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RE: Announcing Steemit's New Delegation Application Process

in #steemit5 years ago

It's known that I was cheering for something like this since spring 2018. The main reason is the fact that I lived in a socialist country and I knew how to recognize the same mistakes and how to predict the inevitable collapse of such economical model.

Why this is good?
It's good to save at least something

Why is this bad?
Because the math is harsh and it always strikes you.
1.000.000 delegation = 150 $ generated per day
500.000 = 75 $ = nothing special
100.000 = 15 $ = nothing

If someone accepts this offer, there are two options:

  • to do nothing/ to invest nothing and redistribute 1-3 average net salaries per month
  • to do some money laundry and upvote boy/girl/whatever-friend

Why is this bad, No.2?
It's bad because you are targeting people who are already on Steemit to redistribute Steemit users with some rewards

What should be done instead?

Well, it would be the best to contact those who are doing well without steem, to use steem as something new, fresh and catchy.

Before that, you also need to make some simple tools how to integrate Steem with any existing website in about 2-3 hours.
some bloggers, some people who are on Patreon, covering niches

Steemit supporting steemians to support steemians is a bit pointless and time tested already


For patreon we have and @fundition needs a muchj simpler version , or @roelandp 's could be made fiat friendly and not justs teem only , but we also can get MORE integration with that HAAS steem and lets you donate like streamlabs i think ask @skycorridors or naomi the bitcoin aystralian who uses it, maybe she can tell us if it works enough like patreon and if steem worksd for more than just donos

anyway it doenst matter if steemit does ANYTHING, user accounts has to be subsidized first, eitehr lower the fee to create accounts or @ned just has to pay forthat\

maybe @elipowell can usethis delegation to pay for new accounts using dont tell me we dont have demand for steem accounts i know we do, steemit inc and ned are just "protecting the name space" thats what ned said to thedegensloth ... ned is protecting steem's ACCOUNT NAME space... no idea if he was serious or was doing a wanna be steve jobs excuse lol but theer IS SOME UNTOLD reason ned is not onboarding... when he WAS at one point ... liek when i joined in march 2017... i got an account instantly and i remember teh day we went to a waiting list and thats when we TOTALLY lost our momentum.. we could have used some sort of scaffolding with support of @pharesim wiuth his but nope... i calculate that @steem @steemit and all of steemit incs SP around 50 million SP can generate around 5 million free instant accounst a ytear... shoudl be a good start... dunno why they arent using the steeminvite tool to create the claimed accounts ... maybe they need to still create a tool to manage neds steempower... HES PROBABLY too scar5ed to trust anyone with it.... i bet you

There are countless empirical measurements that are clearly showing what is the time frame to acquire a new user during Sign-up procedure. If it's longer than 1 minute - it's too long.

If you want users, make it simple. That must be the first step.

Ok you say that but do you udnerstand how signups work? how RC works? Theonly signup portals are the ones i listd and and maybe and aq few other front ends that maybe signup 10 peoepl a day... steemit inc just has to pay... they can onbaord users like they did before... they used to have things just fine but they changed it to save money... they cant get around paying for new users,

Who cares how it works... Seriously, I have no idea how parts of cigarete ligher works. I know that if I have that thing, I will light up some candels and if I have two rocks or two sticks to make fire - It's not worth trying.

As I've explained about 563 times:

  • let the people interact with the platform in 3s. Sign-up, FB, Guest Acoount. Just make a public account(s), with a simple, copy-paste posting key known to everyone, fill it up with some power and let - 7.000 people interact with Steemit
  • When they are hooked, they will have the option to create their own account
  • Good... Now... I absolutely don't care about RC. Do something Marxists would do, take them from bourgeoisie :D without even asking them. There are accounts with millions of Steem Power, just take a tiny, tiny bit of that recoverable stuff and make the account immediately.

Magic... I hope it's simple to understand why, because having 7.000 active users after 3 yers, or 1.100 days = 6 users per day, on average, or... 1 user every 4 hours.

In order to have 1 million users, with this pace, it will take some 100 years.
Unless that is the part of the vision 2100 - the plan is not good

@alexs1320 I think that is the main problem with steem. People who run and manage the platform, have a lot of knowledge about programming, but almost none about human minds and how to make things interesting to the public

Well... Nobody should run the platform, considering it is a blockchain. We are all shareholders, Steemit Inc. is just a bigger one...

That's whole other thing, but yeah. I hear how decentralised it is. It is so some degree, but I think no platform can be 100% decentralised. There are always people who have to run the whole show and make adjustments, depending on market and users

How come the STEEM facebook scam is coming from the official STEEM FB account? Also since all the sock puppet accounts are fake, and also verified by me to be fake without any matching tx's why would this scam be posted by steemit in the first place? Surely if it were real someone would be using it and sending some steem back here?? So who owns the steemit FB account and why is this post still being posted on FB? Is this a scam YES or NO? ! I know you will never answer me, I better start flagging again soon!

It's bad because you are targeting people who are already on Steemit to redistribute Steemit users with some rewards

Steemit supporting steemians to support steemians is a bit pointless and time tested already

This is a "circle-jerk" that has been going on since launch. I get that it's important to talk about things that are important to/for Steem and to support infrastructure and marketing, but constantly funding low-quality efforts to hype the platform...on the platform...and reward people for simply being here is just pissing money down the drain. And you're right - this has been done repeatedly and the results are clear: It does not work.

The only solution is:

  • SIMPLE SignUp
  • FREE SignUp
  • Partnership between Steem(it) and someone big

I would be happy to earn 0 Steem, if the price of 1 Steem = 10 $

The problem with Steemians is that they are not able to understand that

(10.000 Steem x 0.3 $) + 50$ today < (10.000 Steem x 3 $) + 0$ today

I really always wonder why many big stake holders care that much about their ROI? Is it better to get a big part of a small cake or a decent part of a huge cake?

Do my Bitcoins reward me with any interest?

I would happily refrain from earning any more STEEM if that caused a significant rise of the STEEM price.

As the value of a (social) network is measured among others by the number of its users, we should do everything to get as many satisfied new users on board and retain them as possible.

As the value of a (social) network is measured among others by the number of its users, we should do everything to get as many satisfied new users on board and retain them as possible.

I've had the solution for months and months, and although the reaction to it by everyone is 'awesome and exciting', nobody is willing to help me dedicate development to it because these things take time and money. Delegations, especially at this price that gives out $15 a pop max at 1 million SP, are pointless if the recipient is just going to use it to continue the status quo. A delegation does not excite outside investors. It'll never satisfy and retain users for more than a month or so (usually 1 or 2 posts before a user is gone for good right?) in and of itself.

People, by and large, do not enjoy blogging. There has to be a remedy for that and it's not bigger and bigger delegations, enticing with money. I know what the answer is, and I'll try and get the delegation for it, but I've babbled on about the idea long enough...

I'm glad to see that people like you understand what is the key point - users

retention is the main point here

"... reward people for simply being here is just pissing money down the drain. And you're right - this has been done repeatedly and the results are clear: It does not work."

There are examples of delegations for this exact purpose of working to grow the market for Steem: the original delegations Steemit made to onboard new users. Delegations for larger accounts, such as Dtube, also seem to be doing good.

I haven't made a meticulous analysis, but during periods when Steem users were increasing, those delegations were integral to that growth, and Dtube is approaching a form, IMHO, that may enable them to grow by absorbing disenchanted youtubers. I am shocked they aren't enabling folks whose content is demonetized on youtube to be monetized when ported to Dtube, and think if they do, they will quickly gain import as that will enable youtubers to keep their youtube channels, but to get around demonetization by migrating their audience to Dtube where their content and audience can provide substantial economic benefits.

Not really disagreeing with your overall points, just pointing out that specific delegations of the Steemit stake can do a lot of good.

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