Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W4:Childhood or adulthood, which do you prefer? by @amryksr | #burnsteem25

On this occasion I will participate in the Challenge held by @steemkidss in the third session and in the fourth week. You can see the Challenge post here Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W4:Childhood or adulthood, which do you prefer?.

Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W4 Childhood or adulthood, which do you prefer.png

Adults and children will be different in all aspects, be it in terms of learning, moral or material needs and responsibilities. For adults, the aspect of learning becomes a necessity for future living conditions, while for children, the learning aspect becomes a pattern of learning in the future.

In everyday life, children are only preoccupied with playing and having various toys, while adults are already faced with the challenges of life that we will face.

Who is considered as a child in your country? Include age

In Indonesia, what is considered a child is a child who is not yet 18 years old. In Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights it is stated that a child is every human being who is under 18 (eighteen) years old and unmarried, including children who are still in the womb if this is in their interests.

In the Juvenile Criminal Justice System Act, that a child is defined as follows:

  • Children in conflict with the law: children who are 12 years old but not yet 18 years old
  • Children who are victims of criminal acts: children who are not yet 18 years old, but experience physical and mental violence
  • Children become criminal witnesses: children who are not yet 18 years old, but can provide information for investigation.

Unlike the case with a child who is not yet 18 years old, but who is married is no longer mentioned as a child, but he is an adult. The marriage regulation in Indonesia is different again, that the age for marriage for both men and women has reached 19 years.

Who is considered as an adult in your country? Include age

The word adult is not foreign to our ears. The word adult is divided to divide the age group. The word mature is broadly described as someone who already has mature thoughts.

As for the age limit for adults in Indonesia, there are still various laws and regulations. In Islamic law and civil law law, the adult age limit is already 21 years old. In contrast, the Indonesian Supreme Court states that the adult age limit is 18 years. Whereas in the general election law the president and vice president are stated to be 17 years old or married.

In general, what is called an adult in Indonesia is someone who is 18 years old and already has an Identity Card, then someone is considered an adult. In fulfilling obligations, adults are different from children. In the eyes of the law, the adult age limit is very important, because it relates to whether or not it is permissible to take legal actions.

Childhood or Adulthood

Childhood or Adulthood questions are very interesting to discuss. Even though childhood is a time to play and not have responsibilities, but I love adulthood. Because in adulthood is very important for relationships with other people. In adulthood we have gained physical, mental and intellectual maturity.

As adults we are faced with a new life and new hope. In adulthood we already have and think about having a family and working. When we grow up, we no longer depend on our parents. In adulthood we already have big responsibilities and broad mindset.

3 reasons why I prefer adulthood

When I choose adulthood, it means I already have a reason. Here are 3 reasons I chose adulthood:

1. Responsible

As adults we have responsibility for what we all do. Everything we are going to do, we have to think carefully and not do it with rah-rah. By having responsibility, we will do things with care.

When we are children, our parents have a responsibility for us. When we grow up our responsibility to our children later and our responsibility to the parents who have raised us.

2. Be grateful

When we grow up we will be grateful for what we have. As we grow up we are grateful for what we have and what we don't have. If we are grateful we will not be jealous of what other people have.

Adults will be grateful when they are in trouble or difficulty and will not blaspheme others for what happened to them. When we are grateful we will be friendly with others, even though we are in trouble.

3. Caring for others

When we grow up, then we will care about other people. By not prioritizing yourself, you will even prioritize others who need it more than us. When we grow up, caring for others cannot be separated. Because caring comes from the deepest conscience.

With the care that we do for others, we will automatically become role models for many people. And other people who never cared about other people, then they will also care about the people around them.

If you have pictures of your childhood and adulthood, we will like to see it

Until today, I am 34 years old and I am grateful that I am still given health to live. I have a wife and 2 children and both of my children are boys.

But unfortunately, I don't have many pictures that I saved in the past. Both when I was a child and when I grew up.


When I Was 7 Years Old, 1995


When I Was 13 Years Old, 2001


When I Was 16 Years Old, 2004


When I Was 29 Years Old, 2017


Present time


My boys

I invite my friends to be able to participate in the Challenge held by @steemkidss. Please participate @zainalbakri, @ayijufridar, @husaini, @f2i5, @afrizalbinalka, @irawandedy, @klen.civil, @musdezal, @jufrimj, @tucsond, @moer, @liasteem and other friends.


About me @amryksr



Your kids are looking so cute together. Adulthood is full of responsibility and we are independent at this age. You have shared your points about your adult life very well.

Maybe when we were little we had enough to play and when we grow up it's time for us to be responsible for the actions we did when we were little.

Caring for others, responsibility, and being grateful is the reason why you prefer adulthood, it is a stage where we at held accountable for our actions, you have shared exclusively on childhood and adulthood.

Thanks for sharing
Greetings and blessings

Yes, that's right, my friend, I prefer adults over children. When we grow up, our thoughts are not like children anymore.

You are welcome of course our thoughts become more mature

As adults we are taught many things, from being responsible, grateful and caring for others.

Yes, that true, thank for the reply.

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@tipu curate

Hello friend, I also chose adulthood, it is an age with many responsibilities but we can decide for ourselves and do it with the help of God. Well written, an article with your good reasons for choosing. Greetings and blessings

It's time for us to be responsible, where it's time for other people's children who are responsible for us. Now is the time for us to take responsibility.

 2 years ago 

Being an adult is really responsible. We should take care of the family and we also must love it. Being an adult is a blessing too. We get everything from our hard work and blessings so Adulthood is also a grateful thing.

This is where when we grow up we have responsibilities, unlike when children only think about playing.

 2 years ago 

Hi, friend. Very interesting to know the laws to know when someone is a child or an adult in Indonesia.

It is important that we are comfortable in adulthood since it is the time in which we have to live today.

I liked the points you express: being responsible, grateful and caring for others. Taking care of the parents who in turn took care of us when we were children. It is something very important and beautiful. As well as taking care of our children.

Thanks for sharing 😊

When we are children, parents are responsible for their children, both responsible for fulfilling wishes and responsible for giving what we dream of. Now is the time for us to be responsible to our children or parents.

 2 years ago 

Great entry you have here my friend, you prefer adulthood to childhood because you want to care for others, you like be responsible and also because of gratefulness. That is the true character of an adult. I wish you success in this contest my friend. Please do well to visit my blog and also engage with me.

In childhood we are still having fun, while in adulthood we already have responsibilities. Whether it's a responsibility for yourself or for others.

 2 years ago 

greetings friend
certainly in most countries, you are an adult apart from 18 years old, with variation of treatment according to the law.
adulthood is undoubtedly a stage of Independence, I liked it a lot, the importance you give to Gratitude, something really essential, a pleasure to read you.
Greetings and success!!!

Different countries have different laws that will interpret the age limit for children and adults

 2 years ago 

Saludos amigo, buena participación. Usted prefiere la adultez por grandes razones, una de ellas es que somos agradecidos. Eso es cierto, al crecer y tener responsabilidades que antes nuestros padres tenían nos abre los ojos, y nos podemos dar cuenta de lo difícil que a veces es la vida y que a pesar de ello, nuestros padres hicieron todo lo posible para darnoslo todo.

Que hermosas fotos de tu niñez y tus pequeños dos niños, sin duda tienen a un gran padre ejemplar.

Éxitos y bendiciones.

Gracias por el cumplido y realmente disfruté escuchándolo.
En la edad adulta debemos tener responsabilidades con los demás, ya sea con la familia o con los demás.

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