Why is it So Hard to Write a Post - "Oneself and the Barriers"

in #life7 years ago

Hi Everybody !

I got a lot of friends who I have already invited to join Steemit since months ago. All of them been SO HYPED FOR GETTING STARTED!!

But few days after... and I haven't even seen them creating their accounts or posting anything.

(All the images are my own creation and so I own the rights of them, and I will put random studies of mine just to make the post to look pretty <3)

Disclaimer: I just want to make it clear that this is my personal opinion and experience. I will ask you to not take my words as a science or proof of anything but of my way of understanding this human phenomena.

What makes them do this? Why do they quit before even getting started?


Let's talk about filters...

I love to ask questions. I consider I am not a very smart person, but every time I have a question I just ask without even thinking if it is gonna sound stupid or funny.

As I said before, I have a lot of friends which have been veeeeery hyped about this platform, yet after few days their enthusiasm was already gone. I asked them: "what happened? Why haven't you posted yet? Why haven't you started?".

They were all saying the same: "I don't know what to do! I don't know what to write about! I don't have a talent like you for writing! You have it easier!".

Honestly... Bullshit (or mierda de toro, for our Spanish friends).

Please mark this words: There is nothing that they, or you, or any person that knows to write and read can't do here!

Still, I was really intrigued and I went further, I asked more questions and realized something. I realizede ethree main titles, in the gallery of never getting things done, not only Steemit stuff (but more likely, social-related stuff).
The Filters.


"I gotta do it, I WILL DO IT! But not now... now I am too busy watching instagram". That's exactly what it means to procrastinate. Leave it for later. Leave it for tomorrow... in the end it is the same whenever you do it.

Nope,it's not... People unconsciously think that their next creation, their next post and project HAS TO BE PERFECT. But this stress the crap out of them. Not feeling inspired? Let it for later, the result will always be perfect if you let it to happen tomorrow, next week, next year, next life.

Don't let it root. Finish it now.

Self-Confidence (Or the lack of it)


"Whatever I write it will suck, it will suck so much! Everyone will laugh at me, I am so stupid! I can't even write a post!".

Let me be clear on this. You can't define if something is good or bad, if you haven't done it yet. Let the people decide that. And even if it sucks, let it suck! Learn from that and make it better next time.

Problem I see very often is that people just can't stand the mistakes, a little bit of shame, to fall. They feel their life is gone forever. Their mistake will be a ghost following them for the end of the times.

It won't. Learn from your mistakes. Meditate them. Change something. Retry.

Lack of Trust

"Nic, it's internet! I won't talk about myself! It is full of people that want to hurt me and steal me money!" (okay, maybe I took it a little bit too far).

This sounds actually pretty dumb, but indeed this is the third most used excuse from my friends

See, you can just avoid to add the address of your home, your id number or your not show your car on your posts, you know? It doesn't really have to be a document of your reality.

After this point, people started excusing themselves by saying that it was my fault that I don't help them.

Follow my advice: Just share what you think, share what you do at best or at least what you think you do at best. Share with others your passions. Be free to show your thoughts. You don't need to show everything, just open a little window, and let others enjoy your way of being and your way of thinking.

Thanks a lot for your support and I see you in the next one!


I always try to listen to the ideas of my fellow followers to improve my posts and to give something back to the community... therefor: What would you like the next posts to be about? What should I talk about? What kind of painting? Would you like some tutorials about arts, about cooking? Maybe some fresh gaming broadcast? I would love to know!



I am a fan of original and informative content! The posts that simply reformat other people’s content are so spammy.

I try to write from my own experiences and hope to help people discover new ways to improve their health naturally, without using pharmaceuticals.

Number one on my list - get some sunshine ☀️ everyday! It reduces your risk of dying, improves your mood, and helps your creativity!

Thank you for your words @mhrose ! And I absolutely agree with you. As humans we are forgetting about healthy habits like having sunshine, eating better and exercise daily. Our contemporary rhythm of life makes us to just forget about these things and focus on getting more more more...

...we are naturally "designed" for completely another thing. And we are just letting ourselves to forget about that.

Thank you for this post, you made my day!! These thoughts (like I'll do it later, I want to do smth perfect....) you re writing about are the same for a lot of us. I'm coming back to steemit after months of silence and I feel exactly like the day I just created my account. (omg, what am I going to write about???) Your post is really encouraging to start and to restart writing on steemit! Thanks for that 👍

Don t be shy @anikanam ! I am really sure you can do it! It's all about jumping and improvise in the middle. There is no way that you can fail on this, and think about the following: If you realized that you failed just after clicking the "Publish" button, you even have seven more days to modify the content, or even leave a blank page behind.

Be brave and show the World how amazing you are =)

Thank you so much for your words!

Thank you @anritco. As you say, there is no way that we can fail publishing on steemit. Actually I think that the only way to fail is not writing at all and keep procrastinating =)) good luck to you and thanks for the inspiration you are giving to all newbies.

I am newbie on this platform. Honestly, I also feel that way. I am not a blogger or I am not used to write articles. Being new here, I always think of what will I post that others would give some of their time reading it. I don't know what to write, I don't know how to start a certain topic. But I am starting to love this kind of platform what's why even only few steemians read my post and upvote, I'm trying to post and write eventhough I'm not sure if they gonna like or give their time reading what I post. Maybe that's the struggle we, newbie may encounter here. That's why I always hanging around here reading other steeminas inspiring post for me to inspire and not giving up.. Thanks for this post. It touches my heart and inspires me to continue :)

Thank you so much for your beautiful words @saskia! Don't worry about not having topics or ways to write here in Steemit. Luckily enough most of the community is very open to make suggestions and veeeeeeeeery few of them are destructive critics or trolls.

Time and practice will lead you to do a better job each single time. And if you just have a question, ask! People is willing to share their knowledge and what they think, this is the human nature =)

So don't be shy, and keep doing great!

Thanks for this advice! Maybe its also a human nature of feeling down when others don't appreciate our work. You're right.maybe I need some time and practice my work. Keep inspiring!

That’s true... we are social animals, we need each other in order to survive even! So it s normal to feel that being approved by others is important =)

I agree! But as a newcomer it is slightly harder at the beginning. Because we need to accumulate certain amount of Steem money to promote the page and upgrade upvote power? (Still newbie and trying to figure out how the system works)

Therefore as a new commer, it’s harder to connect to other users and let your work been seen? (Eg. I post a few things these 2 days but didn’t reach anyone, and that feeling makes you wanna give up) I like your post, I will work harder on the content and just keep posting.

Hey, don't give up. I totally agree with what you say. Still, it is about keeping constant. See, I started with ZERO balance in my steem account (well, obviously I started with the 15SP that they give you when you create your acc). And atm I have all what I got that you can see on my balances.

I always made original content, and tried to be constant in the rhythm of my posts. I never got discouraged by the low numbers, which many times they really hit me. I even left the platform for several months in between. So what can you do for getting there? Just keep doing the best that you can =)

I promise you, you will get really far.

I totally agree with you @akirachang.. We gave time to construct articles, hoping others will see our work but then, didn't reach others that much and that gives us a feeling of giving up. I agree also to @anritco that maybe we are discougared by the low upvote we have and I think that's normal. But then, we have to keep posting and keep doing the best we can. Maybe later on others would appreciate our works :)

morning! nice post..and i can relate to this my sister is exactly the same...always wanna do stuff never get anything done...neither can she get herself up to even have a hobby at all..beside hanging around doing nothing in her group but starring at their smartphones...even they could use their freetime for something more usefull..i just dun get whats up with them...is it that hard? kicking ur ass to move forward instead just stepping at the same place for ever...waste of life if u ask me >o<

That sounds terrible... but also sounds like she is 16 years old, trying to get into a social group and find herself part of something. Is she a teenager?

The mistakes that some of us who are IT challenged are making are legion. Each time you think you've learnt something you discover 10 more mistakes you're making. But we don't give up. We'll get it. One day.

Exactly, that s the way to get there. As an artist, I got the same way of being: just keep practicing, until one good day you will just get there.

Yeah. Steemit needs just patience and hard work.

That's absolutely true.

Cool post, I really agree! It's quite hard to overcome your lack of self-esteem when posting around others who might have better writing skills than you.

Well... in order to be even better than them, you just have to practice enough to get there! Practice will lead you to be better in anything you propose to yourself!

I have used those same excuses myself. The reaction I've gotten the most from my friends was surprise when I started telling them about steem.

Indeed, which is actually sad because Steem gives so many opportunities to get a better life style. The saddest part is that you are just trying to help them, and they deny the help.

Nice and inspiring post for us minnows. Steemit requires patience and hardwork. You only take back what you give out. People complain about not getting anything on their post, so they think it is because of what they write. So they give up.

Exactly! You harvest what you seed! The key is to be constant and be opened. Talk to people, ask questions! Be always opened to critiques and never feel you are a failure, you are just learning =)

A baby never feels he/she is a failure when falls. They just pick up themselves and try again.

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