The trend is Selfie mode @Dtube videos, right? | Check out my first video!

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)
Hey Steemians! So, in order to show my support and give @dtube more visibility among my followers, I decided to upload videos to @dtube on a 3 per week basis. This means I need as much feedback from you as I can get!

Please watch the video and let me know - IN ALL HONESTY - what can I improve, what do you think of the video and reply to my questions in the video, I will definitely appreciate any input you guys can give me :)

▶️ DTube

Great to see you on film, and hear your voice, it's been a while, I think the last time I saw you, you were in a basketball court being asked questions about yourself.

I like unscripted videos, and edited ones. Play with it and have fun. Your lighting looked fine, I like that room. Love the Steem bling! See you on Dtube again soon :)

There are many video presentation styles when it comes to video. I think the best style is the relaxed friendly (guided) freestyle. So you're doing it freestyle, but guided by a preset topic.

What I find very helpful is to type out the video description first before recording the video. I find I'm able to speak more logically when I do that.

However good your first video is, the next ones are going to be significantly better, and you're going to look back at this one and cringe haha.

Ahaha that sounds accurate. It's always fun to watch how we evolve and get better in the things we enjoy, and I enjoyed making this video so I'm pretty sure I'll make more! And yes, I'm pretty sure this first one will bring memories in a few months, hopefully not as cringy as you predict!

totally LOL i find my first videos HORRIBLE...but maybe they still are and I just got used to it ahaha

This could be true for all of us in so many levels it's kinda scary :P

Ooo lol good advice. All of my vids are horrible haha, haven't really gotten around to the improvement part yet. I like the idea of writing the description before the vid

That's a great advice. Maybe not writing a script but at least some keywords or maybe an "argument spine" to follow our train of thought :D

  1. Yes, you should change your racoon face, se ve ridiculo. jajaja broma!
  2. Lighting seems good to me
  3. I like what @adetorrent said, freestyle but you picked out a topic.
  4. How are you so natural on camera? You're just like your real self. It's impressive. I, on the other hand, turn into awkward sauce in front of the camera haha.
  5. I like what you did with your steemfest badge
  6. My steemfest shirt already has a hole in the armpit...what should I wear for my future awful videos?!?
  7. I haven't been able to upload to dtube for at least 3 months now =(
  8. I don't usually watch videos. Dunno why. But yes, a lot of people will watch them. I guess I might, too, like right now...I'm watching this one

Improvisational videos 1,000%. Scripted/cut videos aren't natural, and the improved "quality" isn't worth it to me. It makes watching it choppy and annoying on my eyes. I also prefer when someone can make direct eye contact with the camera, so it feels more genuine. When people are reading lines, their eyes are always moving left to right, and their delivery is mechanical. Videos that flow and are imperfect (showing the person's natural personality) are the way to go in terms of my vote.

Furthermore, your skills will sharpen as you make more videos.

When in doubt, do what's more fun for you. You'll obviously have a few planned main points to make, but it's nicer to watch you get to them on your own, instead of feeling like it's so formal/trying to be perfect.

The only caveat is that dtube's videos aren't hosted for super long if you don't meet certain conditions. If you want to keep your video content alive longer, save the files or back them up on YouTube (cough).

I'm with you @steemmatt. I don't really care about fancy tricks and editing and whatever. Just do what's more fun for you. Sounds like the perfect plan.

oh man, I tried to make a freestyle video yesterday and I never know how to look into the camera when holding my phone sideways hahaha I look like shady mcshaderson. Good point about the eyes lol

I'd prefer silent videos from you please. Sign language, mime or pure facial expressions only. Ideally black and white for maximum dramatic effects. Kind of like the old silent movies. Thanks!

Omg you just gave me the best idea for one of my next videos, even if your cold blooded, dark and dry heart meant to hurt me, I'm impervious to your soyboyery 💪

You're welcome ;)

Bahahah @redrica. I'm dying.

Oh so you drop by to comment on comments but not to give me feedback? You, the video queen? That's just wrong in so many levels dude..

Hahha well he did ask for our honest opinion :P

Hope you had an awesome Christmas and NY btw!! I heard you're going to Anarchapulco! Maybe I'll see you there ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

Oooh you are going?? That’s so cool!!

Yes I’ll be there! I think @flauwy said he was going to try to organize a little Steem meetup there. We definitely have to try to meetup at some point either way though!

Still waiting to find out if I get to go, Eric and I both applied for the scholarship, and any minute now the results will be announced (should have been out last Friday!). Hopefully will have good news soon, I'd love to be there!

omg i'm cracking up so hard hahahahaha

Hahaha ;)

Hope you're well lovely!!


Posted using Partiko iOS

I think you can improvise pretty well but would suggest to go in with an agenda of items you would like to discuss to ensure you get the takeaways correct to your audience. At the end you mention the beginning of your journey and I think more experiences on how you grew in the ecosystem would be great to hear.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hey man, thanks for the input. Definitely something to keep in mind, maybe not a proper script but I'm certain a bullet point list of topics or a subject flow will be helpful. Noted on the topic suggestions, thanks for the comment!

impro is always much better and sounds more natural! When I first started making videos I cut out a lot of stuff because I was still uncomfortable. Now it just flows, and I barely cut out anything anymore...I think the more you get used to talking to the camera, the natural it comes, and the less you have to prepare

Since I met you and spoken with you I like this 'freestyle' form better because I just feel like you're talking to me. (Yes, yes, I miss you.) So just go with that.

Love all the SteemFest props as your decor :P

I've always thought improvising is cool as long as you have your thought in order! I'm glad you like the freestyle form <3 I miss you too!!

Ahaha the decorations were the hardest part for me, I'm glad you liked them.

First of all welcome to the @dtube cruise.🙏 Good to hear your free style way👍 ...and love to see Steem all around.👌 ..

Most people do script to make their video meaningful..but a freeway is better any silly , crunch ..mischief in video is always entertaining.....

keep coming....steem on.👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for the warm welcome :)
It seems like freestyle is the form I will use from now on, with a touch of a general topic script but letting my thoughts ramble freely ;)

Thanks for dropping by and watching my first video!

Yes...freestyle is better, as it directly comes from Heart. Doing scripted is like putting make up on your content. .....make sure to keep your mind clear about the topic😉. just flow...👍

Posted using Partiko Android

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