LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 02 - post196

I felt also a letting go of something that had been sore inside her and her sleep was filled with contentment. I sat looking at her and thanked god that she exists. Rob is very lucky.

Previous Post 195


She was laughing as she recounted details of our day. “And he got frightened the water would get too deep too fast. He forgot we could jump back!”

“She is the same as you love, enjoys it when I make a fool of myself.” I whispered to my Cherine.

She smiled at me with her eyes. “And you let her for the same reason?”

“Don’t get cynical on me love.”

“Is ‘cynical’ when you can see the truth?”

“You are growing up too fast my love.”

“We all are. I hope they don’t have the problems we had. Maybe they will not feel the fear and pain we did and they will not grow up so fast.”

I stared back at her and felt the tears stinging my eyes. “You mean you hope he is not as stupid as I was.”

“Now who is being cynical? I was talking about the fight with the Sparklers and now with the spider.”

“You are still my sweet little girl.”


“I don’t think I ever was. I was always afraid to be sweet with you. I wonder why?”


“Not because of you silly. Because of me. After my daddy I mean.”

“Whether you like it or not, you are the sweetest thing that ever happened to me Cherine.”

Now it was her turn for her eyes to sting her and she cuddled me a little tighter. I gave her some time and then shooed her off. “We’ll be alone soon love, let me hold my other girls too.”

“Which one?”

“Dommi. My patient sweet Dommi.”

“She really wants to be back there with us, but she is not asking so as to give me time alone with you. You are right, she is very patient and sweet.”

“And scary at times.” I grinned at her as she turned to look at me, able as always to overhear my thoughts when they concerned her. She came and sat by my side and I placed my arm around her.

“Still love me Dominique?”

“A little.” She was not good at teasing for even as she spoke her eyes betrayed her.

Ordinx had spent most of his time talking and drinking and was lightly intoxicated. I did not want to chance jumping until he was sober so I took away the booze and waited. We jumped soon as Solomon returned from visiting his counterparts of this reality.

“It is strange Robert, how a few small changes in the history of a people can make such a big difference. They have not even taken the same path in their evolution. I think we will be able to learn from them how to achieve the future you suggested for us.”

“Solomon, you will be giving to them by helping them release the souls they hold, it will be good if you can find a way for them to give to you in return.”

“Is that what you have been doing?”

“In what way!”

“You pretended that the fear of Jonathan was a mirror of ours. You knew that there was no possibility of us attacking your world. We would have to return to the void and there you would have killed us all.”

“And you took the pledge of my love, of herself and child and I took the pledge upon myself without conditions on my part Solomon. With you I could have no armour to protect my loved ones.”

“Of what lack of conditions do you speak Robert?”

“There is no condition that if you provoke me or attack my people her pledge is forfeited. I give that as an example. Solomon, we did not negotiate, we gave our pledges as friends. What armour would I have against friends? I only know how to fight against enemies.”

“What you speak of does not make sense. If your pledge was given as a friend and we attacked or provoked you, we would prove ourselves not to be friends.”

“Even then I would think of you as friends. Friends who, for some reason I do not understand, are attacking me. I would wonder what I had done to have forced you to do so.” I added, “When a person or a people, have proven themselves to be true friends, it would be shallow of me to react to an anger of theirs with hostility. I owe it, not only to them, but to myself, that I first do all I can to understand what has angered them and correct the situation.”

“I had not expected that! You still manage to surprise me Robert.”

Ordinx sounded stern, “I must confess, I could never speak like that or make such pledges. You are wrong to do so Robert. This is not meant to cast any reflections on Solomon or his people, it is a comment on the wisdom of your way of thinking.”


“Probably a number of the Cherinians would agree with you Ordinx. I am determined to avoid the ways of politics for my people. Our history has shown they do not work in the long run. We are and must always remain a people who are guided by love.”

“That could become a trap that destroys your people.”

“It could also become what releases us from the traps of self interest and greed.”

Ordinx gave up on his argument, so he warned me, “I hope then for your sakes that you never give your friendship to those who would betray you. We will be releasing a great number of races in the future Robert, and they will all claim they wish to be friends. There will be those who will abuse the love you give. Do not set the existence of your people on the goodwill of others blindly.”

I could see Alki was in agreement with them and only keeping quiet out of loyalty. My Cherine was deep in thoughts of her own and what she heard did not disturb her, trusting in me, she casually dismissed their comments.

I have decided to write in here. Robert is right, I was deep in thought. I realised that he does not know certain things about himself and it may be good that he is told.

Robert has the most disturbing eyes. When he talks he stares into the eyes of the person he is talking to and it is as if he sees deep into that person. It makes many people a little uncomfortable and creates a feeling of awe of him. He also does not realise he has grown, the way he talks; the words are always gentle, but there is a quality in his tone of voice that says he expects to be obeyed, he does not demand it, but he expects it. The fact that he is so often amused by his own weaknesses also serves to confuse everyone. It makes them think that for him to be amused he has seen some truth they have not, and they feel the amusement comes from his not expecting them to understand him.

I understand one thing only. I love him. I love and trust him as I could only love and trust Robert. I have thought of a surprise for you my love, a gift that I know you will treasure - that we will both treasure. I will give it at some time that you will not expect it.


As always you manage to be short and sweet while leaving me also perplexed. I will not comment on what you say of my eyes and way of speaking, I need to think on it. It is strange how differently we are seen by others, the way we see ourselves never resembles the truth it seems. As for your surprise - it gives me something to look forward to. I know you too well my love, you would not plan something lightly, I know it will be very special.

I have come back from our visit with a lightness in my heart, feeling the change in the little Cherine of Rob has helped cleanse my heart too. Cleansed it of feeling I had acted in a way that harmed her. It is wonderful how different she is to my Cherine. Not having suffered the death of her father and the guilt, yet suffering her own death; her meeting her Robert when so much younger, these have all contributed to turning her into a very different person, though that sense of cheekiness and mischief in her are the same - thank goodness. She would be too much for Rob to handle, if she did not have them.

We are getting close to the two hundred mark. I am getting impatient and feel tempted to take action soon. Still, I think I should rather trust my judgement as it was at the time I made it, rather than now when I am itching to get it over with.

I must thank the spider when this is all over. If not for him, I would not have had this time alone with my Cherine. Somehow, I would have sworn it was impossible, we have grown even closer and she fills my world with a sparkle and joy far above anything I have felt before. It is strange that it is so, for since we have been alone she has refrained from using her emoting, the love I feel from her not being compounded within that circle she sends spinning to impossible heights. It might be that by only feeling from her the love she has for me, I am able more clearly to sense the depth it has and in the same way I am able to see my own love for her and how deep are the roots it has spread throughout me. If I thought I would die if I were to lose her before, then now it is a certainty.

I wonder if in some alternate world there is a Robert who never met his Cherine. I can picture his life. A man who never learnt how to love Dommi. A man who perhaps settled for a relationship with some woman, without the passion of love to fill his heart. An empty sterile life while he keeps himself locked within a bitter seed that he thinks of as memories. Perhaps his only redemption would be if he has children. If he has children, whoever his woman is, I know he would love them above all else in his life. Somehow I find it impossible to imagine such a Robert; the coming together of Cherine and I seems to be the coming together of two souls who are one in every way and we must be destined to love each other in every possible world.

Next Post 197

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
17th March, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 17th March, 2019

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Γιατί ο Ρόμπερτ εξακολουθεί να φοβάται τους εξωγήινους?
μακάρι να υπήρχαν τέτοιοι Άνδρες και τέτοιες γυναίκες όπως περιγράφεις προς το τέλος...
Μόνο στον παράδεισο (αν υπάρχει) θα τα βρεις αυτά....

Sizitane to oti o Ordinx agapaei pio polli tin Samantha, alla o Solomon agapaei ton Robert. Aisthanonte pragmatika megali ευγνωμοσύνη pros stous Sparklers kai tous Anadir, kai den tous fovate - aplos otan tou deihnoun oti ton empistevonte me to mellon tous, aisthanete akoma megaliteri efthini gia ollous tous.

Stin arhi, kai emena mou fairnotan parakseno oti kai oi dyo εξωγήινες φυλές deihnoun tosoi megali agapi gia ton Robert kai tin Cherine. Meta, skeftika, ean den eheis soma, ti thes ta plouti? Ti na kaneis to hriso kai ta diamantia? Giati na theleis ekeino to oikopedo dipla sti thalassa? Ta opla?

San psyhi, den einai kalitera na eheis kai alles psyhes pou na agapas kai na se agapoune? Ef'oson den ehoun peirasmous, nomizo prepei na einai pio anoihtoi pros ta dora tis Cherine kai na vlepoun kalitero mellon ean tin akolouthisoun.

Kai, to kati allo - oi Anadir den mporousan na 'ftiaksoun' soma gia na kanoun episkepseis sto planiti mas. Gia na to kanoun afto, hreiazonte voitheia apo tous Sparklers.

Symfono oti akoma kai se paramythi, prepei panta na yparhoun eksigisois...mono o tempelis συγγραφέας apaiti na akoloutheis kai na pisteveis sta tyfla. Yparhoun fores pou den ksero giati kati ginete i yparhei, alla meta apo ligo kairo, anakalypto ton logo kai hairome - dyladi, den eimoun tempelis, aplos eiha empistosini stous haraktires mou.


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