Shocking UFO Footage Released By Chilean Navy Matches Several Other Well Known Sightings

in #news7 years ago (edited)

 Earlier this year the Chilean Navy released one of the most revealing UFO disclosure videos to date—from an incident that occurred in 2014. The footage shares a shocking resemblance to past UFO sightings. In this story we are going to take a look at several other similar military UFO sightings as well as whistle-blowers. 

This recent release isn’t the first and it won’t be the last, as disclosure  is slowly coming out to the public for what’s perceived to be a  decade-long plan to finally disclose to the citizens of earth that we  are not alone.

“On November 11, 2014, a Chilean Navy  helicopter (Airbus Cougar AS-532) was on a routine daytime patrol  mission flying north along the coast, west of Santiago. On board were  the pilot, a Navy Captain with many years of flying experience, and a  Navy technician who was testing a WESCAM’s MX-15 HD Forward Looking Infra Red (FLIR) camera,  used most often for “medium-altitude covert intelligence, surveillance  and reconnaissance,” according to the product website. The aircraft was  flying at an altitude of approximately 4,500 feet on a clear afternoon  with unlimited horizontal visibility, and the air temperature at that  height was 50 degrees F (10 C). There was a cloud base above at 10,000  feet, and a layer of stratuscumulos clouds below. The helicopter was  flying at about 132 knots, or 152 mph,” Leslie Keen wrote.“This  has been one of the most important cases in my career as director of  CEFAA because our Committee was at its best, “ General Bermúdez said in  an email. “The CEFAA is well regarded partly because there is full  participation from the scientists of the academic world, the armed  forces through their representatives, and the aeronautic personnel from  the DGAC, including its Director. I am extremely pleased as well with  the conclusion reached which is logical and unpretentious.” The official  conclusion was that “the great majority of committee members agreed to  call the subject in question a UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) due  to the number of highly researched reasons that it was unanimously  agreed could not explain it.  This  case represents one of the most puzzling and fascinating of all cases  in the CEFAA files, according to Jose Lay. ‘It is our first video taken  with a sophisticated camera in the infra red; the first time we have  ever seen the ejection of a substance from a UAP; the first time we have  a sighting lasting over nine minutes with two highly reliable  witnesses,’ he said,” Keen wrote.

For more of Keen’s story and this new groundbreaking UFO sighting, you can read more here. Now let’s talk about other similar sightings caught by various military  organizations of the world that are unknown unidentifiable and defy  physics by our standards.

1. Mexican Air Force Video – On  March 5, 2004, the Mexican Air Force spotted 11 unidentified objects in  a video later released and shown on Fox News a few years ago.The  incredible sighting first showed one or two objects and later these one  to two objects became several, totaling up to 11 different objects  flying across the screen.

2. The Brazilian 1986 UFO jet chase – On  the evening of May 19, 1986, the Integrated Air Defense, Air Traffic  Control Center and the Sao Paulo Airport had unidentified radar returns  for approximately twenty unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The radar  only tracks solid metallic bodies or heavy mass clouds, so when twenty  unidentified objects were discovered, several pilots were dispatched to  track, identify and confirm what these objects were. The Ministry of  Aeronautics never released that commission report, despite the media  heavily following the stories that were openly discussed. A few years  ago Brazil finally released video of the commission and interviews of  the pilots.

3. DHS Puerto Rican UFO  – In my opinion, the third most revealing video after the Mexican video  and recently released Chilean UFO is the DHS Puerto Rican UFO CCTV  footage. A video that was leaked to me and several other people shows a  military chase of a UFO over Puerto Rico that is incredible to watch. 

4. Nevada UFO footage over S13 Nellis Base  – The fourth most revealing is the UFO footage over S13 Nellis Base in  Nevada which was leaked by an unknown individual in the 1990’s that was  tracked down and put in jail shows some of the most shocking radar  footage. Listen to the radar operators talk about how they have no idea what they are dealing with. Kind of like those Russian flight control  operators who said that aliens were speaking to them in a weird cat-like language.

There are also the mind-blowing photos that were allegedly taken by the U.S. Navy submarine the USS Trepang in 1971, but that were later alleged to be wrong and the origin of the photos are said to be unknown.  

The Rendlesham Forest, or Bentwaters incident, and Colonel Charlies Halt  audio recording is quite shocking and revealing as well, just listen for yourself:

At this point, you may find yourself asking “what the hell are these  crafts?” and if I had that definitive answer, I would tell you. The two  possibilities are advanced military craft and alien off-world craft. In my opinion, it’s both. For now though we will stick to the alien angle…

Next, the problem with claims by the CIA that “all the UFO sightings were us in the 1950’s,” is  that UFO sightings have been going on long before the 1950s, while the CIA alleges that it was all them with the U-2 spy plane. This is a  cover up from the bigger picture, it’s notable that during World War II  in Germany, allied aircraft pilots often reported mysterious glowing,  fast-moving, circular lights, which were dubbed “Foo Fighters.” The New York Times reported “Foo-Fighters” as “military slang for flying saucers.”

In the video below, Lt. Col Lawrence J. Tacker and Maj Hetor Quintanilla, Jr., speak about UFOs and Project Blue Book,  which relates to the identification of unidentified flying objects  (UFOs). They determined that UFOs do not pose a security risk and that they were identifiable. However, a Dr. J. Allen Hynek who was on the Blue Book commission confessed years later that he lied and it was a cover up. Hynek also founded CUFOs or The Center For UFO Studies after coming clean.

Project Blue Book wasn’t the only investigation into UFOs—there was also Project Grudge, Project Sign, the Cometa Report, Majestic 12, Robertson Panel and others. The former CIA Director Roscoe Hillenkoetter agreed with Hynek in a New York Times article that is oddly titled, “AIR FORGE ORDER ON ‘SAUCERS’ CITED; Pamphlet by the Inspector General Called Objects a ‘Serious Business“ that contradicts Project Blue Book’s findings. Hillenkoetter said that the Air Force called UFOs “serious business in secret.”It’s no wonder that they were called “serious business” because years prior in 1942, the incident known as the Battle Of Los Angeles  took place where the U.S. military shot at an unknown disk over California that they later called a weather balloon—just like the infamous Roswell incident  which they first said was a saucer, later changed to a balloon filled with crash dummies. 

Another high-ranking official Major Donald Keyhoe  alleged in an earlier 1958 interview (below) that the Air Force was  deliberately dismissing and covering up UFOs, confirming Hillenkoetter and Hynek's claims made years later. Major Keyhoe also exposes the  lie of the CIA that all the UFO sightings were the agency, when he says that “one pilot was killed in 48 chasing one.” He also said that if they  don’t exist “why do they rush to these crash sites?” Not to mention  there is a report that the Air Force was ordered to shoot down flying  saucers.

If that’s not enough for you, NASA even has a report on classical antiquities that have UFOs in them. Which means that they acknowledge that ancient artwork depicts flying saucers.

Then there is the recent case last year of a whistle-blower Victor Viggiani, leaking 11 TOP SECRET NORAD documents called the “Renock files,” proving that the UFO/ET topic is a matter of National Security.  As Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, former NATO five-star general said about the Bentwater UFO Incident, “the UFO subject has great significance and should no longer be denied and kept secret the public can handle the truth.”

The  truth is that the world governments likely have no idea what these crafts are, and many whistle-blowers in the government have admitted to this. Another fun fact is that these crafts are frequently seen around missile silos causing nuclear weapon stations to go haywire and go offline disabling them since 1948, according to Captain Robert Salas

If  a missile is launched with an aggressive intent (see North Korea) the rocket constantly fails. Former NASA Astronaut Edgar Mitchell has even said that UFOs stopped nuclear war.Because of this, these crafts pose a significant risk to national security.  It’s no longer the x-files coined phrase “I want to believe.” It has now become “you have been  given all of the evidence for the past decade of various unexplainable sightings and you either choose to believe or deny reality.”

Ultimately,  your own personal thoughts don’t change the outcome of our reality. If  in 2017 you really believe that we are alone in such a vast universe made up of billions of galaxies, you may need a reality check. 

The truth  is painstakingly obvious: you can debunk one instance, but you can’t  honestly tell me you can debunk every single instance of a  UFO—especially the credible sightings by Air Force pilots who are  trained to recognize all types of objects in the sky.

NASA space shuttle programmer Wayne Hale called them “lights in our skies” as he said in a Fox News interview prior to the NASA Atlantis landing, saying  “for many years we have been chasing these lights in our skies and although we don’t know what they are or where they came from we have found they haven’t posed us  any significant risk or hazard.”

The  government wants to keep this stuff secret and we now know that definitively. NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden expanded on that belief  further when he released slides on UFOs that suggested a Cointelpro disinformation operation was within the NSA's black budget. In the same retrospect, though, the NSA has a document entitled “Key To The Extraterrestrial Message“( now deleted from the NSA website.

Presidents and UFOs:

There  are several cases of presidents and UFOs and interest, including Harry  Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, George H. W.  Bush, Bill Clinton, and some even had UFO sightings like Jimmy Carter  and Ronald Reagan who both said they saw UFOs.

Lawrence Rockefeller Letter to Bill Clinton.#Disclosure #WeAreNotAlone— AKilluminati (@An0nKn0wledge) August 24, 2015
New shock claim JFK was 'murdered by CIA' days after demanding UFO files and NASA visit:— AKilluminati (@An0nKn0wledge) March 31, 2016

In 2015, there was a Mock Congressional Hearing called The Citizens Hearing On Disclosure:

While I have connected several dots, there are still more unanswered questions, unmentioned whistle-blowers and sightings. Do you really believe all those are explainable by terrestrial means?

Will 2017 be the year  that the world governments finally come clean about the unknown extraterrestrial presence visiting our planet? If that wasn’t enough for  you, here is a video of NASA UFOs that was supplied with the article “Wikileaks The X-Files.”

Finally, check out the Brookings DoD Report sent to NASA in the 1960’s during the height of the cold war “Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs.” The United States Air Force also has a space agency separate from NASA. Its called the USAF Space Command. 

[RELATED: The Origins And 50 Years Of Evidence Of A Secret Space Program]

For  more documents, you can search Twitter for #TheUFOFiles which is a compilation of all publicly available UFO documents released by various  governments up until 2014. As former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer said in 2013 “there is an overwhelming amount of evidence of  extraterrestrial life and proof of UFOs.” 

Scientists already confirmed a radio signal deep in space publicly and then there is the infamous WOW Signal. This stuff is really happening and you and I are apart of this momentous time in history.


This is a subject that fascinates me. I believe we are not the only planet with life and that somewhere out there is a civilisation far more advanced than our own. Have they visited us? Maybe.

While I think the majority of cases are either misidentified, a good portion are secret military and government programs.

What's left are a small percentage of cases so baffling that no explanation other than alien can be put forward.

Thanks for this excellent write up.

ill go deeper into this next ill answer that question. :)

hmm, Guess they are out there.

Excellent work, I want to state I now strongly believe that outer space and the heliocentric model Is a lie and that these craft come from territory's here on Earth or other dimensions.

Just because YOU can't identify it doesn't mean it's a UFO. 😂😂😂

Did you read the full post?

No, just headline - like most of the planet

Very good breakdown. I have been researching this topic for many years and definitely think we are getting close to disclosure. What we need to be careful about is a partial disclosure where the US government controls the narrative and can still keep many things hidden from the public i.e free energy, health tech and many many other life changing things. I just started with Steem it and hope to provide my own articles breaking this down and hopefully giving an interesting perspective. People like Dr.Greer, Richard Dolan and Linda Molten Howe are a very popular disclosure advocates that i follow and who have great info. Thank you guys and hope to be in touch.

Another really well researched and written post buddy.
We're definitely not alone and never have been in the whole of recorded history. The cover up is clever as it makes believers and researchers of this subject to be kooks and 'conspiracy theorists' to discredited their work.
The ancient evidence of visitations is incredible and has been wrapped up and stolen by organised religions into their belief systems to keep control of the 'sheeple'.
Great work.

OMG this is awesomeeee.!!!!

You are going to love the next part of this then. :)

Today in the night I will investigate and read all ur blog much possible wow thanks God I find u...!! ^ ^ people like u give me a >---------------Creativity Booster..!!!!--------->

Thank you for posting. I am really into ufo and related subjects. It a fascinating field. My favourite show is I highly recommend it. Martin Willis who hosts it, is really good at interviewing and he keeps things on subject and not too far of the ground. :D

I might be wrong, but I recall that the Chilean UFO was proven to be a plane and Leslie Kean accepted that. It's good to see people being professional, as oppose to the 'believer' kind who gets easily offended.

I am not sure if we are visited by extraterrestrials and in my opinion we still lack good enough evidence to prove it. That said, there is plenty interesting accounts and videos out there to wonder about it.

I did see a very strange light in the sky last December. The sighting lasted only around 10 seconds. It was green and large enough so that I should see at least a part of the craft around it, as with planes or helicopters, but I didn't. It moved incredibly fast, it disappeared and repapered in a different position within a fraction of a second and then it began flashing before vanishing completely. I have no explanation for what it was. It could be something military. I live not too far from RAF base, and we see air traffic from there occasionally. That said, they never fly low over the city and I am yet to see the green light again.

There is well enough evidence to prove that the governments of the world are aware of EBEs and EDEs (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities and (Extradimensional Entities) visiting us. Check out the new documnetary film by Steven Greer "Unacknowledged."

Some maybe real UFO's other not. but need to keep an open mind about things like this. today with all the drones it's even hard to determine what kind of UFO it really is.

I have studied this topic for a very long time what is provided in this article are old ufo cases and military cases for a reason. :) Where as I agree now it it is harder to distinguish between drones or black project aircraft there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that all of these craft aren't ours.

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