Rubella virus in MMR is RA273 R= Rubella, A= Abortus and 27 is the number of aborted babies to get it. 26 mothers told their baby had it and Didn't. Lies and Manipulation of PP and Vaccine industry!

in #vaccines6 years ago (edited)

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The above taken from Debi Vinnedge, Executive Director of Children of God for Life, the organization that exposed
the PepsiCo- Senomyx collaboration last year (see )
was appalled by the apathy and insensitivity of both PepsiCo executives and the Obama

“We’re not talking about what kind of pencils PepsiCo wants to use – we are talking about
exploiting the remains of an aborted child for profit”, she said. “Using human embryonic
kidney (HEK-293) to produce flavor enhancers for their beverages is a far cry from routine

PepsiCo also requested the resolution be excluded because it “probed too deeply into matters
of a complex nature upon which shareholders cannot make an informed judgment.”

A great Guardian of the Children poster on Voat shared the following very informative article. ..

**101 USES FOR A DEAD (or live) BABY by Olga Fairfax, Ph.D **

Vitally Important!

If you haven't seen this, the article is here,

It became the catalyst for me writing this connections article.

I will put connections in that prove these aborted infants are being used for consuming and profit.

One of the terms they like to use is Biotech.

Find information connected to:

  • the ways these baby parts are used dead and alive

  • Here about a Mother's journey in learning about these baby parts and the connections to Vaccines and her call to take on the pharmaceutical industry

  • List of vaccines that use these aborted infant parts and ethical alternatives

  • A direct explanation on how these vaccines were Really produced and evidence everyone has been lied to. Not just infants aborted to create a vaccine (as if that isn't 2 too many) but many more.

  • the way these vaccines don't just affect the sacrificing of these babies and manipulating women to get them for their "Vaccine Entrepreneurship" but also the dire documented affects they have on children!

  • Companies that used the fetal line cell to test for flavorings and an updated list of vaccines using them along with the cosmetics and anti aging skin care company.

Fully sourced

This taken from Cog for Life and I will be getting into this after you read some of what these precious babies are used for.

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Taken from Skeptic Files

101 USES FOR A DEAD (or live) BABY by Olga Fairfax, Ph.D

Here about a Mother's journey in learning about these baby parts and the connections to Vaccines and her call to take on the pharmaceutical industry in the following video.

Children of God for Life

A partial list of vaccines using infant parts and ethical alternatives.

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Entire list found here,

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VaxXed Tour: Marcella on RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION

Hear the story of the people who wanted to make a vaccine.

This is taken from an interview with Researcher Marcella Piper-Terry from Fort Wayne, IN about religious exemptions from vaccines and aborted fetal cells.

There was a Rubella outbreak going on. So they convinced women they had been exposed to Rubella.

They told them their babies would be born Horribly deformed if they went forward with their pregnancies.

It took them 27 abortions of little babies murdered, before they found ONE that was infected.

26 mothers Lied to and babies murdered for No Reason. . .except an agenda.

The rubella virus used In the MMR vaccine is called RA273

R= Rubella
A= Abortus
27 is the number of abortions that took place, that was the 27th one aborted

The 3 refers to the 3 different tissue samples taken from 3 different organs.

They took That virus and had to find a suitable cell line, develop another cell line for that virus to replicate in.

So, there were All together 80 abortions that went Into the making of the Rubella vaccine.

The 2 fetal cell lines that are continuing to be used in the vaccines being given now, that are licensed in the United States are. . .

WI38 and MRC5

WI38 was from a female abortion, and MRC5 was from a male baby that was aborted.
These two abortions took place in the 1960's.

These two fetal cell lines replicate over and over again, so they continue.

They used to refer to them as being immortal, but they Are Not, they can only replicate a certain number of times.

Now the more times they replicate, the more dangerous they become. Fetal cell lines are problematic because they are highly tumorigenic, meaning prone to cancer, therefore; the longer they go, the older they become, the more tumorigenic!

That pushes a demand to develop More fetal cell lines for new vaccines because the old ones are getting close to the end of their viability.

There was recently a new cell line developed called WalVax 2 (this was being stated in 2017) 9 abortions went into the development of that cell line.

The babies for this fetal cell line were delivered by water bag method, which insures the baby is delivered in tact because they need all of the organs in tact.

These babies are often delivered alive.

Delivered at 16, 18, 20 weeks in some cases.

Paul Offit, a vaccine entrepreneur , CDC Advisor Committee on Vaccines, in media pieces Offit tells people there were only 2 babies aborted used in the vaccines we're using today.

As the doctor in this report has stated there Were 2 fetal cell (MRC5 and WR38) lines used in the MMR and the vericella vaccines, hepatitusA and shingles.

He's being Very Dishonest when he says there were only 2 abortions, because he's not talking about All the other abortions that had to take place prior to them settling on those 2.

The manipulation and the lying that went into coercing women to abort their babies is a separate issue.

Ottis claims they were elective abortions and that they were not performed for the sole purpose of developing vaccines; however, the tissue has to be alive in order for the virus to be cultured on That tissue. Dead tissue is No Use to vaccine makers! .

So if these were abortions, that would have happened Anyways, and were not done for the sole purpose of developing vaccines, it's Pretty Coincidental that they had scientists there waiting to collect the tissue! So that they could whisk it off to the lab, and the tissue still be viable!

That just doesn't add up!

It's reported that in about 50% of abortions babies were actually alive when they were delivered, they were then dissected immediately without any anesthesia.

It's really important for leaders and people to understand the depth of this and how many babies have been murdered for this industry!

Marcella says the manipulation and the greed involved in this is Extreme!

Marcella also addresses those who don't believe in choosing life and that the good of the vaccines outweighs the babies being killed to get them, what happens after this. . .

  • these vaccines that are cultured on these aborted fetal cells,
  • contain the DNA of those babies, and
  • that DNA becomes fragmented

All in the process of developing the vaccines. Not whole double strand DNA, but rather fragments, bits and pieces of DNA. The smaller the DNA is, the more likely it is to incorporate into the nucleus of the cell of the vaccine recipient.

Dr. Theresa Deisher did a study, she is dedicated to producing vaccines that do not use aborted baby tissue.

In her studies of treating kills using stem cell research to help them with their immune deficiency, they found 2/3 of children getting Leukemia. So they learned about Insertional Mutagenesis. . This is when the DNA of another human being is combined with another in therapy. It alters the DNA, it is a mutation in the person who is receiving the donor DNA.

The FDA Knows there is a problem, so they have limited the amount of DNA that can being injected and have limited the amount allowed to be used in vaccines. ..but they Are still used.

This happens with stem cells and also happens with vaccines.

Dr. Diesher started looking at the amounts of DNA in certain vaccines and found in some they greatly exceed the limits.

So those fragments of DNA are recombining, inserting into the nucleus of the cells of children who are receiving these vaccines, is strongly associated with childhood cancers. Especially lymphoma and leukemia. And we see these cancers exploding since society has been vaccinating children with these live vaccines.

Also associated with auto immunity. Auto immunity by definition is the bodies inability to differentiate between self and others, so then it starts attacking itself.

Marcella says, "what better way to induce auto immunity than to inject the DNA with another human being's DNA? It creates confusion for the body."

Chimerism is also on the rise. Where they are more likely to be infertile. There is evidence it contributes to gender identity disorder.

Gender identity disorder in teenagers is the number One cause of suicide.

This is an important note as Truth tellers strive to be consistent with the Truth and the Whole truth!

Cosmetics and anti aging creams Also listed.

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Source for this list here,

This link contains the story of those companies who used Senomyx as a partner whether for testing or in flavor enhancers.

This is rather eye opening,

Obama agency rules PepsiCo cannibalizing aborted fetus is “ordinary

Shareholders will not be informed or allowed to vote on resolution
(Largo, FL) In a shocking decision delivered Feb 28th, President Obama’s Security and
Exchange Commission ruled that PepsiCo’s use of aborted fetal remains in their research and
development agreement with Senomyx to produce flavor enhancers falls under “ordinary
business operations”.

The letter signed by Attorney Bryan Pitko of the SEC Office of
Chief Counsel was sent in response to a 36-page document
submitted by PepsiCo attorneys in January, 2012. In that filing,
PepsiCo pleaded with the SEC to reject the Shareholder’s
Resolution filed in October 2011 that the company “adopt a
corporate policy that recognizes human rights and employs
ethical standards which do not involve using the remains of
aborted human beings in both private and collaborative research
and development agreements.”

PepsiCo lead attorney George A. Schieren noted that the
resolution should be excluded because it “deals with matters
related to the company’s ordinary business operations” and that
“certain tasks are so fundamental to run a company on a day-today basis that they could not be subject to stockholder oversight.”

Debi Vinnedge, Executive Director of Children of God for Life, the organization that exposed
the PepsiCo- Senomyx collaboration last year (see )
was appalled by the apathy and insensitivity of both PepsiCo executives and the Obama

“We’re not talking about what kind of pencils PepsiCo wants to use – we are talking about
exploiting the remains of an aborted child for profit”, she said. “Using human embryonic
kidney (HEK-293) to produce flavor enhancers for their beverages is a far cry from routine
PepsiCo also requested the resolution be excluded because it “probed too deeply into matters
of a complex nature upon which shareholders cannot make an informed judgment.”

See a connecting report here,


Update 1.23.2023

So few truly comprehend what Lift the Veil means.
They think it only has something to do with the return of Jesus.

Did they miss the part where humanity has to awaken to who they really are?

Who do you suppose put the veil there?
Where do you live?
Who does satan despise?

Would it behoove him to trick humanity into attacking the most vulnerable amongst their own kind. . .then figure out how to make a Profit off of the very evil he and his minions/controllers tricked them into?

Would it not suit him to use catchy phrases that feed right into the ego of the hoodwinked to carry out his purpose as justice warriors?

Just think of all the phrases they have used and false self righteousness to keep Ki(li$g the innocent. #ThesePeopleAreSick have multiple meanings as though they try to silence those of us tasked to shine a bright Light on it. . .many have found out in spite of the slitherers and controlling entities in our society who seek to hide their deeds. #DarkToLight

This was torn down along with my entire channel on yt, but I archived it.

God makes sure the truth is heard one way or another through various means.

Those who claim the following and what is in the comments can't really be happening in Their schools or in their he$lt h places. . .Remember. . .they do plenty out in the open now, but for decades they have done it surreptitiously.
I can vouch as I have logged info both in the educational and medical industry with boots on the ground to observe and take anecdotal records.
I was targeted and belittled for doing so by the nefarious even after following the commands of my superiors in documenting.

Godspeed to all Warriors who understand what they do with this entity they all raise up and defend.

Why would anyone defend murd^ring the innocent when they would never defend this happening to animals.

I agree. ..I don't want God's precious creatures harmed either. . .why would humanity have a cold heart towards their own kind then? You know why, it is a spirit they have allowed to reside in them.

John 8:44
King James Version
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Then they literally turn around whether taking away the choice of the young or old and feign they are doing good.

What did God say about this?
Isaiah 5:20
King James Version
20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Will put more connecting information with verified sources in the comments of this post on my page.

Thank you to all who Command and Decree this evil stops!
Thank you to all Republics making moves to stop this in Jesus Name! You are Sovereign. Remember who you are and protect the most vulnerable in your society.



#Abortion, #AbortionLies, #SaveOurChildren
Speak up for the most vulnerable in our society

Proverbs 31:8
Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.

For those who do not believe what is taught in schools. . .I used to teach in them, not just in private schools, but private. You would Not Believe what gets by in BOTH at times. Parents are surprised when their kids choose a path that wasn't taught. This is why. Parents had Zero Clue. Thank God more are joining forces and getting involved and See it Firsthand. The scamdemic helped expose as parents saw some of it right in their homes on the zoom teaching. #DarkToLight



See this post here archiving in case the "power's that be and corporate owned darpa gatekeepers remove it!

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Sources, Connecting research articles,

Obama agency rules PepsiCo cannibalizing aborted fetus is “ordinary


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