Angela's Steemmonsters Adventure - #6 - FIRST Tinyyyyyy Curie Upvote + NEW Reward Cards Info Sources - Friday, December 14, 2018 - ULOG #42

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)

Exactly six weeks and four days ago, I played my very first Steemmonster battle. That was after I dropped all inhibitions and chose sweet, unadulterated, clean, playful, gift-that-keeps-giving fun. At last.

Welcome to my Steemmonsters world.


Hey STEEM and Steemmonster Fam,

I've never gotten a real Curie vote.

Still haven't.

Some Steemians I know get them often.

So can you imagine my surprise when I checked comments and saw that the @archdruid gaming curation team in partnership with @curie had upvoted my last post, Angela's Steemmonsters Adventure - #5 - FIRST Time On Leaderboard - Tuesday, December 11, 2018 - ULOG #41!!!

I just HAD to take a screengrab to look back on in my older age.

It's spelled out in more detail under the Activity tab section for my account on @surpassinggoogle's


Who would have thunk that battling away on Steemmonsters and sharing how it's going via little blog posts would get me an indirect Curie upvote via the @archdruid gaming curation team?

I didn't even know there was such a team!!!

Thankssss @archdruid gaming curation team.

And I'll be visiting your discord group very soon!

How have you been loving those sharp new Reward Edition Steemmonsters?

I'm looking forward to testing and learning how best to integrate them in my battles.

The one I'm most taken with so far in terms of both awesome cutie-pie-ness and ability intrigue is Mushroom Seer.

Just LOVE looking at her:

Him? :)


Isn't that just the cutest monster everrrr????

Maybe once I hit publish for this post, I'll go search to see who has written up about the Mushroom Seer's abilities and given tips on how to use her.... him.... it.

My daily quest yesterday was Earth. I was keeling over last night dying to sleep and making stupid battling mistakes. So I decided to leave the last two battles for early this morning....

I'll probably just go in and test her out myself.

She has the 'silencing' ability.

What in heaven's name is that???

Well, I DID search.

And I found two great posts that deal directly with the new Steemmonster reward cards. I stuck the first in as a PS but when I found the second, more recent @Steemmonsters post, I came in to edit so that they would both be in this new section.

Just goes to show.... ask a question and the answer will present itself. Now we can study up and then practice using our new Steemmonster babies much more easily! LOVE it.

So here goes.....

NEW Steemmonsters Reward Cards Explained


My first search result was @flauwy's wonderful rundown of the new Rewards Edition Steemmonsters. Didn't want to wait until my next post to share it so had to come back in.... Thanks so much, @flauwy!!!

You can brush up on all the new abilities our lovely new Rewards monsters offer here:


Then I found @Steemmonster's overview, New Reward Edition Cards!. Direct link:

The post breaks down all the new Season rewards by league so that you know exactly how many cards you'll get depending on how high you climb up the league ladder.

New Season Rewards:
Bronze III = 5 cards
Bronze II = 10 cards
Bronze I = 15 cards
Silver III = 20 cards
Silver II = 25 cards
Silver I = 30 cards
Gold III = 35 cards
Gold II = 40 cards
Gold I = 45 cards
Diamond III = 50 cards
Diamond II = 65 cards
Diamond I = 80 cards
Champion III = 100 cards
Champion II = 125 cards
Champion I = 150 cards

It also tells you about the daily quest rewards:

New Daily Quest Rewards:
Bronze - 1 card
Silver - 5 cards
Gold - 10 cards
Diamond - 15 cards
Champion - 20 cards

The post also lists all the new cards and gives the relevant ability each card offers.

Of course, the VERY FIRST post on the new cards was published by @quantumnachos BEFORE the new Season started.

It gave me my first heads up on all the new Steemmonster beauties we'd be playing with within a few short hours.

Thankssss so much, quantumnachos!!!! You get your own section in my post!!! ;)

Here's where you can find the introductory info on the new Steemmonsters Reward Card Edition that provided KEY intel when no one had a CLUE when the new Season would start and what new cards were about to be introduced:

10 new steemmonster cards and their stats coming season 4

In case you prefer the direct link, here it is:


Between these three great posts and our own practice battling, we'll soon get the hang of things as we scoot/slog up to the Master League!!!

Talk soon again and see you on the battlefield,


PS Here's what I love about battling that's currently available RIGHT NOW via Steemmonsters:

  • extra joy and happiness
  • continuous, evolving daily quest and ranking goals with sweet matching, dependable, ongoing accomplishments and prizes
  • real immediate results
  • AMAZINGLY delicious, regular, hourly and daily heart smiles and fun, extra, happy jump-out-of-bed boost
  • list goes on and on....

If you aren't yet play battling on Steemmonsters, start playing and earning your DAILY GIFT Steemmonsters Booster Pack Prize.

Each daily quest pack prize will have at least one Rare or higher level card that you can either keep or sell on the Steemmonster's market.


You'll find full instructions on how to start battling under 'Battle' then 'How To Play' when you login to your STEEMMONSTERS account.

PPS I'm still practicing my 'not-limiting-to-30 Days' personal Ho'oponopono healing forgiveness and gratitude challenge. I just use the simple 4-line exercise on anything that triggers, saddens, upsets or calls to me for attention during my days, including horrible news and world events.

Here's the four line exercise:

“I’m sorry.
Please forgive me.
I love you.
Thank you.”

And here's my early, first post-HF20 Ho'oponopono inner detox five minute freewrite:

AND here's where you can get my help in cleaning up whatever aspect of your front burner life issues you choose to at this time so you can more quickly manifest the changes you want to:

Copyright @ Angela Chen Shui.
All Worldwide rights reserved.

Main graphic source, unless specifically stated otherwise, via my Stencil account or personal info screen grabs. #Ulogger footer via @phantum04, page dividers via @kristyglas.



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