2004 and 2007 while his brother was in town working for the Bush administration.

In January 2009, at the beginning of the Obama administration, Peter Comey became “a real estate and construction consultant” for Procon Consulting.

Procon Consulting’s client list includes “FBI Headquarters Washington, DC.”

So what did Procon Consulting do for FBI Headquarters? Quite a bit, apparently. According to the firm’s records:

Procon provided strategic project management for the consolidation of over 11,000 FBI personnel into one, high security, facility.

Since 1972 the Federal Bureau of Investigation has had its headquarters in a purpose built 2.1 million square foot building on Pennsylvania Avenue. Having become functionally obsolete and in need of major repairs, GSA and the FBI were considering ways to meet the space needs required to maintain the Bureau’s mission and consolidate over 11,000 personnel.

Procon assisted GSA in assessing the FBI’s space needs and options for fulfilling those needs. Services provided included project management related to site evaluations, budgeting, due diligence, and the development of procurement and funding strategies.

Those “funding strategies” included talking to “stakeholders”: “Worked with stakeholders and key leadership to identify strategic objectives, goals and long range plans for capital and real estate projects.”

Procon Consulting obtained its contract for FBI Headquarters prior to James Comey’s nomination to serve as director of the FBI.

In June 2011, Peter Comey left Procon Consulting to become “Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas” for DLA Piper.

Peter Comey has generated some controversy in that role. According to Law360 in May 2013 (the same month that James Comey was confirmed as someone being considered by Obama to become FBI director):

Two real estate services businesses filed a $10 million suit against the law firm Monday alleging it stiffed them on as much as $760,000 of work done at DLA Piper’s Chicago office and improperly gave proprietary information to a competitor.


The plaintiffs take particular aim at Peter Comey, DLA Piper’s senior director of real estate operations. Leasecorp and SpaceLogik include several emails in the complaint that are purportedly from DLA Piper senior real estate partners Jay Epstein and Rich Klawiter and are sharply critical of Comey’s handling of the matter. In one email, Epstein wrote that “it’s an embarrassment for the firm to be treating someone who we are working with like this.”

In another email allegedly from Klawiter on Feb. 20, the DLA Piper partner informed Leasecorp President Michael Walker, a principal for both plaintiffs, that Comey had sent him and Epstein an email claiming that the real estate services firms were behind on their contractual obligations.

“I just received an email from Peter (Jay was also a recipient) that is so inflammatory I can’t even send it or you’ll hit the roof,” Klawiter said in the email, according to the complaint. “This is not going to end well.”

What a story right? Proving yet once again. . .Truth really IS stranger than fiction when you Test the Narrative they keep pushing at you!

Thank you Thomas McKELVEY from The Loop for this Apt Meme showing how they All Tie in!
When will it become Mathematically Impossible to the others?

Please let me know what you think in the comments below.


Placing this here to archive,

The Hunter/s become the huntED

Go to the link to see all the photo frames which have source links throughout and more connections.

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